24 Amendments of Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS related to 2018/2097(INI)

Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas the EU’s security environment is now more volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous than at any time since the end of the Cold War, confronted with interstate conflicts, natural disasters, terrorism, failed states, cyber attacks and hybrid warfare; whereas current EU policies may no longer suffice to promote a stable and prosperous neighbourhood;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas EU external action has a direct impact on our citizens’ lives, be it by supporting security and stability in our neighbourhoodwithin and outside our borders or preventing crises before they happen;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas the new world order is increasingly characterised by asymmetry, with numerous non-state actors becoming increasinglyhaving expanded their influentialce over the past decade: from NGOs advocating human rights, to transnational corporations influencing government policy, to social media activists calling for democratic change, to international organized criminal groups, to terrorist organisations committing terrorist attacks in an attempt to undermine democratic principles; whereas, nevertheless, no emergent state or non-state actor can impose an incontestable world view;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
G. whereas globalisation has increased interdependence, with decisions taken in Beijing or Washington having a direct impact on our lives; whereas, in turn, interdependence has resulted in global public opinion becoming cognisant of transnational problems, which requirehe need for transnational solutions to address transnational solutionproblems;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
H. whereas almost one fourth of the world’s population live in fragile states or societies; whereas these states or societies are increasingly a breeding ground for frustration and socio-economic inequality; whereas, as a result, terrorist organisations take advantage of the power vacuum to establish a recruitment base;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital J
J. whereas Western democracies have become more protectionist and inward- looking, and are swinging to the extremes at a time when multilateral cooperation is the only way to respond to global challenges effectively; whereas this power vacuum is being filled by other powers such as China or Russia; whereas the latter states have a different approach to development cooperation in Africa and other developing areas that is not linked to improvements in rule of law or other democratic reforms;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that the time has come for the European Union to take its destiny into its own hands; takes the view that the EU should embrace its role as a fully-fledged, sovereign political power in international relations thatembrace its role as a fully-fledged, influential political actor that relies on its economic weight and soft power to helps to resolve conflicts worldwide and shapes global governance;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Is convinced that no single EU Member State can respond effectively to today’s global challenges on its own; believes that, by pulling their weight together within the EU, the Member States can exert an influence on the world stage that they would not otherwise possess; is convincedis convinced that a coherent and unified position by thate 28 Member States together, representing 500 million citizens, haveprovides for more leverage in international negotiations and in setting international regulations and standards; believes, moreover, that under the protection of the EU, globalisation can represent an opportunity for EU citizens and not a threat;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Regrets the fact that the Member States all too often prioritise their national interests, regardless of the possible consequences at a European level, thereby undermining the EU’s credibility as a global player; calls for a greabetter division of responsibilities and enhanced coordination between the EU and its Member States; believes that good cooperation among the Member States is essential to safeguard our democracy, our freedom, and our social and environmental standards;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Stresses that the EU should stay true to its principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law; emphasises the importance of assessing whether the promotion of these principles in third countries has been successful; stresses that the EU's reputation as promotor of these principles could only be sustained if it ensures that these exact principles are protected and adhered to within all of its Member States;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Considers that the EU should use more effectively its foreign policy instruments, including human rights and development instruments and bilateral agreements with third countries when breaches of democratic standards and human rights are taking place, and to exert effective and tailored pressure at the highest level on the host governments in question to rise systematically those issues in political and human rights dialogues; private demarches are an important first step, but should they do not work, it is important to consider more public diplomacy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 187 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Notes that the EU has played an important role in de-escalating and resolving foreign policy crises, namely when some Member States have taken the lead under the auspices of the Union overall, such as in the Normandy format or the EU3+3 negotiations with Iran; supportstakes that, while pursuing increased security and defence cooperation in the long term, the establishment of ad hoc coalitions of Member States that can intervene to respond swiftly to international crises, making could render EU external action more flexible and responsive in the short term by reducing the pressure of having to achieve universal consensus among the Member States;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 227 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Reaffirms its full support and commitment to the JCPOA as a cornerstone of peace and stability and crucial for the security of the region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 237 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Stresses that investing in the stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans means investing in the security and future of our Union; reiterates the European perspective for the countries in the Western Balkans; highlights that the enlargement process is merit-based and must depend on nothing other than the concrete results achieved by each individual country on issues such as fundamental human rights, corruption, money-laundering practices, overall transparency and judicial independence; reiterates the importance, throughout this process, of the rule of law, reconciliation and good neighbourly relations, security and migration, socio-economic development, transport and energy connectivity and the digital agenda;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Calls on the Commission and the EEAS to continue using the EU’s transformative power at its Eastern borders, using trade agreements and access to the single market as incentives to foster democratic reforms and the adoption of European rules and standards; calls further on the EEAS to monitor democratic processes in its direct neighbourhood and ensure that democratic progress is not halted or reverted;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 273 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 a (new)
17a. Insists that only by engaging with the real relevant actors on the ground, by involving local communities and working on solutions that tackle the root causes for migrations at their source of origin and that any financial support is subjected to strict terms and conditionalities on upholding respect for the rule of law, fundamental and human rights and democracy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 276 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 b (new)
17b. Reiterates its supports to the EU's CSDP stabilisations missions in the sub- Saharan area and calls on their reinforcement, by entrusting the mandate and means that are appropriate to the grave challenges they are facing; recalls also its support to the northern African countries, in the understanding that economic development is the base of a stable and just society, in the framework and respect for human rights as core values;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 280 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 c (new)
17c. Stresses that the EU must play a leading role in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, my means of its decisive soft-power and the full implementation, in all their provisions, of all association agreements with the countries in the region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 281 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 d (new)
17d. Stresses that preserving peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region is of substantial interest to the EU and its member states; calls for all parties concerned in the region to solve differences through peaceful means and to refrain from taking unilateral actions to change the status quo, including in the East and South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, in order to safeguard regional security;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 285 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 f (new)
17f. In the aftermath of the recent presidential and parliamentary elections in the region, reaffirms its commitment to continue forging strong relations with Latin America, promoting the defence of democracy and human rights in so far as shared core values by both the EU and LAC; expresses its grave concern on the lack of respect for democracy and rule of law, especially in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and on the attacks against democratically elected opposition leaders, journalists, students and human rights defenders, in particular those working on environmental issues and their lawyers; emphasizes that respect to rule of law and to stable political and legal framework, including fight against corruption and impunity, as well as progress towards democracy and the respect for and promotion of fundamental freedoms, are cornerstone for deeper integration and cooperation with LAC;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 g (new)
17g. Observes with concern the electoral developments in Brazil, key country in the region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 287 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 h (new)
17h. Commends the efforts of all the parties concerned in the Peace Process in Colombia; reiterates its full support to the Peace Process and to its effective implementation, which is decisive for the future of Colombians and for stabilisation in the region of which this country is a part;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 319 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Believes that the capacity to dispatch forces to global conflicts is an essential pre-condition for becoming a credible political power; calls on the EEAS and the Member States to develop sufficient military capabilities, covering the full-spectrum of land, air, space, maritime and cyber capabilities to defend their values and interests around the world;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 326 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 c (new)
20c. Stresses that furthering the Defence Union should provide for a complementary role in the EU's external relations;
Committee: AFET