2 Amendments of Vittorio PRODI related to 2011/2032(INI)

Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Recommends, in the case of the most problematic partnerships, that the Union refrain from isolating the countries concerned, instead conducting relations with them on the basis of appropriate and effective conditionality serving as a genuine incentive to democratic reform, and that it verify that such cooperation genuinely benefits the population; endorses the ‘more for more’ approach outlined in the communication entitled ‘A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the southern Mediterranean’; believes that, by the same token, the Union should not hesitate to reassign funds previously earmarked for countries whose governments fail to honour their commitments in the area of democratic governance; calls for the creation of a financial support network, through a Euromediterranean Bank, to promote technical and entrepreneurial development initiatives;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Emphasises that it is essential to combine the two approaches to promoting democracy, namely the developmental approach, which focuses on socio- economic progress, and the political approach, which supports political pluralism and parliamentary democracy; calls for such support for the political dimension in third countries to consist of pluralist, institutional support rather than interference; believes that the European Neighbourhood Policy should have been implemented in a more efficient way so as to engage non EU countries in a wider and deeper democratisation process;
Committee: AFET