Activities of Vilija BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ related to 2019/0180(COD)

Reports (1)

REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013 on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2014-2020)
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2019/0180(COD)
Documents: PDF(170 KB) DOC(70 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Vilija BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ', 'mepid': 96681}]

Amendments (1)

Amendment 1 #
Draft legislative resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
For information, the statement reads as follows: “The European Parliament calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure a flexible application of art. 4(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013 on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2014-2020) in case of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union, in particular with regard to collective applications involving SMEs in single or multi-sectoral cases.”1a. Approves its statement annexed to this resolution; Or. en
Committee: EMPL