5 Amendments of Norbert NEUSER related to 2013/2020(INI)

Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7 a. Highlights the negative effect of the Western Sahara conflict on the wider region and, paralleling the UN sponsored political negotiations, calls on the conflict parties and neighbouring states to undertake confidence building measures in good faith, such as fostering MINURSO's family visit programme and extending its mandate to include human rights monitoring, accelerating Morocco's promised regionalisation, including the permission of regional political parties as a first step to achieving self-determination of the Saharawi people and, in general, ending repression and political, social or economic discrimination, particularly affecting people with dissenting political views;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
H. whereas a ceasefire in Western Sahara between the Moroccan Government and the Polisario Front has been in place since 1991; whereas the UN considers Western Sahara a non-self-governing territory; whereas no country recognises Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara; whereas the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is currently recognised by the AU and over 45 UN states, but not by the UN collectively or by any EU Member State; whereas the UN and EU do not explicitly consider Morocco to be anaccording to international law, the Kingdom of Morocco not only has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, but is the occupying power; whereas a referendum on the status of Western Sahara, first agreed on principle in 1988, has still not taken place;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 261 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 37 a (new)
37a. Since the political solution of the Western Sahara conflict, reconciliation and the human rights situation are closely linked, calls on the Commission and Member States to be more active in Western Sahara conflict resolution, not only supporting the UN negotiations but also using its various external policy instruments (e.g. strengthening human rights monitoring and awareness among police and security forces, supporting democratic reforms, including decentralisation, fighting discrimination in the region) to promote much needed confidence building between the conflict parties;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 269 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 38
38. Expresses deep concern at the recent report from the UNSR on torture, who found evidence that Moroccan officials have detained individuals on political grounds, inflicted torture and rape on Sahrawi inmates, kidnapped and abandoned protesters in the desert to intimidate them, and deliberately and frequently targeted pro-independence advocates, including in their homes; notes further widespread allegations of forced disappearances and unfair trials; draws particular attention to the dismantling of the Gdeim Izik protest camp in November 2010, where significant violence claimed Moroccan and Sahrawi lives, and the subsequent trial of 25 Sahrawis, many of them known human rights activists, in February 2013; notes Morocco's insistence regardunderlines that during theis trial's fairness and due process, a military court as sentenced 25 Sahrawi civiliands the positive conclusions of some international observers, but also recalls the UNSR's concern at the use of a military court, the allegations of torture, and the Moroccan authorities' failure to investigate themo 9 life sentences, 4 sentenced to 30 years, 7 sentenced to 25 years, 3 sentenced to 20 years and 2 sentenced to 2 years and 3 months, which they already have spent in custody; notes Morocco's failure to investigate claims that the defendants were subjected to torture; underlines Morocco's refusal to transfer the trial to a civilian court capable of handling fair trial standards and Morocco's obligations under international law; notes the conclusions by some NGOs and human rights observers relating to the case's alleged politicised prosecutions, deficient evidence and excessive sentences; calls therefore on the Moroccan authorities to work with civil society and other actors to guarantee the transparency and fairness of its judicial processes, and to investigate and prosecute security officials alleged to have been involved in arbitrary detentions, torture and other abuses of power;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 38 a (new)
38a. Condemns the fact that on Wednesday 6 March 2013 Morocco expelled a delegation of four Members of the European Parliament; notes that the aim of the delegation was to visit the territories of Western Sahara, to inquire about the situation of human rights and to meet with representatives of the MINURSO; condemn Morocco's authorities behaviour and demands the Kingdom of Morocco to permit free access and free movement in Western Sahara to independent observers, members of parliaments, to the press and to humanitarian organisations;
Committee: AFET