10 Amendments of Eva JOLY related to 2010/0101(COD)

Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 8
(8) In addition to the regional ceilings, the optional mandate of EUR 2 000 000 000 should be activated and allocated as an envelope to support EIB financing operations in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation across the regionin countries covered by the mandate when implementing their climate commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The EIB could contribute with its expertise and resources, in close cooperation with the Commission, to support public authorities as well as the private sector to address the challenge of climate change and to make the best possible use of available financing. For mitigation and adaptation projects, the resources of the EIB should be complemented where possible with concessional funds available under the EU budget, through the efficient and consistent blending of grants and loans for climate change financing in the context of EU external assistance. The optional mandate should not be counted as a contribution by the EU or its Member States to the fast- start funds agreed to at the UNFCCC COP in Copenhagen in December 2009.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 14 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 8 a (new)
(8a) EIB financing operations in developing countries should be consistent with the EU's commitment and obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The EIB should accordingly draw up adequate criteria for what it counts as "clean technology", phase out fossil fuel projects and prohibit the financing of operations whose negative impacts have been denounced by international institutions such as the United Nations Environment Programme or the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 12
(12) Moreover generally, EIB financing operations should contribute to the general principles guiding the EU's external action, as referred to in Article 21 of the Treaty on the European Union, of promoting and consolidating democracy and the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to the implementation of international environmental agreements to which the EU is a party. In relation to developing countries in particular, EIB financing operations shouldthe underlying objective of the EIB financing operations should be the reduction of poverty through fostering: sustainable economic, social and environmental development of these countries, particularly in the most disadvantaged amongst them; their smooth and gradual integration into the world economy; the campaign against poverty; as well as compliance with objectives approved by the EU in the context of the United Nations and other competent international organisations. TIn particular, the EIB should gradually build up appropriate means to adequately meet these requirements in full consistency with the principles of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy, the Cotonou Agreement and the European Consensus on Development and should reflect: the EU's commitment and obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as well as the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); - EU's commitment and obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as well as the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); and - social, labour and environmental standards as embodied in international agreements.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 13
(13) Under this decision, the EIB should increase its development orientationexpertise in close coordination with the Commission and followingin order to apply the principles of the European Consensus on Development as well as the principles of aid effectiveness outlined in the Paris Declaration of 2005 and the Acrra Agenda for Action of 2008. This should be implemented through a number of concrete measures, in particular by reinforcing its capacity to appraise social, environmental and development aspects of projects, including human rights and conflict related risks, and by promoting local consultation which should be part of the EIB's due diligence procedure prior to the approval of projects. Moreover, it should increase its focus on sectors where it has sound expertise from financing operations within the EU and which will further the development of the country in question, such as environmental infrastructure including water and sanitation, sustainable transportation and climate change mitigation, particularly in renewable energy. The EIB should also progressively strengthen its activity in support of health and education as well as of climate change adaptation, where appropriate working in cooperation with other International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and European bilateral finance institutions (EBFIs). This will require access to concessional resources and a progressive increase in human resources devoted to EIB external activities. EIB activity should also be complementary to EU objectives and priorities relating to institution building and sector reforms. Finally, the EIB should define performance indicators which are linked to development aspects of the projects and their results. Compliance with the provisions of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters should be ensured by the EIB at the different relevant stages of the projects.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 23 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 1 – paragraph 2a (new)
2a. EIB financing operations in developing countries, implemented through the Union guarantee granted to the EIB, shall have as a primary objective the reduction and, in the long term, the eradication of poverty. In particular, EIB financing operations shall be consistent with: - the EU's commitment and obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as well as the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). - social, labour and environmental standards as embodied in international agreements.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 2 – paragraph 4
4. The Climate Change Mandate shall cover EIB financing operations in all countries covered by this decision, where such EIB financing operations support the key EU policy objective of tackling climate change by supporting projects in climate change mitigation and adaptation which contribute to the overall objective ofcountries in implementing their climate commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in particular by avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport, or by increasing resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries, sectors and communities. The Climate Change Mandate shall be implemented in close cooperation with the Commission, combining where possible and appropriate EIB financing with EU budget funds. The optional mandate shall not be counted as a contribution by the EU and its Member States to the fast-start funds agreed to at the UNFCCC COP in Copenhagen in December 2009. In order to maximise the effect on climate change mitigation, the EIB shall draw up adequate criteria for what it counts as “clean technology”, phase out fossil fuel projects and prohibit the financing of operations whose negative impacts have been denounced by international institutions such as the United Nations Environment Programme or the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. In particular, the integration of European climate policies in EIB's operations shall include: - an analysis of the carbon footprint to be included in environmental assessment procedure to determine whether project proposals maximise energy-efficiency improvements; - annual detailed reporting regarding the full carbon footprint of EIB- supported projects, or the localised and regional effects of individual projects; - the definition of appraisal procedures to take account of the needs of developing countries in relation to climate change and development, as identified in the UNFCCC National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs), and EU Regional and Country Strategy Papers (RSPs/CSPs). - the introduction of an exclusion list of types of projects/technologies they will not support, including the phasing out of financial transactions for fossil fuel projects; - the definition of objectives on renewable energy, in line with the regional/country strategy plans.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 5 – paragraph 2
2. The consistency of EIB financing operations with the external policy objectives of the EU shall be monitored in accordance with Article 10. The EIB shall develop performance indicators in relation to development, environmental and human rights aspects of projects funded as well as with regard to the indicators under the Paris Declaration for Aid Effectiveness, in order to facilitate such monitoring.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 6 – paragraph 1
1. The EIB shall carry out thorough due diligence, including local public consultation, on development-related aspects of projects covered by the EU guarantee prior to project approval. The projects include the loan activity of financial intermediaries. The EIB's own rules and procedures shall include the necessary provisions on assessment of environmental and social impact of projects and of aspects related to human rights, to ensure that only projects that are economically, financially, environmentally and socially sustainable are supported under this Decision.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 6 – paragraph 2
2. In addition to the ex-ante assessment of development-related aspects, the EIB should strengthen itscarry out thorough monitoring during project implementation, inter alia, on the development impact of the project, environmental and human rights impact of the project. The monitoring shall include the performance of financial intermediaries. The results of the monitoring shall be regularly disclosed to the public.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 8 a (new)
Article 8a Public Participation and Disclosure of Information 1. The EIB, together with the project promoter, shall take an active part in the organisation of public consultation on development, environmental and social aspects of the project. The EIB shall identify the public affected by the project financed by the EIB. The EIB shall ensure that the local population is informed about all key issues pertaining to the EIB operations carried out in a timely manner. Appropriate grievance mechanisms shall be established and accessible throughout the implementation of EIB operations. 2. The EIB shall make documents relating to projects for which the EIB benefits from the EU guarantee directly accessible to the public in electronic form or through a register in accordance with its rules. The information to be made available and disseminated shall be updated as appropriate and shall include: - a description/summary of each project; - project appraisal reports (assessment on environmental, social, human rights and development impacts of projects); - covenants and conditions on environmental, development and human rights related aspects of projects; - monitoring reports on development, environmental and social related aspects of projects; - ex-post evaluation reports on the contribution of projects to economic development, poverty eradication, protection of the environment and strengthening of human rights.
Committee: DEVE