13 Amendments of Francesco DE ANGELIS related to 2011/0156(COD)

Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a regulation
Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on food intended for infants and young children and on food for special medical purposes and foodstuffs for people intolerant to gluten(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)(Text with EEA relevance)
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 15
(15) A limited number of categories of food constitutes the sole source of nourishment of certain groups of the population or represent a partial source of nourishment; such categories of food are vital for the management of certain conditions and/or are essential to maintain the intended nutritional adequacy for certain well-established vulnerable groups of the population. Those categories of food include infant formulae and follow-on formulae, processed cereal-based food and baby food and food for special medical purposes, and food for people intolerant to gluten. Experience has shown that the provisions laid down in Commission Directive 2006/141/EC, Commission Directive 2006/125/EC, as well as Commission Directive 1999/21/EC, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 ensure the free movement of such food in a satisfactory manner, while ensuring a high level of protection of public health. It is therefore appropriate that this Regulation focuses on the general compositional and information requirements for infant formula and follow-on formulae, processed cereal-based food and baby food for infants and young children and to food for special medical purposes, and food for people intolerant to gluten taking into account Commission Directive 2006/141/EC, Commission Directive 2006/125/EC and Commission Directive 1999/21/EC, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 16
(16) To ensure legal certainty, definitions laid down in Commission Directive 2006/141/EC, Commission Directive 2006/125/EC and Commission Directive 1999/21/EC, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 should be transferred to this Regulation. However, the definitions of infant formulae and follow-on formulae, processed cereal-based food and baby food, and food for special medical purposes, and food for people intolerant to gluten should be regularly adapted taking into account technical and scientific progress and relevant developments at international level, as appropriate.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 19
(19) This Regulation should provide the criteria for the establishment of the specific compositional and information requirements for infant formula, follow-on formula, processed cereal-based food and baby food, and food for special medical purposes, and food for people intolerant to gluten, taking into account Commission Directive 2006/141/EC, Commission Directive 2006/125/EC and Commission Directive 1999/21/EC, Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009. In order to adapt the definitions of infant formula, follow-on formula, processed cereal-based food and baby food, and food for special medical purposes, and food for people intolerant to gluten laid down in this Regulation taking into account technical and scientific progress and relevant developments at international level, to lay down the specific compositional and information requirements with respect to the categories of food covered by this Regulation, including for additional labelling requirements to, or derogations from, the provisions of Directive 2000/13/EC and for the authorisation of nutrition and health claims, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union should be delegated to the Commission. It is of particular importance that the Commission carries out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level. The Commission, when preparing and drawing-up delegated acts, should ensure a simultaneous, timely and appropriate transmission of relevant documents to the European Parliament and Council.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 20
(20) It is appropriate to establish and update a Union list of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances that may be added for specific nutritional purposes to infant formula, follow-on formula, processed cereal-based food and baby food, and food for special medical purposes, and food for people intolerant to gluten, taking into account Regulation 953/2009, Commission Directives 2006/141/EC and 2006/125/EC, subject to certain criteria laid down in this Regulation. Given the fact that the adoption of the list implies the application of criteria set out in this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission in that respect. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers. The Commission should adopt immediately applicable implementing acts updating the Union list, where, in duly justified cases relating to public health, imperative grounds of urgency so require.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 26
(26) Currently, the statements ‘gluten-free’ and ‘very low gluten’ may be used for food intended for particular nutritional uses and for food for normal consumptiofor specialised nutrition intended for people intolerant to gluten under the rules specified in article 3 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 concerning the composition and labelling of foodstuffs suitable for people intolerant to gluten. Such statements could be construed as nutrition claims, as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. For the sake of simplification, those statements should be regulated solely by Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 and comply with requirements therein. It is necessary that technical adaptations pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, incorporating the nutrition claims ‘gluten-free’ and ‘very low gluten’ and their associated conditions of use as regulated under Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 be completed prior to the entry into application of this RegulationIn addition, the statement ‘gluten-free’ may be used for foodstuffs for normal consumption and other food for specialised nutrition suitable for people intolerant to gluten under the rules specified in article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 concerning the composition and labelling of foodstuffs suitable for people intolerant to gluten which do not allow the use of the statement ‘very low gluten’ for these foods. Such food for specialized nutrition intended for people intolerant to gluten shall be maintained in this Regulation, as providing such safe food intended for people intolerant to gluten and informing coeliacs about the absence of gluten is vital to the management of the disease. This is in line with the international standard for food for special dietary use for persons intolerant to gluten (CODEX STAN 118-1979 revised in 2008). Also the conditions of use of the claim ‘gluten-free’ for food for normal consumption should be maintained in Regulation (CE) No 41/2009.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. This Regulation establishes compositional and information requirements for the following categories of food for specialized nutrition:
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)
(c a) food for people intolerant to gluten
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point h a (new)
(h a) ‘food for people intolerant to gluten’ means foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses which are specially produced, prepared and/or processed to meet the special dietary needs of people intolerant to gluten
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 3
3. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 15 to adapt the definitions of ‘infant formula’, ‘follow-on formula’, ‘processed cereal-based food’ and ‘baby food’ and ‘food for special medical purposes’, and ‘food for people intolerant to gluten’ taking into account technical and scientific progress and relevant developments at international level, as appropriate.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 4
4. TParagraph 3 shall not prevent the dissemination of any useful information or recommendations with reference to the categories of food referred to in Article 1 (1) may be made exclusively byexclusively intended for persons having qualifications in medicine, nutrition, pharmacy or other professionals responsible for maternal and child health care.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 2 – introductory part
2. Subject to the general requirements of Articles 7 and 9 and taking into account Directive 2006/141/EC, Directive 2006/125/EC and Directive 1999/21/EC, and Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 as well as any technical and scientific progress, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated Regulations, for foods covered under Article 1(1) no later than [2 years after the date of the entry into force of this Regulation], in accordance with Article 15, with respect to the following:
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 17 – paragraph 2
2. Directive 96/8/EC and Regulation (EC) No 41/2009 are repealed from [the first day of the month 2 years after the date of the entry into force of this Regulation].deleted
Committee: ITRE