10 Amendments of Danuta Maria HÜBNER related to 2020/2076(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. TUrges in light of the current crisis the Commission to focus on SMEs as the backbone of our economy, to boost the economic recovery and competitiveness of the EU; takes note of the Commission’s initiatives to support European SMEs’ access to international markets; stresses, however, that SMEs have to deal with too many regulations and burdens and excessive bureaucracy; stresses that SMEs are kept at a competitive disadvantage by investing in climate neutrality to comply with the Green Deal while trying to remain competitive and thrive on export markets; stresses therefore the need to further improve the business environment in the EU i.e. by facilitating easier access to finance; underlines that cutting red tape and easing of bureaucratic burdens should remain a priority and that legal certainty, evidence based policy, assessments of impact and cost efficiency must be ensured before introducing new EU rules; reminds the Commission of the One-in-one-out principle; highlights in this sense the importance of effective communication and awareness raising campaigns; welcomes the Commission’s objective to launch early in 2020 a dedicated rules of origin self-assessment tool for SMEs on the future Access2Market platform to help companies assess whether a product can benefit from preferences under a given EU trade agreement, in order to facilitate SMEs’ utilisation of preferences under EU trade agreements;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1 b. Stresses the need for a strong commitment of the Member States for the future of the European industry, for the EU to become a climate neutral continent by 2050 and a world leader in low-carbon, sustainable and digitalised technologies, while avoiding carbon leakage; underlines that our climate ambition must not lead to the deindustrialisation of the EU but to sustainable solutions being made more competitive and circular economy opportunities increased; calls for enabling research and innovation, ensuring that the EU attracts the necessary skills and in this way promote the global competitiveness of the EU;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 c (new)
1 c. Notes that the COVID-19 crisis has emphasised the need for digital solutions, trade and business models; welcomes therefore the Commission’s aim towards EU digital leadership, for example by advancing the WTO negotiations for global rules on electronic commerce; calls for openness to a meaningful outcome of those negotiations to facilitate the flow of data across borders and address unjustified barriers to trade by electronic means, in full conformity with EU privacy and data protection law, including the GDPR, and to make use of the flexibility given by the negotiating directives;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Calls on the Commission to focus on domestic productivity within Europe, in order to establish less dependence on vulnerableBelieves that EU resilience can be achieved through the diversification of our trading relations, supply chains and strategic stocks; calls on the Commission to focus on securing the supply within Europe, by establishing strategic diversification of supply chains in core industry sectors such as the tech and telecommunications, medical products and, pharmaceuticals sectorand agricultural products, especially in times of global crisis, and to remain competitive on the global markets; welcomes trade agreements as a way to facilitate diversification of value chains and reinforce EU industry and production; calls on the Commission to continue striking ambitious free trade agreements, which focus on ensuring a level playing field and improved access to public procurement markets; expects in this regard to conclude the FTAs with Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia as well as the PCA with Thailand and encourages the swift ratification of the EU-Mexico and EU-Mercosur FTAs; proposes to the Commission a re-launch of ambitious negotiations with India and scoping exercise with Taiwan; stresses also the importance of including and further developing SME-chapters in all FTAs as a way to promote trade for SMEs;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2 a. Stresses that reshoring production and focusing on domestic productivity, as a means to address shortages in strategic goods, will not solve such shortages, especially in times of crisis; stresses, that supply shortages can only be addressed through strengthened multilateral cooperation; believes that the EU should play a leading role in multilateral fora and institutions to ensure that supply shortages can be mitigated in the future;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Supports, in principle, the initiative to reinforce a rule-based multilateral trading system; expresses its concern, however, about the functioning of the WTO, owing to some international actors abusing their market power; calls on the Commission to ensure a rules-based multilateral system fit for a stronger EU in the world with open and fair trade, while aiming at sustainable economic recovery; stresses that fair and free trade can only function within a fully operational WTO; calls therefore on the Commission to focus its international efforts to mobilise international partners to reform the WTO, while creating a level playing field and combatting unfair trade and investment practices, and exploring the possibilities for a broader plurilateral initiative related to healthcare products as well as to e-commerce;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3 a. Points out that the EU is by far the world’s biggest exporter of services and that they represent about 70 percent of EU GDP; stresses therefore the need to further liberalise services through FTAs, welcomes the ongoing plurilateral negotiations within the WTO on key areas of trade in services;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 b (new)
3 b. Underlines its determination to establish a relationship as close as possible with the United Kingdom, a country that will remain a partner, ally and friend inside Europe; encourages the Commission to seize the momentum caused by the withdrawal to streamline our EU-policies, cut red tape and enhance competitiveness for European companies and SMEs; stresses that the FTA should aim to allow for market access and trade facilitation as close as possible in order to minimize trade disruptions, underpinned by level playing field provisions ensuring high standards in social, labour and environmental protection as well as competition and State aid policies; reiterates its calls on the Commission to make a new and comprehensive UK- EU strategic partnership agreement that goes well beyond trade, in line with the Political Declaration of October 2019;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 66 #
5. Calls for the reinforcement of the safeguard instruments in order to make them more efficient and better adapted to protect European industry and to tackle market distortions effectivelya review of the Union's international trade and investment policy and for the Commission to assess the EU trade toolbox, to actively explore the possibilities to tackle market distortions and defend the EU from abusive practices;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 75 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Calls on the Commission to strengthen the screening of foreign direct investment and to protect access to strategic industries, infrastructure, key enabling technologies, or any other assets in the interests of security and cybersecurity. and to safeguard competitiveness in the European Single Market, in order to guarantee the safety of European people and companies; stresses however the importance of balance and using such an FDI screening mechanism only when necessary, in order to avoid the EU itself becoming protectionist; highlights the importance of better coordination between Member State activities, with a focus on coherence, effectiveness and transparency;
Committee: INTA