8 Amendments of Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE related to 2021/2213(INI)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Welcomes the conclusion of the new Partnership Agreement (Post Cotonou Agreement) between the European Union, and the members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific (OACPS) States; underlines the important political, economic and cultural relationship between the EU and the OACPS; stresses that the EU contributes to economic growth in the OACPS countries, and the advancement of their position within the global trading system;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Calls on the Commission to ensure that the EPAs between EU and African countries benefit intra-African trade and the African population; calls for clear commitments on trade and investment during the upcoming EU-AU summit in February 2022;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. InsistUnderlines that the agreement's trade and investment provisions must bare tailored to benefit all parties; involved; calls concerned about a misbalance benefiting the EU over the OACPS countries; calls on the Commission to guarantee that the OACPS countries benefit from trade relations; calls on the Commission to improv the Commission to guarantee that both EU and OACPS countries and companies benefit from trade relations, and to advance sustainable and inclusive development and growth; calls on the Commission to ensure the agreement is a basis for the strengthening of economic relations between the parties in a mutually beneficial way, taking into account their respective levels of development; calls on the Commission to effectively address and concretely guarantee EU market access for OACPS producers in the revision process of EPAs; calls on the Commission to promote sustainable investment opportunities to advance digital and green infrastructure in the OACPS countries;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Highlights the commitments of the EU and OACPS on trade and sustainable development, the UN2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Agreement; calls for close cooperation from the EU with OACPS partners to advance sustainable trade and investment relations in line with the goals of the EU’s trade policy review;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Recalls the Parliament’s commitment to the European Green Deal and welcomes trade initiatives that contribute towards achieving its objectives, including but not limited to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the upcoming legislative proposal on mandatory due diligence; insists that the Commission carefully monitor the impact of these initiatives on EU-OACPS trade and present accompanying measures to mitigate any short-term disruption; is convinced that in the long-term, these legislative initiatives will result in more resilient and sustainable global value chains, benefitting citizens and businesses in the EU and the OACPS;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Is concerUnderlineds that the suspension clauses may not be dialogue between the EU and OACPS countries on matters related to fundamental rights and essential elements of the Post-Cotonou Agreement; is concerned with the debate regarding the possible legally validity of the suspension clauses; calls on the Commission to guarantee that the suspension clauses will be correctly applied in the event of violations of essential elements such as human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law; emphasises that suspension of clauses should not harm the population, but should target those responsible for violations of these essential elements; calls for effective cooperation with civil society to advance essential elements such as human rights, rule of law and gender equality;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 43 #
5. Strongly stresses the important link between trade, the eradication of poverty and support for sustainable development; stresses that the Post-Cotonou Agreement should effectively contribute to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs in order to strengthen and promote the sustainable development of the OACPS states; calls on the Commission to report on the trade and investment related aspects of the SDGs during implementation of the Post- Cotonou Agreement; strongly stresses the importance of taking into account the SDGs in the process of revision regarding EPAs; underlines the role of women in the economies and societies of the OACPS countries; calls on the Commission to increase the participation of women in EU- OACPS trade and investment relations., most notably for intra-African trade, and in EU-Africa trade and investment relations in close cooperation with African stakeholders;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Highlights that it is of the opinion that the Post-Cotonou Agreement can contribute to the trade and investment policy objectives of the EU and OACPS countries and recommends its consent;
Committee: INTA