3 Amendments of Tonino PICULA related to 2020/2223(INI)

Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5 a. Underlines that the action of the European Commission aiming at eliminating the condition of monopoly and dominant positions and at limiting public funding to companies that could lead such conditions does not provide any solution to the issue of systemic and structural disadvantages that affect the competitiveness of businesses based and operating from European insular territories and outermost regions;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 b (new)
6 b. Calls for a reflection on maintaining exceptional measures beyond the expiry date of the temporary framework for the sectors that have been mostly affected by the COVID-19 crisis (e.g. tourism, air and maritime transports);
Committee: ECON
Amendment 291 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26 d (new)
26 d. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to launch a territorial assessment on the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the context of the application of state aid rules and the relevant ongoing revision process; in this regard, special attention should be paid to analyse impacts on enterprises based in EU islands and outermost regions according to the provisions of Articles 174 and 349 TFEU;
Committee: ECON