2 Amendments of Fiona HALL related to 2008/0151(COD)

Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 21
21. ‘Environmental performance’ of a product means the results of the manufacturer's management of the environmental aspects of the product , as reflected in its technical documentation file and its overall effect on the environment throughout its life cycle;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 21
Not later than 2012 the Commission shall review the appropriateness of extending the scope of the Directive to non energy related products, the effectiveness of this Directive and of its implementing measures, the threshold for implementing measures, market surveillance mechanisms and any relevant self-regulation stimulated, after consultation of the Consultation Forum referred to in Article 18, and, as appropriate, present proposals to the European Parliament and the Council for amending this Directive in order to: - extend the scope of the Directive to all non energy related products; - include products with a volume of sales and trade within the Community of less than 200.000 units a year, based on an environmental impact threshold; - to cover adequately in the implementing measures environmental impacts of products throughout their whole life- cycle including an assessment of resource-efficiency.
Committee: ITRE