3 Amendments of Lucas HARTONG related to 2012/2062(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 1
1. Reaffirms that the universal human rights and freedoms as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply to every human being, regardless of any circumstance or situation, custom or religion; stresses, at the same time, that the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) cannot be equated with this;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 6
6. Calls for the inclusion of a human rights assessment in the deployment of EU country aid modalities and the conclusion of implementation agreements and of agreements (particularly concerning fisheries) with countries, in particular regarding budget support;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 8
8. Recalls that democracy and the rule of law are prerequisites for, but not identical to, the fulfilment of human rights; calls on the EU to support the establishment of democratic and human rights-based ideals throughout society, especially with a view to promoting gender equalityfreedom of expression and assembly and women’s and children’s rights;
Committee: DEVE