Activities of Keith TAYLOR related to 2018/0162(COD)

Shadow reports (1)

REPORT on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2008/106/EC on the minimum level of training of seafarers and repealing Directive 2005/45/EC PDF (259 KB) DOC (111 KB)
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2018/0162(COD)
Documents: PDF(259 KB) DOC(111 KB)

Amendments (4)

Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 2 a (new)
(2a) The STCW Code already contains guidance on the prevention of fatigue (Section B-VIII/1) as well as on fitness for duty (Section A-VIII/1). In order to ensure high levels of safety, it is imperative that the standards laid out in this international convention are enforced and followed without exception.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4 a (new)
Directive 2008/106/EC
Article 5 c (new)
(4a) the following Article 5c is inserted: EU Forum The Commission shall establish an EU forum in order to further enhance the EU maritime skill base, to improve the attractiveness of the sector and to work towards better inclusion of women and young people. The Forum shall be composed of representatives from member states' training institutions, their national administrations, the industry, trade unions and the broader maritime cluster to develop European maritime post- graduate courses which go beyond the internationally agreed minimum level of training of seafarers. The Forum shall develop guidance and publish best practise examples to enhance the enrolment and participation of women in the sector as well as promote equal treatment on-board.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4 b (new)
Directive 2008/106/EC
Article 5 d (new)
(4b) the following Article 5d is inserted: European network of Maritime Education and Training institutions The Commission shall, in cooperation with the Member States, install a European network of Maritime Education and Training institutions in order to meet quality criteria and further improve the maritime education system throughout Europe. The Commission shall also develop an international exchange between the participating EU training institutions modelled on the ERASMUS+ programme.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 a (new)
Directive 2008/106/EC
Article 15 – paragraph 11
(5a) In Article 15, paragraph 11 is replaced by the following: 11. With due regard for the general principles of well-being as well as the protection of the health and safety of workers and in line with Directive 1999/63/EC Member States may, by means of national laws, regulations or a procedure for the competent authority, authorise or register collective agreements permitting exceptions to the required hours of rest set out in point (b) of paragraph 4 and in paragraph 5 of this Article provided that the rest period is no less than 70 hours in any seven-day period and respects the limits set out in paragraphs 12 and 13 of this Article. Such exceptions shall, as far as possible, follow the standards set out but may take account of more frequent or longer leave periods, or the granting of compensatory leave for watchkeeping seafarers or seafarers working on board ships on short voyages. Exceptions shall, as far as possible, take into account the guidance regarding prevention of fatigue laid down in Section B-VIII/1 of the STCW Code. ECrucially, no exceptions to the minimum hours of rest provided for in point (a) of paragraph 4 of this Article shall not be allowed. Or. en ( 20130103&qid=1543496170961&from=EN)
Committee: TRAN