5 Amendments of Petri SARVAMAA related to 2016/2206(DEC)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Takes note that the agencies employ 9 965 permanent, temporary, contract or seconded staff representing an noticeable increase of 6,25 % compared with the previous year; points out, thus creating a need to monitor closely the development in this regard; understands, however that the number of staff increased the most in agencies dealing with migration matters and the prevention of serious crime and terrorism, both of which were renewed and strengthened as priorities of the Union in 2015;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Points outNotes, however, that carry- overs aremay often be partly or fully justified by the multiannual nature of the agencies’ operational programmes and do not necessarily indicate weaknesses in budget planning and implementation, nor are they always at odds with the budgetary principle of annuality; acknowledgnotes the fact that the carry- overs resulting from these operational programmes are in many cases planned in advance by the agencies and communicated to the Court, which facilitates the explicit distinction between planned and unplanned carry-overs;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Notes with concern that the Commission applied an additional levy of 5 % of staff to the agencies in order to create a redeployment pool from which it would allocate the posts to the agencies with new tasks entrusted to them or in a start-up phase; is particularly concernednotes that with the additional staff reduction, fulfilment of the Agency’s mandates and annual work programmes provesmight prove to be increasingly difficult, particularly for the agencies classified by the Commission as “cruising speed agencies”; calls on the Commission and the budgetary authority to look into other options in order not to hindercarefully examine the agencies’ ability to fulfil their mandate when implementing further reductions;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
31. Takes note that the CVs and declarations of interests of the management board members, management staff and in house experts were published by 84 % of the agencies, compared to 74 % in the previous year; notes moreover that 60 % of the agencies check the factual correctness of the given declarations of interests of experts, management board and staff at least once a year; encouragescalls on the agencies which have not yet introduced such policy to verify the declarations on regular basis, if their resources allow for it;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31 a (new)
31a. (new) 31a. Calls on the agencies, in this regard, to take further actions towards more transparent management; stresses that constant and efficient internal monitoring is essential for the tracking and detecting of possible conflicts of interest;
Committee: CONT