8 Amendments of Amelia ANDERSDOTTER related to 2013/2196(DEC)

Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 64
64. Is deeply worried that personal and confidential individual mail-boxes of selected Members, parliamentary assistants and officials have been compromised after the Parliament has been subject to a man- in-the-middle attack where a hacker has captured the communication between private smartphones and the public Wi-Fi of the Parliament; insists that Parliament's IT an indefpence policy should be reinforced against any possible type of cyber-attacks; points out that user devices and access to Parliament’s systems from the internet have to be better protected in order to avoid similar situations in the futuredent third party ICT security audit carried out on all parliamentary ICT and telecommunications systems in accordance with the specifications laid down in Annex I with a view to completing a clear roadmap towards a more robust ICT security policy in 2015;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65
65. Considers that guest users should have access to a Wi-Fi network that cannot grant access to the intranet or internal IT services of the Parliament such as the webmail, thus separating the functionalities of the private Wi-Fi network and the guest Wi-Fi network; is of the opinion that an independent security audit should be carried out on the whole of Parliament’s IT and telecommunication infrastructure that reassures that Parliament operates within the highest available security standards against hacking and telephone tapping activities;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 a (new)
65a. Considers that the important advancements pointed out in paragraph 21 of this document must be supported by adequate investments in support and maintenance activities for these projects, as well as the appropriate cooperation with members and staff; points out in particular the successful launch of the AT4AM system; regrets the discontinuation of the European Parliament Linux distribution configuration, which was never marketed or targeted towards members and staff who would have had an interest in such a project; notes that the introduction of new working tools for Members and staff assumes that pilot-phase testing of such working tools is done only in cooperation with such members and staff that are willing to endure the additional work that pilot-phase testing entails;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 b (new)
65b. Is concerned with the findings of the DG ITEC ICT architecture report, which indicates that Parliament is currently using taxpayers' money to fund firewall vendors implicated in grave human rights violations in third countries by respected journalism freedom groups; remarks that open source solutions for firewalls are readily available and should be explored; insists that it is of utmost concern that Parliament and its administration are not seen to contribute to hardships and oppression through its ICT procurement;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 c (new)
65c. Insists in the same spirit that Parliament cooperation collaborates further with DG DIGIT to identify not only new, disruptive ICT tools from non- incumbent vendors, but also suitable replacements for old ICT tools and infrastructures that go in the direction of open, interoperable and non-vendor dependent solutions with a view to social, ethical and economical responsibility;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 66 c (new)
66c. Urges the Secretary-General to prioritise the employment of individuals which can work with effective conversion and development of open source, open standards based solutions, and the identification of appropriate social, ethical and secure software and hardware to replace old, vendor-dependent or suspicious ICT architectures;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 66 g (new)
66g. Urges the Secretary-General to additionally secure that ICT support staff are available to members and staff at the work location, to enable both ICT support staff and parliamentary staff and members with the security and comfort of interacting face-to-face; reminds the Secretary-General that remote-access ICT support can be uncomfortable and less appropriate for the establishment of trust relationships between IT maintenance staff and those in need of IT maintenance; points also to the unsuitability of relying entirely on remote solutions until the above-mentioned security audit is adequately carried out;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 66 i (new)
66i. The Secretary General shall ensure that by 1 December 2014, at least the following auditing actions will have been undertaken: 1. black box penetration testing 2. white box penetration testing 3. review of crypto protocols 4. review of applications 5. review of the Access Control Lists to the applications 6. review of the Access Control Lists to the physical infrastructures 7. review of compilation chain for applications. 8. review of source code for applications. The results of the audit shall be presented to the Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Budgets together with an estimation of expenditures, staff resources and time necessary to remedy any security deficiencies found in the audit;
Committee: CONT