7 Amendments of Mojca KLEVA KEKUŠ related to 2013/2183(INI)

Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Calls on the Member States to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are protected from homophobic hate speech and violence, and that same-sex partners enjoy the same respect, dignity and protection as the rest of society; stresses the need to organise awareness-raising campaigns at national and European level regarding the rights of LGBTI people;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Highlights the need to promote policies and practices aimed at combating discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and to promote policies to foster diversity in the workplace, together with initiatives which encourage the full inclusion and respect of LGBTI staff in the work environment;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Underlines the need to emphasise in the education and training of social and health care professionals the importance of respecting the dignity of LGBTI people, as well as their specific health care needs and choices;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Calls on the Member States to take action to promote respect for and inclusion of LGBTI people at school and to foster objective knowledge on issues concerning sexual orientation and gender identity in schools and other educational settings; expresses concern that the young LGBTI people and those perceived as LGBTI are at an increased risk of being bullied; stresses the need to build a safe environment for all young people, irrespective of their gender, race or sexual orientation;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Emphasises the need to recognise same - sex marriages and the parental rights of same-sex parents, individually or jointly, including their rights of guardianship and custody without discrimination on grounds of their sexual orientation or gender identity; stresses that the parental rights of transgender persons should continue to be respected after legal recognition of their preferred gender;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Underlines the need to respect the right of freedom of expression in practice by safeguarding the possibility of receiving and imparting information on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity in any form of expression such as the press, publications, oral and written statements, the arts and the media.; stresses the need to respect the freedom of peaceful assembly and association for all LGBTI people; notes that local and regional authorities should therefore facilitate efforts by LGBTI organisations to organise events such as Pride parades as they can raise public awareness on LGBTI issues and empower LGBTI people;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7a. Encourages Member States to ensure that relevant quantitative data in the form of regular surveys on prevalence of abuse and victimisation of LGBTI people are gathered and analysed;
Committee: FEMM