Activities of Özlem DEMIREL related to 2021/2250(INI)
Shadow reports (1)
REPORT on the 2021 Commission Report on Turkey
Amendments (55)
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2
Citation 2
— having regard to the Negotiating Framework for Turkey of 3 October 2005, and the Copenhagen criteria to which remains a precondition for the successful outcome of any accession process,
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2 a (new)
Citation 2 a (new)
— having regard to the declaration issued by the then European Community and its Member States on 21 September 2005, following the declaration made by Turkey upon signature on 29 July 2005 of the Ankara Protocol, including the provision that the recognition of all Member States is a necessary component of the negotiations, and to the need for Turkey to proceed to the normalization of its relations with all Member States and to fully implement the Additional Protocol to the Ankara Agreement towards all Member States, by removing all obstacles to the free movement of goods, including restrictions on means of transport, without prejudice and discrimination,
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 4 a (new)
Citation 4 a (new)
— having regard to the restrictive measures’ framework established by the EU on 11 November 2019, in result of the illegal drilling activities of Turkey in Eastern Mediterranean, which was renewed on 12 November 2020 and 12 November 2021,
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 5 a (new)
Citation 5 a (new)
— having regard to the fact that respect for the rule of law, democracy, separation of powers, and human rights, including fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and media, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, the rights of minorities including property rights of all non- Muslim religious minorities, religious freedom, the rights of women and children, the fight against racism and discrimination against vulnerable groups such as the Roma, disabled persons, LGBTI is at the core of any attempt to restore our relations,
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 7
Citation 7
— having regard to the relevant resolutions by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, including the interim resolution of 2 December 2021 on the execution of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Kavala against Turkey, the interim resolution of 2 December 2021 on the execution of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Selahattin Demirtaş v Turkey (No. 2), and the interim resolution of 2 February 2022 on the execution of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Kavala against Turkey, and the interim resolution of 16September 2021 on the execution of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Cyprus v. Turkey
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 8
Citation 8
— having regard to the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council on Cyprus, including resolution 186(1964) which reaffirms the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, 550(1984) of 11 May 1984 on secessionist actions in Cyprus and resolution 789(1992) of 25 November 1992 urging all concerned in the Cyprus question to commit themselves to the confidence-building measures set out in the resolution, whilst reaffirming the consideration of resolution 550 (1984) that any attempts to settle any part of Varosha by people other than its inhabitants are inadmissible and calls for the transfer of that area to the administration of the United Nations;
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Recital B
B. whereas, in the aftermath of recent tensions between the EU and Turkey, particularly in relation to the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean have de- escalated but not ceased, the European Council offered to nurture a more positive dynamic in EU-Turkey relations by expressing readiness to engage with Turkey in a phased, proportionate and reversible manner in a number of areas of common interest;
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)
Recital B a (new)
B a. whereas Turkey has been repeatedly asked to refrain from all actions which violate the sovereignty and sovereign rights of all EU Member States, as well as from provocations which impair the prospects for a constructive dialogue and pose additional obstacles in its relations with the EU;
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
Recital C
C. whereas being a candidate country presumes a willingness to progressively approach in all aspectsdopt the values, interests, standards and policies of the EU; whereas an analysis of the EU’s reports in recent years reveal that Turkey’s distance from the EU’s values and its normative framework is still considerable and is even growing in fundamental areas such as the rule of law and human rights;
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
Recital D
D. whereas over the past year, EU- Turkey relations have on average remained stable, as enhanced cooperation and dialogue on a number of issues have coexisted with regular conflicts; whereas this report reflects this situation by welcoming positive developments and pointing to further potential in the relationship, while signalling remaining problems, in particular as regards the rule of law and fundamental rights; ongoing provocations against the Republic of Cyprus and the rule of law and fundamental rights; whereas if this report is to assess Turkey’s progress or lack of progress in terms of human rights and rule of law, as the core of the accession process, it is important to describe the concrete mechanisms of erosion of freedoms that, taken together, lead to this general backsliding with regard to European standards; whereas this approach means going beyond a long list of citizens and groups who are suffering as a result of these decisions to identifying the operators and bodies of the public authorities responsible of this worrying situation in their particular area of action; whereas generic criticism must be replaced by targeted criticism;
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Reiterates its concern about the persistent distance between the EU and Turkey, despite it being a candidate country, in terms of values and standards, and the continuing lack of political will to carry out the necessary reforms to address, in particular, the serious concerns about the rule of law and fundamental rights that continue to negatively affect the accession process; considers that inter alia without clear progress also in this field, Parliament cannot envisage any resumption of accession negotiations with Turkey, which have effectively been at a standstill since 2018; notes that it does not find arguments at this stage to modify its conditional position concerning the formal suspension of the accession negotiations with Turkey;
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Notes, however, that there has been a slight improvement over the past year in overall EU-Turkey relations, which have on average remained stable, as enhanced cooperation and dialogue on a number of issues have coexisted with regular conflicts; expresses its hope that this pattern of ‘conflictual cooperation’ can be overcome and replaced with a more positive dynamic; it underlines that for this to occur Turkey must engage constructively with the EU, subject to the conditionalities established by previous European Council Conclusions and refrain from any provocations and activities threatening the sovereign rights of EU member-states;
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Reiterates its firm conviction that Turkey isa democratic and peaceful Turkey endorsing a mutual approach of respect towards the EU and all member states can prove a country of strategicignificant relevance in political, economic and foreign policy terms, a partner that iscan be key for the stability of the wider region, and an ally with which the EU wishesll be able to pursue the best possible relations; welcomes, in this view, the recent statements expressed at the highest level by the Turkish authorities about the recommitment of the Turkish Government to the EU path, but urges the Turkish authorities to put their words into action and demonstrate this commitment with specific facts and decisions;
Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Expresses concern over the current economic situation in Turkey, which through soaring inflation and a constantly rising cost of living is pushing a high and increasing number of people into hardship and poverty; notes that while the current situation has been developing over a number of years, it has turned into a currency crisis in recent months, which exacerbates existing pandemic-related impacts in the economy; is concerned by the lack of confidence on purportedly independent bodies such as the central bank and the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜIK); notes in this regard that the operational independence of both institutions is a key criteria for EU accession; further highlights that the poor performance of Turkey with regard to the respect to the rule of law has also a severe impact on the reputational image of the country and that the lack of legal certainty has the potential to seriously affect the ability of the country to attract foreign investments; Notes that in October 2021 the Financial Action Task Force added Turkey to the list of jurisdictions deemed incapable of tackling money laundering terrorist financing, and proliferation financing; expresses its hope that Turkey can rapidly display the necessary progress on improving the implementation of relevant AML/CFT measures;
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Deplores the continued deterioration of the human rights situation in Turkey, including backsliding on fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law; considers that the current repressive form of rule, whose main pillars are abuse of the legal framework particularly in relation with terrorism and freedom of expression and a lack of independence of the judiciary, is a deliberate, relentless and systematic state policy developed to suppress any critical activities either-directly or through a chilling effect; is appalled by the fact that in order to pursue this policy, the Turkish state authorities are ready to blatantly and persistently disregard their international and domestic legal obligations, such as those derived from Turkey’s membership of the Council of Europe;
Amendment 187 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Insists that the crucial area of fundamental rights and freedoms, which is at the core of the accession process, cannot be disconnected and isolated from overall relations with the EU and stresses that for Parliament, it remains the maina severe obstacle to further progress on any positive agenda that could be offered to Turkey;
Amendment 198 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Reiterates its strong condemnation of Turkey’s withdrawal, by presidential decree, from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention); a decision that is particularly alarming against the background of continuing high number of femicides in the country and that represents a major set back to efforts to promote women’s rights in the country; reiterates its call on Turkey’s Government to reverse this incomprehensible and unacceptable decision;
Amendment 207 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Notes the importance of upholding the freedom of assembly and demonstration in Turkey, which is enshrined in its constitution; is deeply worried by the routine use and continued extension of bans on protests and demonstration by provincial governors, and particularly by the ban by Governor Mehmet Emin Bilmez that has been in place for over five years in Van Province; deplores the targeting of journalists at public protests by Turkish police forces including through the April 2021 directive by Turkey’s Security General Directorate (EGM) signed by its head, former governor Mehmet Aktaş, instructing Turkish police forces to prevent press recordings of protests and demonstrations that was subsequently suspended by the Council of State citing a restriction of fundamental rights; regrets the recurrent use of excessive force to suppress peaceful demonstrations amidst an overall general impunity of law enforcement officials; deplores the ongoing trial against the Cumartesi Anneleri (Saturday Mothers) at the Istanbul 21st Criminal Court of First Instance presided by judge Naim Atan in relation to the violent dispersal of their 700th vigil on 25 August 2018; reiterates its call on the authorities to drop charges against the students of Boğaziçi University prosecuted for exercising their right to peaceful assembly, and highlights the relevance of ensuring academic freedom and the autonomy of universities; is concerned in this regard by the recent decision to remove three elected deans in Boğaziçi University, whose current rector, Naci İnci, was appointed by Presidential decree in August 2021
Amendment 217 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Reiterates its serious concern about the disproportionate and arbitrary measures curtailing freedom of expression; welcomes the further decrease in the number of journalists in prison in Turkey; notes however that the practice of investigating and prosecuting people for matters such as insulting the President or allegedly disrespecting Islamic values remains on the rise, driven by broadly- worded and vague anti-terrorism claims; is appalled by the gross abuse of Article 299 of Turkish Penal Code on insulting the President which can carry a jail sentence of between one and four years; finds completely disproportionate that since 2014, the first year of President Erdoğan, more than 160,000 investigations were launched, more than35,500 cases were filed and there were more than 12,800 convictions over insulting the president; calls on Turkey’s authorities to apply the rulings by the European Court on Human Rights and to follow the Venice Commission recommendations in order to bring Turkish law on this matter in line with the Convention; is particularly worried by the case of journalist Sedef Kabaş, who after being publicly targeted by senior government officials was arrested during a midnight raid on January 22nd, by the order of Istanbul 10th Criminal Court of Peace judge Furkan Bilgehan Ertem, and is kept in pre-trial detention at the Bakırköy Women's Prison in İstanbul for having allegedly insulted the President on alive broadcast on TELE1 TV on 14 January 2022; finds this case a clear example of the abusive use of Article 299 with an aim of having a chilling effect on any journalist or citizen who could express criticism towards the President or government; expresses concerns about the Presidential circular on "Press and Broadcasting Activities" published on 28January 2022 as it could imply unlawful restrictions to fundamental rights and freedoms;
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Asserts that the continued prosecution, censorship and harassment of journalists and independent media remains an issue of concern; calls the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), chaired by Ebubekir Şahin, to discontinue the excessive imposition of fines and broadcasting bans restricting the legitimate freedom of expression of Turkish journalists and broadcasters; calls the Press Advertising Agency (BIK), headed by Director General Rıdvan Duran, to ensure that bans on public advertising do not serve to supress independent media reporting, as in the case of the daily newspaper Evrensel, whose case represents a negative record in Turkey's press history, as it has not received any official advertising for 900 days and even if the BIK were to grant permission for advertisements immediately now, the daily newspaper will still not receive any advertising for 103 days due to the penalties imposed by the BIK in the meantime; calls on Fahrettin Altun, Director of Communications at the Turkish Presidency, to ensure the timely processing of press card applications and to discontinue the use of criminal complaints and belligerent rhetoric targeting journalists; calls on the Turkish Grand National Assembly to follow-up on the Turkish Constitutional Court’s judgement of January 2022 requesting to reformulate Article 9 of the Internet Law to protect the freedoms of expression and the press; is particularly alarmed by the case of the Turkish Cypriot journalist Ali Kashmir, who was recently prohibited from entering Turkey and faces court charges for having expressed criticism against Ankara;
Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
Paragraph 10 a (new)
Amendment 252 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Takes note of the adoption of the fourth and fifth judicial packages in Turkey during 2021 which contain steps in the right direction although modest and not addressing the main concerns; asserts, however, that the current problems stem not only from problematic legislation, but are often caused by a failure to implement existing adequate provisions; remains concerned about the erosion of the rule of law and judicial independence in Turkey; notes in this regard the appointment of Irfan Fidan to the Turkish Constitutional Court in January 2021 after serving just twenty days on the Court of Cassation and previously acting as Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor, where Mr Fidan was involved in the controversial cases brought against Osman Kavala, the Gezi Park protestors, and journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül, among others; points out the Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK), which isled by the Minister of Justice as its president and Mr Mehmet Akif Ekinci as its acting president, as the main element of concern with regard to the lack of judicial independence; reiterates its call for the shortcomings in the structure and process for the selection of the members of this Council to be addressed with a view to ensuring its independence and putting an end to its arbitrary decisions;
Amendment 260 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Expresses concern about the high and growing number of applications lodged at the Constitutional Court concerning violations of constitutional rights and the lack of changes implemented when such violations are revealed; notes the recent statements by the President of the Constitutional Court, Zühtü Arslan, recognizing that over 73% of the more than 66.000 applications received in 2021 concerned the right for a fair trial, describing this as a “dire situation''; questions the legality of changes in the procedural rules of the court allowing to defer decisions by a year; notes the adoption of a new human rights action plan by the Turkish authorities in March 2021 as welcome in principle, even though it leaves a number of underlying issues unaddressed; calls on the Turkish government to make the action plan real by inter alia discontinuing the selective interpretation of the Treaty of Lausanne’s provisions on minority rights, including by granting legal personality and education rights to any religious minority whether Muslim, Christian or other; calls on Turkey’s government to step up ongoing efforts related, among others, to the public recognition of the Alevi identity, the legal status of cemevis and their funding, in compliance with relevant ECtHR judgments on compulsory religion and ethics classes and Alevi worship places; urges Turkey’s authorities to increase their efforts to effectively address the dire situation of Roma, in particular with regard to housing and education, as they continue to suffer severe levels of poverty, unemployment, discrimination and exclusion; Calls on the full implementation of ECtHR judgments regarding conscientious objection; notes in this regard the action plan submitted by Turkish authorities to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and encourages them to develop further measures to ensure, through the necessary legislation, a fair and accessible exercise of the right to conscientious objection to military service;
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
Paragraph 13
13. Regrets the sustained pressure on civil society and human rights defenders and the continuously shrinking space to operate freely in Turkey; denounces the intimidation, harassment and violence exerted against human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, academics, doctors who have provided assistance to the victims of torture, and other activists, especially those in the Kurdish community, and the arbitrary closure of civil society organisations, including prominent human rights non- governmental organisations and media; reiterates its call on Turkey’s government to review the Law on Preventing Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction of December 2020, which grants the Turkish Interior Ministry and the president extensive authority to restrict the activities of non- governmental organisations, business partnerships, independent groups and associations and appears to be aimed at further limiting, restricting and controlling civil society; calls on the EU and its Member States to exert greater pressure on the Turkish Government and to step up their support for human rights defenders and independent civil society in Turkey, including through relevant financial instruments; calls on the Commission to provide, through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III and relevant programmes of the NDICI-Global Europe instrument, sufficient funding for civil society, non- state actors and people-to-people contacts in order to prioritise the pro-democracy efforts; calls on the Commission to explore the funding of local governments concerning projects of mutual interest;
Amendment 280 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Continues to urge the Turkish Government to release Osman Kavala after more than four years of detention; reiterates its call on the Turkish authorities to abide by the final judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in this case; believes that he is unlawfully held in prison on unjustified charges, for the purpose of silencing and deterring critical voices in Turkey; reiterates its call on the Turkish authorities to abide by the final judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in this case; deplores the continued efforts to extend Mr Kavala’s imprisonment through a series of complex evasive judicial tactics; points out as one of many irregularities the irrational merging of his case with that of other defendants that saw their acquittals overturned over the course of 2021 which was signed off by the same judge who had requested it, Mahmut Başbuğ from the 30th Heavy Penal Court, through a temporary appointment from one court to the other; condemns the repeated decisions by the Istanbul 30th Heavy Penal Court and the Istanbul 13thHeavy Penal Court, newly responsible after merging of the cases and presided by judge Mesut Özdemir, to prolong the detention of Mr Kavala in violation of his right to freedom and security, most recently on 17 January 2022; takes note of the recurrent decisions by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe urging Mr Kavala’s release, which culminated in the historical launching of infringement proceedings through interim-resolutions in December 2021 and February 2022 over Turkey’s refusal to abide by the ECtHR’s final judgement;
Amendment 290 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14 a. Calls upon the Turkish authorities to demonstrate zero tolerance towards all incidents of physical and verbal abuse or threats against journalists, activists, trade unionists, members of political opposition and members of all minorities;
Amendment 295 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Expresses deep concern about the deterioration in the human rights situation for LGBTI people, in particular with regard to physical attacks – especially against transgender persons – the protracted bans on Pride marches across the country, restrictions on the freedoms of assembly, association and expression, and censorship in the media; deplores the increasingly homophobic stance of Turkey’s government and the use of hate speech against LGBTI people by high-level officials, that aims at stigmatizing and criminalizing the LGBTI community and can serve as breeding ground for hate crimes; follows with grave concern the ongoing trial against the Ankara Bar Association’s executive board and president, in which the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, led by Chief Public Prosecutor Ahmet Akça, seeks up to two years of prison for allegedly “insulting a public officer” when criticizing the head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), Ali Erbaş, for the openly homophobic statements he made in 14 April 2020 stating that "Islam curses homosexuality (...) because it brings about disease and rots generations"; urges Turkey’s authorities to put in place the necessary legal measures to end any discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in line with article 21 of the EU Charter of fundamental rights;
Amendment 314 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
Paragraph 17
17. Notes with great concern that the HDP and its party organisations have been specifically and continuously targeted by the Turkish authorities, leading to a situation where over 4 000 HDP members are currently in prison; continues to strongly condemn the continued detention since November 2016 of Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, the former co-chairs of the HDP; is appalled by the Turkish authorities’ continuous disregard for and failure to apply the rulings of the ECtHR that oblige Turkey to immediately release Mr Demirtaş; condemns the indictment in pursuit of the HDP party’s closure and the political banning for nearly 500 HDP politicians, including most of its current leadership, that was filed by the Chief Public Prosecutor of Turkey’s Court of Cassation, Bekir Şahin, and accepted by unanimity by Turkey’s Constitutional Court in June 2021; notes with grave concern that the HDP dissolution case is the culmination of a crackdown on the party that has been going on for several years, and reiterates that banning the party would be a serious political mistake as an irreversible blow to pluralism and democratic principles; further highlights the role of the Ankara 22nd Heavy Penal Court in the so-called ‘Kobane case’ against 108 HDP politicians, and points to the special role of prosecutor Ahmet Altun, and in particular demands clarity over the alleged political interference documented among the file; further questions how the court managed to examine and accept a 3530-page document in a week, without hearing defendants; Is concerned by the ongoing case against CHP Vicechair Gökçe Gökçen, in the framework of an investigation against the whole Executive Board of the party for the publication and distribution of a booklet; is shocked by the fact that, among the three lawsuits filed against her, the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, led by Chief Public Prosecutor Ahmet Akça, charged her with the crime of physically assaulting the president, which comes with a minimum five year prison sentence, related to this brochure’s publication; notes that, while this lawsuit has been dismissed by the Ankara18th High Criminal Court, the other two lawsuits for slander, incitement towards hatred and defamation against the President still continue; remains seriously concerned about the continuous political and judicial harassment of Canan Kaftancıoğlu, Istanbul provincial chair of the CHP, through a growing number of lawsuits against her;
Amendment 325 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Condemns the recurrent use of revocation of the parliamentary status of opposition MPs, which seriously damages the Turkish Parliament’s image as a democratic institution; recalls in this regard the recent judgement by the ECtHR of 1 February 2022 that ruled that the lifting in 2016 of the immunities of 40 MPs of the HDP infringed their right of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly; follows with concern the ongoing summaries of proceedings seeking to lift the legislative immunity of HDP Diyarbakır MP Semra Güzel for alleged "membership of a terrorist organization" related to pictures taken 5 years ago; Reiterates its condemnation of the decision made by the Turkish authorities to remove democratically elected mayors from office on the basis of questionable evidence and replace them with unelected trustees, which undermines local democracy; notes the political, legislative and administrative measures taken by the Turkish Government to paralyse municipalities run by the mayors of opposition parties in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir;
Amendment 331 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
Paragraph 19
Amendment 345 #
20. Calls on Turkey to abide by a zero- tolerance policy on torture and to duly investigate persistent and credible reports of torture, ill-treatment and inhumane or degrading treatment in custody, in order to put an end to impunity and hold those responsible to account; welcomes the recent amendment in the regulation on prisons to replace “strip search” by “detailed search” and calls on the General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, headed by Yunus Alkaç, to ensure its full implementation “in respect for human dignity and honour”, as stated in the amended regulation, as there are still credible allegations on the continuation of this practice, including on minors visiting prisons; is deeply worried by the situation in Turkey’s prisons, particularly with regard to ill prisoners; deplores the continuation of the incarceration of former MP Aysel Tuğluk, despite her dire health condition, which has been determined by medical reports that are subsequently dismissed by the state-run Forensic Medicine Institution (ATE), currently headed by Erdinç Öztürk; is concerned by the situation of HDP MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu who is being currently investigated by the Kandıra Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on charges of “insulting the state and its organs”, “influencing the expert” and “praising the crime and the criminal” for calling for the release of Aysel Tuğluk; is appalled by the deafening silence of the Ombudsman in the face of the grave situation of fundamental rights in the country described above; calls on Şeref Malkoç, Chief Ombudsman of Turkey, to ensure that his institution becomes a useful tool for Turkey’s citizens and active in strengthening the culture of seeking legal remedies as the institution has set out in its aims; regrets that nor the Ombudsman nor the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (HREI), as the two main human rights institutions in the country, are operationally, structurally or financially independent; urges Turkey’s authorities to take the appropriate measures in order for these institutions to comply, as relevant, with the Paris Principles and the Commission’s Recommendation on Standards for Equality Bodies; deplores that certain members of the HREI, which is chaired by Muharrem Kiliç, demonstrated a negative attitude towards basic human rights, including gender equality, women's rights, LGBTIQ rights, and expressed support forTurkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention; invites the Human RightsInquiry Committee, chaired by MP Hakan Çavuşoğlu, at Grand National Assembly ofTurkey, to fully exert its extensive powers to investigate and seek accountability concerning violations of human rights in the country and to propose legislative amendments to ensure the alignment of the national legislation with the international conventions on human rights to which Turkey is party;
Amendment 355 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20 a. Calls on the Turkish authorities to promote positive and effective reforms in the area of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, by enabling religious communities to obtain legal personality;
Amendment 357 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 b (new)
Paragraph 20 b (new)
20 b. Calls on the Turkish authorities to fully respect the historical and cultural character of cultural and religious monuments and symbols, especially those that have been classified as UNESCO world heritage sites;
Amendment 360 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 c (new)
Paragraph 20 c (new)
20 c. Notes with great concern that child labour is still widespread in Turkey, that child abuse has increased in Koran schools and in juvenile prisons;
Amendment 361 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 d (new)
Paragraph 20 d (new)
20 d. Recalls that trade union freedom and social dialogue are crucial to the development of a pluralist society and its prosperity; regrets in this context the legislative shortcomings which remain in place in labour and trade union rights and stresses that the right to organise, the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike constitute fundamental rights of workers; is further concerned about the persistence of strong anti-trade union discrimination by employers and the dismissals, harassment and imprisonment to which managers and members of some unions continue to be subjected; calls on the Turkish authorities to align themselves with the ILO core labour standards to which the country has committed itself;
Amendment 363 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 e (new)
Paragraph 20 e (new)
20 e. Stresses that workers are being sacked en masse for organising themselves in trade unions; stresses in this regard the very questionable reasons that are put forward for such dismissals;
Amendment 366 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 f (new)
Paragraph 20 f (new)
20 f. Is concerned that after two years of pandemic there is substantial absence of state support towards people who live in poverty and are the main victims of COVID-19 in Turkey;
Amendment 377 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
Paragraph 21
21. Commends the efforts made byIs concerned about the way in which Turkey to continues to take advantage of the fact that it is hosting the largest refugee population in the world; welcomes, in this regard,by trying in particular to leverage refugees against the EU; reiterates that the continued provision of EU funding for refugees and host communities in Turkey, and expresses its commitment to is incumbent upon the strict adherence of Turkey to relevant international law standards, and takes the view that the deficits of the current refugee deal with Turkey must be immediately addressed in an effort to continue sustain thising EU support in the future; but in an appropriate framework;
Amendment 388 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21 a (new)
Paragraph 21 a (new)
21 a. Deplores the fact that Turkey has intensified the instrumentalization of refugees against the Republic of Cyprus and Greece, leaning, inter alia, on the fact that pushbacks by Greek border guards have occurred on several occasions, and calls for an immediate end to this deplorable practice, which harasses refugees and, in the absence of EU solidarity measures, puts additional administrative and financial pressure on the two EU Member States;
Amendment 400 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21 b (new)
Paragraph 21 b (new)
21 b. Calls on the EU not to remain complacent and rely on the 2016 EU- Turkey statement, which should be terminated, and to pursue a change in its immigration policy based on real solidarity, respect of the core principles of asylum and migration international law vis-à-vis everyone refraining from double standards, particularly now that the anti- immigration front in Europe is dangerously gaining ground;
Amendment 416 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
Paragraph 22
22. Acknowledges that Turkey can pursue its own foreign policy in line with its interests and goals, but expects this policy to be defended through diplomacy and dialogue based on international law and, as a candidate country, to be increasingly aligned with that of the EU; demands from Turkey to terminate all violations of international law as the EU demands from all other states and, as a candidate country, to contribute positively to regional peace and stability instead of illegally intervening in regional crises to pursue hegemonic goals;
Amendment 434 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22 a. Calls on all EU Member States, in view of Turkey’s militarized foreign policy, to stop all arms exports to Turkey;
Amendment 442 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
Paragraph 23
23. Welcomes the decrease in tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean during the past year, but remains fully aware that these positive dynamics could be reversed at any moment while the underlying issues remain unresolvedproblems remain unresolved; condemns in this regard the ongoing harassment by Turkish warships of research vessels within the EEZ of EU member-states, Turkey’s violations of Greek national airspace, including overflights of inhabited areas and territorial, as such actions violate both the sovereignty and sovereign rights of EU Member States contrary to international law;
Amendment 452 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 a (new)
Paragraph 23 a (new)
23 a. Calls on Turkey to refrain from all kinds of related provocations and threats against the sovereignty and sovereign rights of all EU member-states as protected under the international Law of the Sea, UNCLOS and the EU acquis, including the lawful right of the Republic of Cyprus to enter into bilateral agreements concerning its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and explore and exploit natural resources within its lawfully delimitated EEZ;
Amendment 457 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 b (new)
Paragraph 23 b (new)
23 b. Reiterates its call on the Turkish government to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which is part of the European Union acquis;
Amendment 459 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 c (new)
Paragraph 23 c (new)
23 c. Reiterates its call on the Turkish Government to halt its plans for the construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant, located in a region prone to severe earthquakes, hence posing a major threat not only to Turkey, but also to the Mediterranean region; requests, accordingly, that the Turkish Government join the Espoo Convention, which commits its parties to notifying and consulting each other on major projects under consideration that are likely to have a significant adverse environmental impact across boundaries; asks, to this end, the Turkish Government to involve, or at least consult, the governments of its neighbouring countries in relation to any further developments in the Akkuyu venture;
Amendment 464 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24
Paragraph 24
24. Deplores the fact that the unresolved conflict in Cyprus is a major obstacle toCyprus problem remains unresolved and reiterates that its solution within the agreed framework, in line with the relevant UNSC resolutions and international law, is necessary for complete EU-Turkey relations; reaffirms its view that the only sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue is that of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement on the basis of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as this is defined in the relevant UNSC resolutions, providing for one state with a single sovereignty, a single international legal personality and political equalitya single citizenship, in accordance with international law, the EU acquis and on the basis of respect for the principles on which the Union is founded; deeply regrets that Turkey has abandoned thise agreed basis of the solution and the UN framework;
Amendment 479 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 a (new)
Paragraph 24 a (new)
24 a. Strongly urges the Government of Turkey to abandon its unacceptable position for a two states solution and commit concretely to the UN Secretary General’s call for resumption of meaningful and substantial negotiations; urges to relaunch negotiations on the reunification of Cyprus under the auspices of the UN-Secretary General as soon as possible and from where they left off at Crans Montana in 2017;
Amendment 490 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 b (new)
Paragraph 24 b (new)
24 b. Condemns Turkey for continuing to ignore the unambiguous calls of the international community, including the EU, to reverse its previous illegal activities at Varosha and avoid any additional unilateral actions that could raise further tensions on the island; regrets that the partial “opening”of Varosha by Turkey negatively alters the situation on the ground, undermined mutual trust and therefore the prospect of the resumption of direct talks on the comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem; urges again Turkey to reverse this action and underlines that this unilateral action violates past agreements and convergences and all the relevant UNSC resolutions, particularly Resolutions 550(1984) and 789(1992) which call upon Turkey to transfer the area of Varosha to its lawful inhabitants under the temporary administration of the UN; warns against any change of the status quo at Varosha in violation of the aforementioned UNSC resolutions;
Amendment 499 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 c (new)
Paragraph 24 c (new)
24 c. Calls on Turkey to refrain from any unilateral actions which entrench on the ground the permanent division of the island as opposed to its reunification and jeopardise the prospects of substantial negotiations; calls on Turkey to begin withdrawing its troops from Cyprus and to refrain from any actions altering the demographic balance on the island through a policy of illegal settlements; taking note of the significant work of the Committee of Missing Persons (CMP) calls for improved access to military zones by the Turkish army, access to its military archives and information as to the relocation of remains from former to latter burial sites;
Amendment 507 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 d (new)
Paragraph 24 d (new)
24 d. Stresses the need for the EU acquis to be implemented across the entire island following the comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem; in the meantime the Republic of Cyprus is responsible for stepping up its efforts to facilitate the engagement of Turkish Cypriots with the EU;
Amendment 509 #
24 e. Expresses deep concern for the open intervention of Turkey into the affairs of the Turkish-Cypriot community; Condemns the Turkish Republic for not allowing the entrance of Turkish-Cypriot peace activists in Turkey by calling them a "threat for national security".
Amendment 518 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
Paragraph 25
25. Insists that democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights should remain at the heart of EU-Turkey relations under any framework; reaffirms its support for keeping the accession process and its value-based approach as the main framework for EU- Turkey relations, as it is still the most powerful tool to exercise normative pressure and sustain the democratic and pro-European aspirations of Turkish society; nevertheless remains open to the possibility of both sides reviewing, in a realistic manner, the appropriateness of this framework and its ability to function, or, if necessary, exploring other possible models for future relations;
Amendment 542 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26
26. Notes that the current state of ‘conflictual cooperation’ in EU-Turkey relations is prone to producing unsatisfactory results; calls for a rebalancing of the relationship by building on the solid grounds for cooperation driven by mutual interests, and also by building confidence to address the lack of trust; believes that an orderly dispute settlement mechanism may be beneficial in such an overall framework and calls on the Commission to explore the creation of such a mechanism;
Amendment 554 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
Paragraph 27
27. Notes that the varying priorities of the EU institutions set out in the existing frameworks governing EU-Turkey relations make it very difficult to find an effective way to move forward; deplores the lack of a long-term strategy, a coherent policy and consistent leadership towards Turkey in the EU and among all its institutions;