4 Amendments of Anneli JÄÄTTEENMÄKI related to 2018/2974(RSP)

Amendment 87 #

Paragraph 9
9. Notes however that those pathways rely to a large extent on carbon removal technologies, including through carbon capture and storage and direct air capture, that yet have to prove their feasibility; considers that the EU net-zero strategy should not overly rely on such technologies, which should complement direct emissions reductions; believes that further action by 2030 is needed if the Union is to avoid relying on carbon removal technologies that would entail significant risks for ecosystems, biodiversity and food security as confirmed by the IPCC 1.5 report; also notes that the use of wood-based products from sustainably managed forests is a very solid and proven carbon removal technology.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 213 #

Paragraph 19
19. Considers that technology developments and solutions, energy efficiency and sustainable renewable energy in the transport and power sectors will be key; underlines in this respect the importance of technology-specific strategies, such as for hydrogen or methane; highlights the significant role of the building sector in both energy and resource use;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 367 #

Paragraph 30 a (new)
30 a. Stresses the importance of the EU achieving not only energy substitution but also product and material substitution in favour of renewable resources.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 380 #

Paragraph 33
33. Considers that the EU should start working on a reliable model for measuring the climate impact that European consumption has in third countries, as a first step to reduce it; as well as measuring the climate impact of exported European products and services in third countries.
Committee: ENVI