13 Amendments of Lena KOLARSKA-BOBIŃSKA related to 2013/2128(INI)

Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. - having regard to the June 2013 Final Report of the FP7 'THINK' project entitled 'From Distribution Networks to Smart Distribution Systems: Rethinking the Regulation of European Electricity DSOs'
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. -having regard to Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) 16th April 2013 report entitled, 'Status Review on the Transposition of Unbundling Requirements for DSOs and Closed Distribution System Operators'
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 c (new)
1c. Whereas the CEER defines smart grids as being "electricity networks that can cost-efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all users connected to it – generators, consumers and those that do both – in order to ensure economically efficient, sustainable power systems with low losses and high levels of quality and security of supply and safety",
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Underlines the numerous benefits of smart grids to decarbonise the economylowering greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy and distributed generation, create conditions for efficient use of electricity in transport, give consumers the ability to adapt their consumption to benefit from the lowest prices and at the same time save energy, improve energy efficiency, and also boost EU technology development;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Emphasises the urgent need for new, modernised, smart and flexible energy infrastructure, especially smart grids, to allow for more flexible back-up and balancing power capacity, including individual microgeneration and storage systems, new electricity uses (such as electric vehicles) and demand-response programmes; welcomes the strong emphasis placed on electricitsmart energy projects of common interest in the Connecting Europe Facility, while regretting that only two smart grid projects were included in the current two year list;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Stresses, however, that the development of smart grids is about the efficient transporting of energy with the least amount of lose or waste from the site of production to the site of final use; underlines that smart grids are needed in the future for all energy sources, independent if an energy supply is renewable or otherwise;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Regrets the lack of a structured dialogue at the European level between the DSOs and the European Commission; underlines that without DSO cooperation, smart grid policy cannot be implemented or deployed; asks the Commission to assess the need for the creation of a single European DSO network, equivalent in some functions to the ENTSO-E and ENTSOG groupings;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 b (new)
5b. Asks the Member States to further cooperate and share best practices in the CEER forum on the regulation of national DSOs; while noting the diversity of the organisation of DSOs, where some Member States have a single DSO while others has more than 800, encourages Member States to work closer together; calls on the Member States and the Commission to agree an unified classification of whether an organisation is a transmission operator, a distribution operator or a combined operator;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Takes note of the 16th April 2013 CEER status review of DSO unbundling as required by the third energy package, which finds a clear lack of progress; calls on the Commission to review the implementation of the unbundling clauses of the package and to assess if further measures are needed; moreover, asks the Commission to assess the exemption of the unbundling clause granted to DSOs with less than 100,000 customers;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Emphasises the role of smart grids to allow two-way communication between electricity producers and customers; underlines that strong personal data protection, including the protection of personal privacy, and readily available consumer information is essential;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Asks the Commission to issue further guidance as to the use of personal and non-personal smart grid data in the light of the revised EU legislation on data protection and to agreed rules on the ownership and management of this data by DSOs, providers or other commercial bodies;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Recalls that in some Member States, rural communities suffer from blackouts and other issues due to under-maintained networks or insufficient investments; asks the Commission to assess special measures to ensure that smart grids reach rural communities; notes, however, that basic energy infrastructure upgrading and maintaining should continue in areas unlikely to be priorities for smart grid deployment;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 b (new)
9b. Recalls the 2011 Standardization Mandate to support European Smart Grid deployment which was to complete its work in 2012; welcomes the progress made under this mandate but stresses that further work is needed; asks the Commission to engage with the standardisation bodies to speed up the completion of their work and to issue a new mandate if deemed necessary;
Committee: ITRE