2 Amendments of Vittorio PRODI related to 2010/2202(INI)

Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20a (new)
20a (new). Calls the Commission and the Council to promote an official, juridical legitimization of the term "climate refugee" (intended as people forced to flee their homes and seek refuge abroad as a consequence of climate change) that is not recognized yet in international law or in any legally binding international agreement;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 400 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 84
84. Stresses that human rights include the right to food, water, education, adequate housing, land, decent work, social security and the right to form a trade union; These rights should be granted as fair access to natural resources on a sustainability basis also to future generations; recognises that it is poverty that is behind most of the situations of non-compliance with such rights; calls for the EU to invest more efforts and money in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), given the evidence that the world is falling far short of the goals set for 2015;
Committee: AFET