8 Amendments of Deirdre CLUNE related to 2015/2255(INI)

Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Calls for the stepping-up of checks in relation to compliance with work, standby, driving and rest times in all relevant sectors, such as construction, catering, health and transport, and for the imposition of penalties for serious non- compliance;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 448 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Calls for the creation of a European transport agency bringing together existing agencies; takes the view that at the very least a specific road transport agency is needed;deleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the transport sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 466 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. asks the Commission to clarify the provisions so that a distinction can be drawn between employees and self- employed workers to combat 'bogus self employment'; emphasises that airline pilots and train drivers cannot be considered to be independent of the companies for which they work;Deleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the transport sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 484 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Believes that the rules on cabotage are not sufficiently precise, which facilitatesDeleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the ptractice of some road operators of engaging in permanent cabotage; wishes cabotage operations to be subject to mandatory prior notification;nsport sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 510 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Stresses the need for a new regulation on ground-handling at airports to ensure mandatory social and wage protection for workers in the event of new calls for tenders or the partial loss of work; supports the introduction of rules to ensure the effective implementation of laws with regard to airlines with 'operational bases' on the territory of a Member State; calls for the clarification of the definition of 'home base' to protect the social rights of flight cabin crews, in particular their rest periods;deleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the transport sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 530 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Calls on Member States to review their laws to eliminate precarious employment relationships called 'zero-hour-contracts' or 'pay-to-fly” contracts; believes that precarious working conditions are an additional safety risk;Deleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the transport sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 545 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Calls on the Commission to shortly submit a proposal for a directive on requirements with regard to the crews of vessels providing regular cargo, passenger and ferry services operating between Member States so that the conditions applicable on board a vessel are those of the State applying the most favourable standards for workers;Deleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the transport sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 559 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Calls on the Commission, drawing on the US Jones Act, to take the necessary measures to ensure that vessels carrying goods between two Europedeleted (the deletion is necessary since combating social dumping in the tran sports are built in Europe, fly a European flag and are owned by a European company; calls for the law that is applicable to be associated with the country in which the vessel owner is based; sector will be dealt with in the context of the appropriate opinion of the Transport Committee.)
Committee: EMPL