2 Amendments of Martin HLAVÁČEK related to 2021/2188(INI)

Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas the common fisheries policy (CFP) seeks to guarantee the proper conservation and management of marine biological resources and ensure that fishing and aquaculture activities contribute to environmental, social andare environmentally sustainable in the long term and are managed in a way that is consistent with the objectives of achieving economic, sustainability;ocial and employment benefits, and of contributing to the availability of food supplies,
Committee: PECH
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Believes it necessary to promote sustainable aquaculture models that could contribute to the conservation of ecosystems affording protection against the effects of climate change; underlines the importance of differentiating between production and protein-processing aquaculture, particularly when the latter involves practices that put pressure on the sustainability of marine resources in other parts of the world;considers that feedstuffs intended for fisheries and aquaculture should be produced by sustainable agriculture and fishing, and should therefore exclude any product obtained from IUU fishing or overfishing; considers that the production of microalgae can reduce the use of non- sustainable fishmeal in fisheries,
Committee: PECH