1 Amendments of Michał BONI related to 2014/0094(COD)

Amendment 336 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 33
Visas applied for at the external border under a temporary scheme 1. In view of promoting short term tourism, a Member State may decide to temporarily issue visas at the external border to persons fulfilling the conditions set out in Article 32 (1) (a) and (c). 2. The duration of such a scheme shall be limited to 5 months in any calendar year and the categories of beneficiaries shall be clearly defined. 3. By way of derogation from Article 22(1), a visa issued under such a scheme shall be valid only for the territory of the issuing Member State and shall entitle the holder to stay for a maximum duration of 15 calendar days, depending on the purpose and conditions of the intended stay. 4. Where the visa is refused at the external border, the Member State cannot impose the obligations set out in Article 26 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement on the carrier concerned. 5. Member States shall notify the envisaged schemes to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission at the latest three months before the start of their implementation. The notification shall define the categories of beneficiaries, the geographical scope, the organisational modalities of the scheme and the measures envisaged to ensure the verification of the visa issuing conditions. The Commission shall publish this notification in the Official Journal of the European Union. 6. Three months after the end of the scheme, the Member State concerned shall submit a detailed implementation report to the Commission. The report shall contain information on the number of visas issued and refused (including citizenship of the persons concerned); duration of stay, return rate (including citizenship of persons not returning).Article 33 deleted
Committee: LIBE