1 Amendments of Duarte FREITAS related to 2008/0015(COD)

Amendment 309 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 11 a (new)
Article 11a Export of CO2 1. Where CO2 is to be exported from the Community to a third country for the purpose of geological storage, the holder of the CO2 shall submit an application for authorisation of the export to the competent authority of the Member State of origin. 2. The competent authority of the Member State of origin shall notify for consent the competent authority of the country of destination. 3. The competent authority of the Member State of origin may only authorise the export if: (a) the consent of the competent authority of the country of destination has been given; (b) it can be ensured that the geological storage of the CO2 in the country of destination takes place in line with the requirements laid down in this Directive; (c) the geological storage of CO2 is covered by an emission trading system in the country of destination, which is linked to the EU Emission Trading Scheme established pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC. 4. The export of CO2 shall not be authorised without the specific assent of the Commission. 5. The authorisation for the export may cover several export acts for a previously stipulated quantity of CO2 and for a period of time not longer than one year, provided they are made under the same operational conditions of capture, transport and storage.
Committee: ENVI