1 Amendments of Patricija ŠULIN related to 2016/2193(DEC)

Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Regrets that the agency outsourced procurement of non-operational training services to a third party without ensuring that it acted in compliance with the financial regulation of the Union when subcontracting; regrets that a call for expression of interest for participation in a negotiated procedure took place without a formal delegation by the authorising officer; regrets that the agency engaged in contractual agreements or negotiations with a single contractor without precisely defining the services requested; acknowledges that the agency acted in compliance with its own financial regulation; requests however that given the very high financial amounts involved with the development and maintenance of JHA systems and the associated risks, the agency fullyshould continue to develop its internal control system in order to continue to ensure compliances with the financial regulation of the Union;
Committee: LIBE