5 Amendments of Ioan Mircea PAŞCU related to 2014/2817(INI)

Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and the role played by Russia, the illegal annexation of Crimea and the role played by Russia is a grave threat to European security and have changed the geopolitical order; whereas this also has implications for EU-Moldova relations;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that the signature and ratification of the Agreement does not constitute a final goal in itself, but is part of a broader processEU - Republic of Moldova relations and points out that pursuant to Article 49 TEU, the Republic of Moldova - like any other European state - has a European perspective and may apply to become a member of the European Union provided it adheres to the principles of democracy, respects fundamental freedoms and minority rights, and ensures the rule of law;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 78 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Supports fully the Commission’s initiatives aimed at countering the effects of the Russian embargo on Moldovan products, including by providing financial support and extending and deepening the Autonomous Trade Preferences and deplores the use of trade by Russia as an instrument to destabilise the region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Calls on Chisinau and Tiraspol to continue to engage constructively in order to find an effective solution to the Transnistria conflict and to take concrete steps to improve the lives of the region’s population; stresses that the so-called ‘5+2’ framework for negotiations has so far failed to ensure a solution, and calls on the HR/VP and the EEAS to proactively seek an improved process for solving this conflict with a greater role for the EU, including in the implementation of UNDP-EU Confidence Building Measures Programme; notes the need to ensure that the Transnistrian region, as an integral part of Moldova, is covered by the reach and effects of the Agreement;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Stresses that Russia’s concerns regarding the association process ofthe EU’s engagement with the EU’s Eastern neighbours must be adequately addressed and understood, so as to ease fears of new geopolitical dividing lines on the European continent; notes that each country has every right to make its own political choices, but that the EU’s engagement with the Eastern partners aims to spread prosperity and increase political stability, from which the whole region will ultimately gainpartners aims to spread prosperity and increase political stability, from which the whole region will ultimately gain and underlines that each country has every right to make its own political choices; underlines furthermore that the association process of EU's Eastern partners is not a threat to Russia's political and economic interests and regrets that Russian leadership regards it as such;
Committee: AFET