Activities of Nicolás GONZÁLEZ CASARES related to 2021/2127(DEC)

Shadow opinions (1)

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) for the financial year 2020
Committee: PECH
Dossiers: 2021/2127(DEC)
Documents: PDF(127 KB) DOC(60 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Pierre KARLESKIND', 'mepid': 197585}]

Amendments (4)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Notes that the Agency received a EUR 16,9 million contribution under the general budget of the Union in 2020, representing an increase of 1,.2 % in respect of 2019; points out that both the Agency’s annual budget ranks as one ofd its complement of staff are among the lowest amongst Union agencies;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Acknowledges that the financial year 2020 was dominated by the COVID- 19 pandemic; notes that this crisis has had a strong impact on the implementation rate of the Agency’s work programmed work, which dropped from 99 % in 2019 to 90 % in 2020; notemphasises, however, that in spite of the circumstances the Agency managed to implement its budget at a rate of 97,.3 % for commitments and 81,.2 % for payments;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Notes that, in 2020 ,the Agency coordinated 38 452 fishing vessel inspections, which led to the detection of 1 682 suspected infringements, an increase, respectively, of 18,.75 % and 44,.25 % on the 2019 figures; believes that those figures show that inspections and follow-up activities remain a key tool for ensuring that the rules of the CFP are observed; notes, however, that that increase conceals disparities between areas, with an increase in Western Waters (+27 %) and in the Mediterranean Sea (+141 %) and a decrease in the Baltic Sea (-20 %), the North Sea (-49 %), the Black Sea (-11%) and NAFO-NEAFC (-36%); invites the Agency to provide more detailed information on the reasons for those changes; points out that inspections and other follow-up activities play a key role not only in the proper management of fish stocks but also in guaranteeing a level playing field for European fishers;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
10. Takes note of the Agency’s policy of promoting equal treatment of staff and of its goal of gender equality in terms both of numbers and of grades and responsibility levels;; strongly deplores the fact that women account for only 30 % of staff employed at grade AD 8 or higher; welcomes the recent nomination of Susan Steele as the new executive director of the Agency, notes however that her nomination does not enable parity to be attained at management level, since all heads of unit positions are held by men; calls on the Agency to kestep up its efforts with regard to its gender parity policy with a view to making progress towards parity at management level as well;
Committee: PECH