Activities of Bas BELDER related to 2011/0195(COD)

Plenary speeches (2)

Common Fisheries Policy - Common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products (debate)
Dossiers: 2011/0195(COD)
Common fisheries policy (debate)
Dossiers: 2011/0195(COD)

Amendments (9)

Amendment 340 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 18
(18) Measures are needed to reduce and eliminate as much as possible the current high levels of unwanted catches anin order to avoid discards. Indeed, unwanted catches and discards constitute a substantial waste and affect negatively the sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources and marine ecosystems as well as the financial viability of fisheries. An obligation for single species fisheries to land all catches of managed stocks caught during fishing activities in Union waters or by Union fishing vessels should be established and gradually implemented. For mixed fisheries in which elimination of unwanted catches and the implementation of an obligation to land all catches is not possible, the progressive reduction of unwanted catches and discards shall be the objective.
Committee: PECH
Amendment 347 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 18 a (new)
(18 a) Legislation that previously obliged fishermen in mixed fisheries to discard part of the catch should be changed. Research on survival rates of discards should be carried out with priority. Initiatives to use more selective and innovative gear should be made possible in legislative and financial ways.
Committee: PECH
Amendment 387 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 26
(26) Member States, after having duly taken into account the views of relevant Advisory Councils and stakeholders, should be able to adopt conservation measures and technical measures for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy to allow for the policy to better address the realities and specificities of individual fisheries and to increase the adherence to the policy.
Committee: PECH
Amendment 628 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 1 – article 2 – paragraph 2
2. The Common Fisheries Policy shall apply the precautionary approach to fisheries management, and shall aim to ensure, where possible by 2015, that exploitation of living marine biological resources restores and maintains populations of harvested species abovet levels which can produce the maximum sustainable yield.
Committee: PECH
Amendment 688 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 1 – article 3 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a) reduce and where possible eliminate unwanted catches of commercial stocks and gradually ensure that to the extent possible all catches of such stocks are landed;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 1487 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 15 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. All catches of the following fish stocks subject to catch limits caught in single species fisheries during fishing activities in Union waters or by Union fishing vessels outside Union waters shall be brought and retained on board the fishing vessels and recorded and landed, except when used as live bait, , in accordance with the following timeframe:
Committee: PECH
Amendment 1523 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 15 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new)
For mixed fisheries in which the implementation of an obligation to land all catches is not possible, a time frame for progressive reduction of unwanted catches shall be set out in the multiannual plans.
Committee: PECH
Amendment 1641 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 17 – paragraph 1
1. In a multiannual plan established pursuant to Articles 9, 10 and 11 Member States may be authorised under the condition of taking duly into account the views of relevant ACs and stakeholders, to adopt measures, in accordance with that multiannual plan, which specify the conservation measures applicable to vessels flying their flagin relation to stocks in Union waters for which they have been allocated fishing opportunities.
Committee: PECH
Amendment 1741 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 21 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
In a technical measures framework established pursuant to Article 14 Member States may be authorised under the condition of taking duly into account the views of relevant ACs and stakeholders, to adopt measures, in accordance with that framework, which specify the technical measures applicable to vessels flying their flag in relation to stocks in their waters for which they have been allocated fishing opportunities. Member States shall ensure that such technical measures:
Committee: PECH