Activities of Alain CADEC related to 2009/2106(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Green Paper on reform of the common fisheries policy (debate)
Dossiers: 2009/2106(INI)

Amendments (9)

Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital I
I. whereas, in order to be effective, the CFP should be restructured with a view to the multidisciplinary involvement of all groups directly or indirectly connected with the sector, in particular fishermen, vessel owners, processors, aquaculture producers, the scientific community and politicians,
Committee: PECH
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital L
L. whereas fishing is essential to the livelihood of many coastal communities, which have engaged in this activity for several generations and have thus, in addition, contributed to the economic and social dynamic of the regions concerned and the EU's cultural heritage,
Committee: PECH
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital N
N. whereas it is now generally accepted that there are alternative number of instruments offering a different approach to fisheries management mechanisms which can usefully supplement the existing systems and play a significant role in the Community’s management of the sector,
Committee: PECH
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Welcomes also the two main principles set out by the Commission with a view to an effective and successful reform of the CFP, namely the need to give more responsibility to the sector, based on the establishment of conditions favourable to good fishing practice and to makeadjust management models more flexible in order to create alternatives totools that will complement the traditional single system of TACs and quotas;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26 a (new)
26a. Stresses the need to ensure that the common commercial policy is consistent with the objectives pursued under the CFP, so as to ensure that new EU concessions (multilateral, regional or bilateral) as regards external tariff and non-tariff protection for fisheries and aquaculture products do not cancel out or jeopardise the efforts made to secure Community production outlets at sufficiently remunerative prices;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 254 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26 b (new)
26b. Believes that everything possible should be done to avoid increasing the EU's already very heavy dependence on third-country imports for its supplies of fisheries and aquaculture products;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 260 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28
28. Reiterates the need to provide for strict monitoring and certification of fishery products entering the Community market, including imports, in order to ascertain that they come from sustainable fisheries and, as far as imported products are concerned, satisfy the health, environmental and social requirements imposed on Community products, the aim being to create a level playing field on the Community market;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 298 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32
32. Urges the Commission to carefully explore the possibility of adopting new fisheries management mechanisms, as opposed to the TAC and quota system, for example fishing effort management and the use of transferable fishing rights, since such arrangements would enable the fleet to be adapted in a more flexible way, in line with the actual diversity and distribution of stocks, and could be supported by structural implementing measures, without neglecting the more vulnerable small-scale sector; recommends, however, that management mechanisms should be tailored to individual fisheries models and that in particular the more vulnerable small-scale sector should be exempt from any possible use of transferable fisheries rights;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 334 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34 a (new)
34a. Stresses that the concepts of 'non- industrial fishing' and 'industrial fishing', which will be used to adjust the management mechanisms geared to the characteristics of individual fisheries models, need to be defined in a precise, objective and concerted manner, while accepting, if necessary, that the definitions may vary from one region to another;
Committee: PECH