Activities of Vladimír REMEK related to 2011/0043(NLE)

Shadow reports (1)

REPORT on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the specific programme, to be carried out by means of indirect actions, implementing the Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2012 - 2013) PDF (183 KB) DOC (219 KB)
Committee: ITRE
Dossiers: 2011/0043(NLE)
Documents: PDF(183 KB) DOC(219 KB)

Amendments (2)

Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex – part I – section I.A – point 1 – paragraph 3
The R&D activities in support of ITER construction will be carried out in the Fusion Associations and European industries. They will include the development and testing, testing and reliability verification of components and systems.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex – part I – section I.B – point 1 – paragraph 2
Geological disposal: Engineering studies and demonstration of repository designs, in situ characterisation of repository host rocks (in both generic and site-specific underground research laboratories), understanding of the repository environment, studies on relevant processes in the near field (waste form and engineered barriers) and far-field (bedrock and pathways to the biosphere), development of robust methodologies for performance and safety assessment and investigation of governance and societal issues related to public acceptance. To secure more effective confinement of radioactive substances in case of unanticipated events, it is necessary to implement robust systems maintaining the service with downgraded modes of operation.
Committee: ITRE