2 Amendments of Mojca KLEVA KEKUŠ related to 2012/2259(INI)

Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Maintains that investment in, and the exploitation of, renewable energy will promote economic development, new innovations, social convergence of the regions and sustainable growth in the EU's regions and, moreover, will create jobs;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. PUnderlines that the use of renewable energy technologies should be optimised based on availability of renewable resources in the region; points out that increased renewable energy production will pose challenges to the serviceability of the existing energy infrastructure as the sources are often remotely located and therefore require major development work on transmission and distribution lines; points to the importance of both public and private funding where energy infrastructure investment is concerned; believes that, for example, ELENA assistance should support large- scale renewable energy investment projects to more useful effect and that the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme could be used to foster acceptance of renewable energy;
Committee: REGI