1 Written explanations of Norbert NEUSER

Situation in Afghanistan (RC-B9-0455/2021, B9-0433/2021, B9-0453/2021, B9-0455/2021, B9-0458/2021, B9-0459/2021, B9-0460/2021, B9-0462/2021)

I am voting in favour of the Afghanistan resolution, but I would like to point out the following problem: Recital O says that the Commission was not able to coordinate or organise European flights. This is not correct.In fact, six EU Member States – Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium – have invoked the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). In 94 military flights, 21 530 people were flown from Kabul to Abu Dhabi, Tashkent, Tbilisi and Islamabad and brought to Europe on civilian planes. All Afghan staff working for the EU on the ground (EU Delegation, External Action Service, Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships and ECHO field office) were flown out.