7 Amendments of Ryszard Antoni LEGUTKO related to 2020/2084(INI)

Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Asserts that an adequate education and training in transitions to environmentally and socially sustainable economies canDraws attention that not all regions and communities will benefit equally from a transition to a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy and its socio-economic footprint, including welfare and jobs, will vary owing to abroad range of factors; underlines that the increase in employment opportunities in the transition forecast is unevenly distributed across different regions, whereas job creation in new sectors is not necessarily neatly aligned, temporally or geographically, with job loss; asserts that an adequate education and training targeted regions affected by the transition coupled with substantial investments directed towards their economic revitalisation could become a strong driver of job creation, social justice and poverty eradication;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Emphasises that a transition to a more environmentally sustainable society requires skilled workers and believes that just transition funds should cover a strong investment in education, vocational education and training (VET) and retraining; stresses the importance to concentrate efforts on economic revitalisation of affected regions, rather than counting on worker mobility and risking depopulation, therefore insists that priority attention should be given to retraining provided in alignment with the needs of the regional labour market, particularly to on-the-job retraining or a combination of part-time working and part-time retraining;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Calls for an enhanced universityeducational establishments - business dialogue to allow for study in a sector where there will be jobs, particularly in vulnerable communities, regions and sectors;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Calls on governments and employers to invest in programmes and measures to ensure that vulnerable individuals have the skills necessary for a successful transition to a zero-net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy, with a particular focus on vulnerable ones who could need additional targeted measures;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Stresses that the European Education Area should include transversal training e need to support and develop cooperation at European level between Member States with a view to enhancing peer and mutual learning and the exchange of best practices in developing skills related to the ecological and digital transition, as well as an adequate connection with the world of work, especially at the later levels of the curriculum.;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 50 #
7a. Draws attention that a long tradition of coal mining or industrial work shapes the local culture and identity for the communities that could be particularly opposed to a change when they experience it as a loss of history and character without a vision for the future; calls on Member States and ensure sustainable support for cultural activities of communities in transition and to respect and promote their cultural heritage;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 b (new)
7b. Stresses that just transition requires a holistic approach that encompasses economic diversification, comprehensive support for workers to transition to new jobs, environmental remediation, a due care for identity and cultural heritage of affected communities and inclusive processes that also address equity impacts for vulnerable and marginalized groups;
Committee: CULT