Activities of Julia PITERA related to 2017/2121(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Annual report on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy - Annual report on the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy - Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) – opening a new chapter in European Security and Defence Policy (debate) PL
Dossiers: 2017/2121(INI)

Amendments (1)

Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Strongly believes that a new approach to the EU’s relations with its Eastern neighbours is needed; believes that supporting those countries that wish to have closer ties to the EU must be a top priority for EU foreign policy; welcomes the prolongation of sanctions against Russia and continues to see full implementation of the Minsk agreements as the basis for a sustainable political solution to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine; insists that the EU should keep open the option of further gradual sanctions, in particular against high-technology products in the oil and gas, IT and armaments sectors, if Russia continues to violate international law; reiterates its commitment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders; stresses that Russia’s decision of 21 March 2014 to incorporate Crimea into the Russian Federation remains illegal, and deplores the subsequent decision of the Russian authorities to give all inhabitants of Crimea Russian passports;
Committee: AFET