3 Amendments of Karin KADENBACH related to 2012/0337(COD)

Amendment 136 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex 1 – point 9
9. To live well in the future, urgent, concerted action should be taken now to improve ecological resilience and maximise the benefits environment policy can deliver for the economy and society, while respecting the planet’s ecological limits. This programme reflects the EU’s commitment to transforming itself into an inclusive green economy that secures growth and development, safeguards human health and well-being, provides decent jobs, reduces inequalities and invests in and preserves natural capitalbiodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides - natural capital – for its intrinsic value and for its essential contribution to human wellbeing and economic prosperity.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 363 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex 1 – point 52 – subparagraph 2 – point e a (new)
(ea) Implementation of the initiatives in the transport White Paper, particularly by further internalisation of external costs
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 477 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex 1 – point 98
98. The EU should also leverage its position as one of the largest markets in the world to promote policies and approaches that decrease pressure on the global natural resource base. This cannot be doneachieved alone, but initiated by changing patterns of consumption and production, as well as by ensuring that trade and internal market policies support the achievement of environmental and climate goals and provide incentives to other countries to upgrade and enforce their environmental regulatory frameworks and standards. The EU will continue to promote sustainable development through the negotiation and implementation of dedicated provisions in its international trade agreements and should consider other policy options to reduce the impacts of EU consumption on the environment in non- EU countries. An example of such a policy option are tThe bilateral Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) partnerships, which establish a framework to ensure only legally- harvested timber enters the EU market from partner countrie are further developed and extended to other products.
Committee: ENVI