2 Amendments of Jens GEIER related to 2016/0351(COD)

Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
(3) In the light of experience gained in past proceedings, it is appropriate to clarify the circumstances in which significant distortions affecting to a considerable extent free market forces, e.g. by affecting production costs and product prices, may be deemed to exist. In particular, it is appropriate to clarify that this situation may be deemed to exist, inter alia, when reported prices or costs, including the costs of raw materials, are not the result of free market forces because they are affected by government intervention, including low environmental social and tax standards. It is further appropriate to clarify that in considering whether or not such a situation exists regard may be had, inter alia, to the potential impact of the following: the market in question is to a significant extent served by enterprises which operate under the ownership, control or policy supervision or guidance of the authorities of the exporting country; state presence in firms allowing the state to interfere with respect to prices or costs; public policies or measures discriminating in favour of domestic suppliers or otherwise influencing free market forces; and access to finance granted by institutions implementing public policy objectives; the presence of significant differences in the environmental performance of production, such as with regards to carbon emissions, or in labour standards, including as a result of non-ratification or non-implementation of Core ILO conventions, or tax standards, including low levels of taxation and lack of transparency. It is further appropriate to provide that the Commission services may issue a report describing the specific situation concerning these criteria in a certain country or a certain sector; that such report and the evidence on which it is based may be placed on the file of any investigation relating to that country or sector; and that interested parties should have ample opportunity to comment on the report and the evidence on which it is based in each investigation in which such report or evidence is used.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 1
Regulation (EU) 2016/1036
Article 2 – paragraph 6a – point c
(c) When appropriate, the Commission services may issue a report describing the specific situation concerning the criteria listed in point (b) in a certain country or a certain sector. Such report and the evidence on which it is based may be placed on the file of any investigation relating to that country or sectormay also be requested from the Commission by the European Parliament, Member States and European companies. It shall follow a set of criteria that shall be determined by the Commission following a stakeholder meeting with interested parties and under consultation with the European Parliament. Further, such report and the evidence on which it is based may be placed on the file of any investigation relating to that country or sector. That report shall also include data on lack of respect for internationally-recognised standards on taxation and the environment that may unduly reduce the cost of production or increase product prices, as well as other unjustified low tax arrangements or environmental or labour costs. Interested parties shall have ample opportunity to supplement, comment or rely on the report and the evidence on which it is based in each investigation in which such report or evidence is used. The determinations made shall take into account all of the relevant evidence on the file.
Committee: ITRE