4 Amendments of Alexandr VONDRA related to 2021/2106(DEC)

Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11
11. Notes with concern the Court's findings in Special Report 18/2020: "The EU’s Emissions Trading System: free allocation of allowances need on the audit question “Did decisions on free Emissions Trading System allowances provide a reasonable basis to encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?” that while the use of free allocation was justified, better targeting" that of free allowances are not well targeted, tended to slow decarbonisation and that the Commission needs to update its procedure for targeting free allowances to reflect the Paris Agreemenwill enable multiple benefits for decarbonisation, public finances and the operation of the single market;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
12. Calls on the Commission to provide Parliament with an annual report setting out in detail the contribution of each budget item to the climate mainstreaming (at least 30 %) and the biodiversity (7,5 % as of 2024 and 10% in 2026 and in 2027) targets, in order to facilitate their monitoring; calls further on the Commission to report whether any budget item fails to respect the "do no significant harm" criterion as referred to in the Taxonomy Regulation;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13
13. Reiterates its strong concern that the reservation on reputational, legal, financial and institutional grounds related to significant security risks identified in the maintenance and the operation of the Union Registry system of the EU Emissions Trading System, as reported in AARs since 2010 and as confirmed by the latest risk assessment exercise, is repeated in DG Climate Action’s 2020 AAR; notes that the most recent evaluation in 2019 continued to reveal residual risk levels which, combined with the rapid rise in the carbon price, has lead to threats outpacing the implementation rate of the security measures that DG CLIMA and DG DIGIT can sustain given their operating constraints and resource allocations; awaits the study on potential alternative and security-sustainable operating models for the Union Registry that is, expected in 2021, which will provide options to be considered to prevent future cyber-attacks;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 18
18. Notes with concern that, in its Special Report 15/2020 "Protection of wild pollinators in the EU —Commission initiatives have not borne fruit", the Court found that Union measures did not ensure thefully protection of wild pollinators and that Union pesticides legislation was a main cause of wild pollinator losfrom habitat loss, invasive alien species, and the use of pesticides and fertilisers, identifying gaps in some key policies and concluding that the EU Pollinators Initiative does not have the requisite tools and mechanisms to address these gaps;
Committee: ENVI