10 Amendments of Sophia IN 'T VELD related to 2016/2012(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 5 a (new)
– having regard to the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council configuration's decision to extend the application of the Directive 2004/113/EC to cover gender reassignment discrimination (Doc No. 13369/04 of 27 October 2004),
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 6
– having regard to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), and article 3 thereof defining "gender" as "the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for women and men",
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 11 a (new)
– having regard to the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s LGBT survey (2013),
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 11 b (new)
– having regard to the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s report "Professionally speaking: challenges to achieving equality for LGBT people",
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas combating gender discrimination in the field of goods and services is an integral part of the principle of gender equality and equality between women and men which constitutes a fundamental value of the European Union recognised in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Is concerned that 13 Member States have not introduced explicit legal provisions protecting transgender people against discrimination in access to goods and services, contributing to legal uncertainty amidst high discrimination rates;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Is concerned that many insurance companies discriminate against transgender people by excluding trans- specific healthcare needs and considering transgender people as not insurable; is also concerned that intersex people face discriminatory practices when seeking to access life insurance and private health insurance due to their medical history; calls on the European Commission to look into instances of discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and sex characteristics in the insurance industry;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Notes that while the prohibition of harassment, including sexual and gender- based harassment, is embedded in national legislation, women, transgender and intersex persons continue to experience forms of abuse on means of transport on a systematic and frequent basis and there is a persisting need to enhance preventive measures against harassment, including raising awareness among the service providers;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Calls on the Commission, given the persisting gaps in the practical application of the Directive, to ask the European Network of Legal Experts in cooperation with equality bodies to draw up a new comprehensive report looking in particular at intersectional forms of gender inequalities, affecting women with disabilities, Roma and migrant women, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex people;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 a (new)
24a. Calls on the Commission to include gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics in any future proposal for a recast, and until then, to comprehensively monitor discrimination on these grounds in its future reports on the implementation of the directive and to issue specific guidance supporting inclusive transposition of the directive;
Committee: FEMM