5 Amendments of Neena GILL related to 2016/2312(INI)

Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Welcomes the adoption of key pieces of anti-corruption legislation, including on the protection of whistle- blowers; is concerned, however, that key anti-corruption institutions continue to be subject to political interference and have limited administrative capacities; stresses the need for a more adequate legal framework for conflicts of interest, regulating lobbying and better interinstitutional cooperation, especially between police and prosecution services, with a view to improving their track record as regards investigation, prosecution and conviction, including in high level cases; in view of the upcoming parliamentary electionunderscores the importance of addressing concerns related to political party financing; calls for the introduction of measures to improve oversight and transparency and guarantee the independence of the Central Election Commission mandated to manage the audits of political party finances, calls for effective oversight of political party financing;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Welcomes the continued implementation of the strategy and action plan on the fight against organised crime and intensified international police cooperation; welcomes recent operations against drug plantations; calls also for organised crime networks to be dismantled and for the number of final convictions in organised crime cases to be increased, by enhancing cooperation between police and prosecution services and by strengthening institutional and operational capacities; underscores the importance of tackling trafficking in arms and stepping up cooperation with the EU to this effect; underlines the need to step up efforts to prevent human trafficking, in particular as regards unaccompanied children and child victims of trafficking;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10 a. Notes that the border closures enacted by main transit countries in the Balkan region could result in a significant increase of the importance of Albania as a transit country for refugees and asylum seekers; welcomes statements by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to the effect that refugees and asylum seekers should be treated in line with EU fundamental values; encourages Albania to further improve its legal framework for determining international protection status for refugees; expresses concern regarding the recent rise in cases of human trafficking; commends efforts by the Albanian police to step up information sharing with Frontex and calls for a further strengthening of cooperation between the EU and Albania in order to protect refugees' rights in line with international standards and EU fundamental values;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Urges the competent authorities to continue improving the climate of inclusion and tolerance for all minorities in the country, including by enhancing the role of the State Committee on Minorities; as regards Roma and Egyptians, calls for continued efforts in improving their access to employment and all public and social services including, education, health, social housing and legal aid; is concerned that, despite improvements, the inclusion of Roma children in the education system remains the lowest in the region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 178 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Welcomes improvements in fiscal consolidation, better scores in doing business, and efforts to fight the informal economy; still notes, however, shortcomings in the rule of law and a cumbersome regulatory environment, which deter investment; expresses concern about reports by the IMF concerning corruption in tax inspections and changes in tax legislation enacted to the benefit of a small group of private stakeholders; urges the competent authorities to take measures for improved enforcement of contracts and better tax collection, and to continue implementing judicial reform with a view to improving the business environment;
Committee: AFET