19 Amendments of Nessa CHILDERS related to 2014/2228(INI)

Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 – subparagraph b
b. take immediate action to ensure that free and fair competition on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as market access, is addressed on the basis of the highest standards possible within the existing levels of protection, especially within areas such as health and safety, consumer, labour and environmental legislation, and that no provisions will in any way preclude the future strengthening of such standards, either substantively or by inducing a regulatory chilling effect;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 – subparagraph c
c. take immediate action to include restrictions on state aid in the agreement; propose greater transparency within state aid rules and within the allocation of state aid;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 – subparagraph d
d. take immediate action to ensure that market access negotiations on financial services are combined with upward convergence in financial regulation; support high international standards in on- going cooperation efforts in other international fora, without prejudice to the ability of the EU and Member States' authorities to ban financial products and practices in the performance of their regulatory and supervisory duties;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 86 #
Draft opinion
Recital D c (new)
D c. whereas universal health systems are part of the European social model and Member States have the competence for the management and organisation of health services and medical care;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 101 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 – subparagraph i
i. proporefuse the introductclusion of a national court systems-first principle, to be supplemented with mediation and intergovernmental dispute mechanisms in legal disputes in order to ensure easier access and lower litigation costs than those offered by current ISDS- mechanisms, benefitting especially SMEs (having fewer resources available than large corporations), thus creating more equal competition conditionsn Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause in TTIP; uphold, and defend the adequacy of, the EU's legal order; stress that any and all dispute mechanisms set in place within the TTIP-framework must uphold full transparency and be subject to democratic principles and scrutiny;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 125 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 – subparagraph j
j. acknowledge the importance of state- owned enterprises and other forms of public ownership for certain crucial services;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 139 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 – subparagraph k
k. stress the need to uphold the EU’s tradition for organising its public services, and call for anrequire the exclusion of public services from the agreement;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 223 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 – indent 3 a (new)
- lead to a weakening of existing European safety standards in the sanitary and phytosanitary area, including rules on hormones and growth promoters or using chemicals to decontaminate poultry
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 228 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 – indent 3 b (new)
- water down or weaken the design of regulatory measures or the implementation of existing regulations on endocrine disrupting chemicals
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 231 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 – indent 3 c (new)
- impair EU developments - in particular under the new EU Clinical Trials Regulation and at the European Medicines agency - to move towards ensuring proactive public access to safety and efficacy data of medicines;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 233 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 – indent 3 d (new)
- limit directly or indirectly the national competence of Member States to tailor their pricing and reimbursement policies to ensure sustainable access to affordable medicines
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 236 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 – indent 3 e (new)
- affect the organisation of the health systems and their regulatory mechanisms in the Member States
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 264 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Is strongly opposed to the inclusion of ISDS in the TTIP, as ISDS risks fundamentally undermining the sovereign rights of the EU, its Member States and regional and local authorities to adopt regulations on public health, food safety and the environment;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 306 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7 a. Calls on the Commission to maintain the highest possible level of transparency of the negotiations, including access to the negotiating texts, and consultation with civil society throughout the process
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 309 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 b (new)
7 b. Calls on the Commission to pay particular attention to ensuring that a future TTIP allows both parties to maintain the level of environmental, health and food safety protection they deem appropriate, as set forth in the negotiating guidelines
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 310 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 c (new)
7 c. Highlights the fact that the TTIP agreement should support setting out a pathway to reduce both the US and Europe's dependence on fossil fuels and that the agreement must not undermine any EU and/or international processes leading to decarbonisation in the transport
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 311 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 d (new)
7 d. Calls on the Commission to conduct Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment on the TTIP agreement
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 312 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 e (new)
7 e. Highlights that any proposed clause should be thoroughly reviewed and assessed with a view to its potential impact on the regulatory acquis and the EU's freedom to pursue non-economic policy goals in the future and calls on the Commission to assess any proposed clause with a view to its necessity and whether the purported aim could be reached equally well through other means
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 314 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 g (new)
7 g. Encourages the Commission to support the work on alternative methods to animal testing and to push for the progressive phase-out of animal tests worldwide and calls on the Commission to encourage closer future cooperation on animal welfare issues
Committee: ENVI