1 Amendments of Ivana MALETIĆ related to 2013/2157(INI)

Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)
12a. Considers, as regards Member States whose GDP is below 75% of the average for the Member States as a whole and which are engaged in an excessive deficit procedure, that the deficit should be calculated in such a way as to exclude both investment in the groundwork for projects to be co-financed out of European funds and the expenditure incurred to finance those projects while they are being implemented, the object being to enable the Member States in question to carry through the investment needed to achieve growth and development; considers that specific recommendations coming under the European Semester should allow for the higher expenditure necessitated by intensive investment backed by European funds; also considers it important to steer Member States towards domestic-level structural reforms and measures aimed clearly at cutting spending and increasing efficiency;
Committee: ECON