5 Amendments of Kostas PAPADAKIS related to 2015/2095(INI)

Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Stresses that there is a reason for growing wave of refugees and migrants, that is to say military incursions and imperialist conflicts instigated by the EU and the Member State governments, in alliance with NATO and the US, in countries such as Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali and the Central African Republic, as well as their support for reactionary regimes, their willingness to supply funds and equipment to forces such as ISIS and their rapacity in plundering the wealth of the people; observes that the EU and Member State governments are guilty of hypocrisy since, on the one hand, they are responsible for people being uprooted from their homes as a result of their military incursions and, on the other, they are clamping down on migrants 'surplus' to capitalist requirements; stresses that the problem of incoming migrants and refugees can only be resolved by addressing the root causes thereof, that is to say the mechanisms of capitalist exploitation that are resulting in poverty and destitution. imperialist incursions and conflicts in areas riven by brutal competition between rival business interests for control of resources;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Condemns the EUNAVFOR MED military operation launched by the EU along the Mediterranean coast; points out that measures to clamp down on migrants and refugees are failing to deter people traffickers effectively and are, on the contrary, massively raising the stakes by prompting them charge more and select even more dangerous routes with further tragic consequences in terms of lives lost;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 77 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Condemns the stance adopted by the Commission and the statements issued by D. Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs, calling for summary arrest and deportation procedures and the deportation of all migrants and refugees whose applications are rejected; points out that the EU and the Member State governments, through the creation of 'hot spots' and the inadmissible distinction being made 'legal' and 'illegal' entrants, are causing further hardship to refugees and migrants whom they have already made to suffer as a result of their imperialist wars and incursions by exploiting them as an extremely cheap source of labour for their own capitalist ends, while those surplus to immediate requirements are herded into detention camps and marked down for mass expulsion, endangering their lives, physical integrity and health, delivering them into the hands of the trafficking organisations that are growing and multiplying as a result of EU policy; notes that the stance adopted by the EU and the Member State governments is encouraging and legitimising the dangerous actions of fascist and racist organisations;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 97 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Notes that the migration problem is being considerably aggravated by the fundamentally repressive stance adopted by the EU and the Member State governments and that immediate measures should be taken alleviate the problem, including: - the creation of temporary public reception and accommodation facilities of an acceptable standard that are open to refugees and migrants and the immediate closure of all detention camps; the provision of all necessary medical care, with immediate measures to ensure that hospitals in host cities and islands are fully staffed and upgraded; the provision of free food, accommodation, interpreting facilities and legal aid; special care for underage, refugees and migrants, mothers and children, who are the victims of traffickers; - direct funding from the EU, the Member States and the UN for countries hosting refugees and migrants. - immediate processing to ensure the prompt granting of asylum or temporary humanitarian status for refugees and fugitives from countries affected by imperialist incursions and conflicts; direct issuing by the host countries of travel documents for migrants and refugees heading for other EU Member States; - immediate and comprehensive abolition of Dublin III Regulation , the Schengen Treaty; abolition of Directive 2008/115 allowing the detention of migrants for 18 months; - an end to the clampdown on migrants at borders and to the deployment of EU border surveillance bodies (Frontex, Europol, European Border Surveillance System), that have succeeded in turning the Mediterranean into a watery grave and whose operations should therefore be ended; - an end to EU imperialist operations and incursions in third countries;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 106 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Welcomes the launch of the EUNAVFOR Med operation against smugglers and traffickers in the Mediterranean and supports the reinforcement of the management of the Union’s external borders; insists, however, on the need for sustained, coordinated search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean to save lives and for an EU policy on asylum, subsidiary protection and temporary protection which fully comply with binding obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights and respect the non-refoulement principle;deleted
Committee: AFET