3 Amendments of Daniel BUDA related to 2017/2284(INI)

Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Expresses its satisfaction with the overall degree of progress shown by the Member States in implementing Directive 2009/128/EC; urges the Commission to promote the harmonisation of risk indicators at EU level and to oblige the Member States to provide more comprehensive information in their National Action Plans, which must be coherent and include measurable and achievable goals and targets, and to collect more reliable data on the health impacts of exposure to pesticides with regard to consumers, animals and soil quality;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Notes that many Member States have changed their initial targets, focusing more on reducing the risks that pesticide use entails, rather than on actual reductions in the quantities used; regrets the fact that in many Member States there is no real commitment to integrated pest management (IPM) and thus developing a more environmentally-sustainable agriculture with lower costs for farmers; calls on the Member States to include in their national strategic plans provisions striking a balance between the requirements of food production on the one hand and respect for the environment on the other;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 64 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Highlights the need to focus on precision and digital agriculture, so as to prevent the dispersion of pesticides in areas where they are not needed; calls for more comprehensive funding to give farmers access to the latest digital technologies; underlines the need for research into new low-risk substances and into the equipment and technology that could render them more efficient and reduce the potential exposure of farmers, operators and the general public.
Committee: AGRI