Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | AGRI | SARVAMAA Petri ( EPP) | AVRAM Carmen ( S&D), FEDERLEY Fredrick ( Renew), DEPARNAY-GRUNENBERG Anna ( Verts/ALE), HAKKARAINEN Teuvo ( ID), AGUILAR Mazaly ( ECR), BOMPARD Manuel ( GUE/NGL) |
Committee Opinion | ITRE | PEKKARINEN Mauri ( Renew) | François ALFONSI ( Verts/ALE), Manuel BOMPARD ( GUE/NGL), Sara SKYTTEDAL ( PPE), Rob ROOKEN ( ECR) |
Committee Opinion | ENVI | POLFJÄRD Jessica ( EPP) | Margrete AUKEN ( Verts/ALE), João FERREIRA ( GUE/NGL), Andrey SLABAKOV ( ECR) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 54
Legal Basis:
RoP 54Subjects
The European Parliament adopted by 462 votes to 176, with 59 abstentions, a resolution on the European forestry strategy: the way forward.
Members argued that the EU’s internal and international commitments to, for example, the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and the creation of a zero-emission society, will be impossible to achieve without the climate benefits and other ecosystem services provided by forests and the forest-based sector.
Promoting forest management models to ensure sustainable forests
In recent decades, the EU´s forest resources have been increasing in terms of forest cover and volume. Currently, forests and other wooded areas cover around 43% of the surface of the EU, reaching at least 182 million hectares and comprising 5% of the world’s total forests, thanks to afforestation and natural regeneration. Half of the Natura 2000 network is made up of forest areas (i.e. 37.5 million hectares) and that 23% of all forests in Europe are within Natura 2000 sites.
Noting that, according to the latest estimates, only 26% of forest species and 15% of forest habitats demonstrate a favourable conservation status, Parliament called on Member States to ensure that ecosystems are safeguarded and, where necessary, to develop and enhance guidelines regarding non-timber forest products.
The Commission was invited to:
- explore options to incentivise and remunerate climate, biodiversity and other ecosystem services appropriately in order to permit an economically viable forest conversion;
- take into account the need to support forest owners, including financial support, in the new EU forestry strategy. Such support shall be conditional on respect for sustainable forest management, in order to ensure continued investment in modern technologies and in environmental and climate measures that enhance the multifunctional role played by forests, with a specific financial instrument for the management of areas in the Natura 2000 network, and in the creation of decent working conditions.
Forests absorb more than 10% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. Members called for supporting and increasing CO2 sequestration in forests to a level that allows for sustainable management of all forest functions, in situ carbon storage, including in agroforests, in dead wood, in forest soils in wood-based products through sustainable and active forest management. They encouraged the Commission to explore different market-based mechanisms to encourage the substitution of fossil fuels with renewable raw materials that have climate benefits.
Key role of the EU post-2020 strategy for forests
The EU's upcoming post-2020 EU forest strategy shall be in line with the European Green Deal and an ambitious EU biodiversity strategy. In view of climate change, Members called for risk management measures such as strengthening Europe's resilience to disasters and early warning tools to increase prevention and preparedness for fires, storms, floods, droughts or pest infestations.
The resolution stressed, inter alia , the need to:
- increase resources and development efforts devoted to science-based forest fire management;
- ensure a market-based bio-economy in the EU, for example by promoting innovation and the creation of new bio-based products as part of an efficient biomass supply chain;
- encourage the use of wood, harvested wood products or forest biomass to boost sustainable production and employment;
- provide better support to forest owners when implementing preventive measures, dealing with crises and restoring affected areas, e.g. through a new European emergency mechanism.
Parliament warned that further cuts in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget would have a negative impact on investment in sustainable forest management. It deplored the fact that the CAP proposal for the 2021-2027 programming period makes no mention of agroforestry.
Sustainable management of the world's forests
According to Members, the EU forest strategy shall promote sustainable forest management worldwide, both through bilateral agreements and multilateral forest-related processes, focusing on measures to stop global deforestation, including by supporting legal, sustainable and deforestation-free production and supply chains that do not lead to human rights violations.
The resolution called for traceability measures for imports to better prevent illegally logged timber or timber from illegal sources from entering the EU market, which constitutes unfair competition for the European forestry sector.
Parliament called for the importing of illegally acquired timber to be included in trade agreements, with sanctions to be imposed in the event of infringements.
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2020)686
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0257/2020
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading: A9-0154/2020
- Committee report tabled for plenary: A9-0154/2020
- Committee opinion: PE646.939
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE650.371
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE650.406
- Committee opinion: PE648.258
- Committee draft report: PE645.118
- Committee draft report: PE645.118
- Committee opinion: PE648.258
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE650.371
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE650.406
- Committee opinion: PE646.939
- Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading: A9-0154/2020
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2020)686
- Rainer WIELAND
Plenary Speeches (4)
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- Fredrick FEDERLEY
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- Marisa MATIAS
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- Ulrike MÜLLER
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- Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ
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- Manuel BOMPARD
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- Cristian GHINEA
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- Benoît LUTGEN
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- Ivan Vilibor SINČIĆ
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- Carmen AVRAM
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- Mazaly AGUILAR
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- Krzysztof JURGIEL
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- Marlene MORTLER
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A9-0154/2020 - Petri Sarvamaa - Am 1 #
A9-0154/2020 - Petri Sarvamaa - Am 2 #
A9-0154/2020 - Petri Sarvamaa - Résolution #
Amendments | Dossier |
853 |
302 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 1 Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 6 d (new) — having regard to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems,
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C j (new) Cj. whereas overcutting of forests is responsible for the disappearance of a large number of species; whereas FunDivEUROPE, a European collaborative project involving 29 research teams with data from more than 200 parcels in the forests of six European countries, has shown that biotic homogenisation has a negative impact on the capacity of forests to deliver multiple ecosystem benefits; whereas they recommend preventing the invasion of exotic species and increasing the diversity of trees in plantation forests in order to promote the multifunctionality of forests so as to meet environmental, economic and social requirements;
Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C j (new) Cj. whereas types of cutting have different impacts on forests’ carbon dioxyde storage capacities, soil quality and conservation status, clear-cutting of large areas being the most damaging method, since it removes much of the organic matter and roots from the soil, causes the release of soil carbon and significantly damages the complex structure of the forest and its dependent ecosystems;
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C k (new) Ck. whereas data available on forests at EU level is incomplete and of varying quality, hampering the capacity of coordination at EU level concerning forest management;
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C l (new) Cl. whereas illegal logging is ongoing also in the EU4a; _________________ 4aexamples Romania, Sweden, Poland df/Briefing%20note%20May- June%202019_Final.pdf and df/Briefing_Note_April_- _May_2018_Public_version.pdf
Amendment 104 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 1 Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Welcomes the actions taken by the Member States and the Commission to meet the objectives of the EU Forest Strategy and the involvement of the Standing Forestry Committee, the Civil Dialogue Group on Forestry and Cork, the Expert Group on Forest Fires, the Expert Group on Forest-based Industries and Sectorally-related Issues and relevant stakeholders in the multiannual implementation of Forest MAP;
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Amendment 109 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 7 a (new) — having regard to the Commission communication of 11 December 2019 on ‘The European Green Deal’ (COM(2019)0640),
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Recognises that the eight plus one priority areas of the strategy have been implemented with relatively few impediments, with the exception of ongoing challenges in the areas of ‘What forests do we have and how are they changing?’
Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Recognises that the Forest Strategy has been useful as a coordination tool and that, generally speaking, the eight plus one priority areas of the strategy have been implemented with relatively few impediments, with the exception of ongoing challenges in the areas of ‘What forests do we have and how are they changing?’ and ‘Fostering coordination and communication’;
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Recognises that the eight plus one priority areas of the strategy have been implemented with relatively few impediments, with the exception of ongoing challenges in the area of biodiversity, where the reports show no improvement so far, and in the areas of ‘What forests do we have and how are they changing?’ and ‘Fostering coordination and communication’;
Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Takes note of the fact that forests fulfil several, often-conflicting objectives (including regulating water quality, biodiversity protection and providing raw materials for paper, construction and energy), which is why, as a result, many of these forests fall consequently under distinct domains where the EU is competent, such as energy, agriculture, environment, climate and water, and many European Commission Directorates General are engaged in forest related issues1a although forests per se remain outside the realm of EU competences; calls, therefore, on the Commission and the Directorates Generals with forest- related competences to work strategically to ensure coherence in any forestry- related work and enhance the sustainable management of forests; as well as to review its organisational structures relevant to forest, agroforestry and the forest-based sector to ensure effective implementation of the strategy; _________________ 1a 4907/9/3/125/htm#
Amendment 114 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Stresses that forests in the European Union are the common heritage of all European citizens and calls for them to be recognised as a common good; calls for state forestry agencies and their forestry enterprises to be maintained and strengthened;
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Notes that many challenges are still present concerning the eight areas of the strategy, and that some are growing;
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. Highlights that in 2017, only 26 % of forest species and 15 % of the forest habitats were found to be in favourable conservation status in the Union, and were not showing any trend towards bettering;
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 c (new) 2c. Notes that the EU Forestry strategy and diverse EU legislative tools, notably the Renewable Energy Directive, did encourage the development in the EU of the use of wood as biomass for energy production, but that this development is not done in a sustainable way; stresses that the scientific consensus on the impacts on climate change of the use of wood as biomass as evolved since 2013;
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Highlights the fact that a definition of SFM was agreed as part of the pan- European FOREST EUROPE process; notes that the definition has been incorporated into national legislation and voluntary systems, such as forest certifications, in place in the Member States; welcomes the introduction of the FSC certification in the member states, which have put it in place and urges the remaining member states to speed up the necessary procedures to follow suit;
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Highlights the fact that
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 7 b (new) — having regard to the EU biodiversity strategy,
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Highlights the fact that a definition of SFM was agreed as part of the pan- European FOREST EUROPE process; notes that the definition has been incorporated into national legislation and voluntary systems, such as forest certifications,
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Highlights the fact that a definition of SFM was internationally agreed as part of the pan-
Amendment 122 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4.
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses that the promotion of SFM in the EU, as part of the EU Forest Strategy and the rural development measures implemented under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP),
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses that the promotion of SFM in the EU, as part of the EU Forest Strategy and the rural development measures implemented under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), has had a positive impact on the biodiversity of forests in the EU and has enhanced the climate benefits offered by the forest-based sector; notes, however, that there is still a need to strengthen SFM in a balanced manner in order to ensure that forests are better able to adapt to changing climate conditions
Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses that
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses that the promotion of SFM in the EU, as part of the EU Forest Strategy and the rural development measures implemented under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), has had a positive impact on forests and forest conditions on livelihood in rural areas, on the biodiversity of forests in the EU and has enhanced the climate benefits offered by the forest-based sector; notes, however, that there is still a need to strengthen SFM in a balanced manner in order to ensure that forests are better able to adapt to changing climate conditions and to reduce the risks and impacts of natural disturbances;
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Welcomes afforestation and reforestation as suitable tools in enhancing forest cover especially in abandoned lands, close to urban and peri- urban areas as well as in mountainous areas; highlights the importance of protective functions of forests as well as active and sustainable forest management in these areas to enhance health and resilience of the ecosystems; stresses the importance of adapting the species composition to regional and climatic conditions;
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Stresses that while the maintenance of biodiversity is mentioned in several policy documents, the actual quantified rate of forest biodiversity loss cannot be evaluated based on the data collected for the Pan-European Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management7a _________________ 7aForest Europe, 2015: Goals for European Forests, available at: content/uploads/2016/11/MID_TERM_Ev aluatG2020T_2015.pdf
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Notes that, although improvements were made through the setting up of the Forest Information System of Europe, the available data on EU forests, and in particular on their ecological status is incomplete, difficult to aggregate and not backed by remote sensing;
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 9 Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Concludes that the differences between Member States, including the differences between regions within Member States has been an important factor when considering measures on an EU-level;
Amendment 131 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 b (new) 4b. Commends the forest-related research and innovation already undertaken, especially under the Horizon 2020 and LIFE+ programmes; applauds those cases where the results contribute to the development of the sustainable bioeconomy, seeking a balance between different aspects of sustainable forest management and underlining multifunctional role of forests;
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 b (new) 4b. Underlines the crucial importance of forest habitats and their favourable status for implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy;
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 c (new) Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 d (new) 4d. Stresses therefore particular importance of the Carpathian region and notes that the EU accession to the Carpathian convention would be of relevance to provide support to the region which holds irreplaceable natural values in continental Europe;
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 e (new) 4e. Highlights significant unused carbon sequestration potential of European forests;
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 2 Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches;
Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches; points out that forests are a reservoir of carbon and unique ecosystems, species and genetic resources and nonetheless already absorb around 10% of the European Union´s greenhouse gas emissions;
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, improved air quality, absorbing and storing around 10% of EU carbon emissions thereby significantly contributing to climate change mitigation efforts, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches;
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 9 a (new) — having regard to the Mid-Term Review of the Biodiversity Strategy to 2020,
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including supporting ecosystem services, raw materials, improved air quality,
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges;
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, improved air quality, clean water, biodiversity, erosion control,
Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including habitats for endangered species, carbon sequestration, raw materials, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches;
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests, including in its overseas territories, are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches;
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches and recreational and cultural benefits;
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, renewable energy1a, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches;
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Notes that forested areas vary a great deal across the Member States; refers in this connection to the particularly valuable role of stable mixed forests including native species of trees suited to the local conditions and the essential part that mixed forests play in ecosystems and the contribution they make to biodiversity; calls on the Member States to support forest owners in their efforts to maintain and establish native mixed forests characteristic of the local area;
Amendment 148 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Emphasises that according to the EEA’s report on state and outlook 2020 of the European environment, biodiversity targets will not be met without wider and more effective implementation of existing policies and stronger societal responses to biodiversity loss in forests and other areas;
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Emphasises, however, that although there are examples of sustainable forest management practices, the major trend is increasing intensity of forestry that leads to biodiversity decline9a _________________ 9aIPBES(2018): Summary for policymakers of the regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. M. Fischer, M. Rounsevell, A. Torre-Marin Rando, A. Mader, A. Church,M. Elbakidze, V. Elias, T. Hahn. P.A. Harrison, J. Hauck, B. Martín- López, I.Ring, C. Sandström, I. Sousa Pinto, P. Visconti, N.E. Zimmermann and M.Christie (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. available at: _15_add.4_eca_english.pdf
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 10 — having regard to the Council conclusions of
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Observes that, in all situations, the forest owner has the power of decision over the use to be made of a forest, within the limits set by domestic law;
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Observes that the EU should not adopt overlapping criteria in addition to national legislation and to voluntary certification systems that are more stringent than the law; considers that diversity criteria that go beyond legislation should be left to owners and the wood-buying industry to decide and be guided by the market mechanism; takes the view that the market mechanism can deliver faster, more acceptable and more far-reaching results than regulation;
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Notes with concern that at EU level, reported data indicate that energy accounts for 48% of total use of woody biomass1a, reiterates in this respect that significant financial resources are allocated to support schemes for early energy recovery from biomass; _________________ 1aCamia A., Robert N., Jonsson R., Pilli R., García-Condado S., López-Lozano R., van der Velde M., Ronzon T., Gurría P., M’Barek R., Tamosiunas S., Fiore G., Araujo R., Hoepffner N., Marelli L., Giuntoli J., 2018: Biomass production, supply, uses and flows in the European Union. First results from an integrated assessment
Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 c (new) 5c. Recalls with concern that increase in harvest is proposed in number of draft national forestry accounting plans, implementing the climate legislation, worries that this is not in line with up-to-date science;
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that over the past decades EU´s forest resources have been increasing in terms of forest cover and volume, and currently forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43 % of the surface of the EU
Amendment 155 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43 % of the surface of the EU, that 60 % of EU forests are privately owned with a high proportion of small size forest holdings, and that the sector employs at least 500 000 people directly3 and 2.6 million indirectly in the EU4 ; _________________ 3 Eurostat database on forestry, available at: ata/database 4European Parliament fact sheet of May 2019 on the European Union and forests.
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43 % of the surface of the EU and that the sector employs at least 500 000 people directly3 and 2.6 million indirectly in the EU4 ; stresses that this workforce is dependent on a well- preserved and sustainably managed forest ecosystem in the long term; _________________ 3 Eurostat database on forestry, available at: ata/database 4European Parliament fact sheet of May 2019 on the European Union and forests.
Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43 % of the surface of the EU, that 60% of European forest is privately owned and ownership is fragmented and largely small-scale, and that the sector employs at least 500 000 people directly3 and 2.6 million indirectly in the EU4; _________________ 3 Eurostat database on forestry, available at: ata/database 4European Parliament fact sheet of May 2019 on the European Union and forests.
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new) — having regard to the responsibilities of the EU States under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD),
Amendment 160 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover a
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Notes that forests and other wooded areas cover at least 43 % of the surface of the EU and that the sector employs at least 500 000 people directly3 and 2.6 million indirectly in the EU4; notes the growth in the number of hectares of forests in Europe; _________________ 3 Eurostat database on forestry, available at: ata/database 4European Parliament fact sheet of May 2019 on the European Union and forests.
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) Amendment 163 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Observes that the area of forest in the Union is growing, inter alia as a result of afforestation, and that managed commercial forests not only bind carbon better than unmanaged forests but also reduce emissions and problems caused by deterioration of the condition of forests; notes that sustainable management of commercial forests has the very best impact on the climate, and that countries which manage their forests well should be rewarded for this;
Amendment 164 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Points out that over 60 % of the productive forests in the EU, and over 20 % worldwide are certified according to Sustainable Forest Management voluntary standards; notes also that the share of the round wood stemming from certified forests processed by the wood- based industries globally is higher than 20 % and that this share is reaching 50% in the EU;
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Points out that the Member States are obliged to undertake sustainable forestry management in their public forest ownership in exemplary fashion; this applies in particular to environmental, economic and social aspects;
Amendment 166 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Stresses that around 60% of the EU´s forests are privately owned; supports all measures improving the exchange of information and best practises as regards the implementation of sustainable forest management;
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Stresses the important role that forests play in the creation of green jobs and in growth in rural areas, including for farming, ecotourism, hunting, recreation and health services;
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Stresses the important environmental and economic role played by forest in outermost regions and the need to preserve the rich and singular biodiversity present in those areas;
Amendment 169 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Recognises that long-term investments
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new) — having regard to the Court Judgement C-164/97 and C-165/97 1a _________________ 1acourt judgement- Joined Cases C- 164/97 and C-165/97; available at: content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:6199 7CJ0164&rid=1
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Recognises that long-term investments in
Amendment 171 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Recognises that long-term investments in SFM ensure that forests remain not only economically viable, but
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Recognises that long-term investments in SFM ensure that forests remain not only economically viable, but also contribute to achieving the many goals of the EU, including the
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Recognises that long-term investments in SFM ensure that forests remain not only economically viable, but also contribute to achieving the many goals of the EU, including the successful implementation of the European Green Deal
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Recognises that long-term public and private investments in SFM ensure that forests remain not only economically viable, but can also contribute to achieving
Amendment 175 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Reiterates that forests and the forest-based sector significantly contribute to the development of local, circular bioeconomies in the EU; stresses that in 2010 the bioeconomy represented a market estimated to be worth over EUR 2 trillion, providing 20 million jobs and accounting for 9 % of total employment in the EU; notes that every euro invested in bioeconomy research and innovation under Horizon 2020 will generate about EUR 10 in added value;
Amendment 176 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Stresses the need to reconsider ambitious goals of the European Green Deal for 2030 (especially to increase the EU’s GHG emission reduction target to 50-55 %) and thoroughly assess its economic impacts on the competitiveness of forestry sector and foresters in the EU, in the context of current global pandemic of COVID-19;
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Stresses the need to reconsider ambitious goals of the European Green Deal for 2030, especially to increase the EU’s GHG emission reduction target, and thoroughly assess its economic impacts on the competitiveness of forestry sector and foresters in the EU, in the context of current global pandemic of COVID-19;
Amendment 178 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Notes that over 10% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions are stored by sustainably, actively-managed forests; larger areas of healthy forest mean increased CO2 sequestration, thus making them an effective instrument in the fight against climate change;
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests, carbon storage in wood-based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy; draws attention to the fact that a foreseeable increase in demand for wood and biomass must be accompanied by sustainable forest management; emphasises, in this respect, the need to increase funding for research into the substitution of fossil fuels and fossil-fuel materials;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 b (new) Amendment 180 #
8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests
Amendment 181 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests, carbon storage in wood-based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy; calls for the circular use of harvested timber products to be stimulated in order to promote resource efficiency, reduce waste and extend the carbon life cycle for the deployment of a sustainable and local bioeconomy;
Amendment 182 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests, carbon storage in wood-based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy; stresses that the circular use of wood should also be increased to improve the use of our sustainable resources;
Amendment 184 #
8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests, carbon storage in wood-based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy; notes however the importance of avoiding unnecessary market distortions for wood- based raw-materials as it comes to support schemes for bioenergy;
Amendment 185 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests
Amendment 186 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to maintain and where possible increase CO2 sequestration in forests, carbon storage in wood-based products and the substitution of fossil- based materials and energy or substitution of materials with high energy input;
Amendment 187 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests to a level which enables sustainable management of all forest functions, carbon storage in wood- based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy;
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to further promote and increase CO2 sequestration in forests
Amendment 189 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the EU’s internal and international commitments to, for example, the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and the creation of a zero-emission society, will be impossible to achieve without
Amendment 190 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests and agroforests, and their soils, carbon storage in wood- based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy;
Amendment 191 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Acknowledges the crucial climate benefits of forests and the forest-based sector; highlights the need to increase CO2 sequestration in forests through SFM, carbon storage in wood-based products and the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy;
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Notes that wood is the only material capable of sequestering CO2 and calls on the Commission to promote its use in long-life products and as a substitute for energy- and resource- intensive materials such as plastic, aluminium and concrete, particularly in the construction sector; calls for this benefit to be taken into account and rewarded in the EU's revised climate and energy framework;
Amendment 193 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Highlights the beneficial effects of forest shelterbelts both for protecting farmland and for increasing agricultural output; strongly advocates methods to encourage farmers to develop forest shelterbelts;
Amendment 194 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Therefore calls for the promotion of the circular use of wood products in order to foster resource-efficiency, waste reduction and an extension of the carbon life cycle with the aim of creating a sustainable bioeconomy;
Amendment 195 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Stresses the need to promote carbon sequestration in wood-based products and, in particular, the substitution of fossil-based materials and energy;
Amendment 197 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 b (new) 8b. Stresses the key role that flowering trees and bushes in natural ecosystems play for the apiculture sector, and in assisting the natural process of pollination and in enhancing the consolidation and protection of deteriorated and/or rough land; urges the inclusion of such trees and bushes in EU support programmes, taking regional characteristics into account;
Amendment 198 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9.
Amendment 199 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Regrets the fact that although forests in the EU are managed according to the commonly agreed principle of SFM and forest cover in the EU has been increasing over the past decades, the quality of forests is worsening in many areas; welcomes therefore that a different approach to SFM has been developed in the context of the recently agreed regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and amending Regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new) — having regard to the IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of 7 August 2019,
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the EU’s internal and international commitments to, for example, the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and
Amendment 200 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9.
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Reminds that there are several tree species in the List of invasive alien species of Union concern; notes that other invasive alien plants can also be met in forests; calls on all state, regional or local authorities as well as to any other stakeholder from the public, private or non-governmental sector, to include only local varieties of trees suitable for the given regions, while implementing various forest (re)planting projects and activities; calls also to the national responsible authorities to exchange information and best practicing with their partners from other member states on how to overcome the spread of invasive alien species in the forests and if possible how to reduce their presence with the aim of replacing them fully with local varieties;
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Underlines the importance of resilient and healthy forest ecosystems including fauna and flora, in order to maintain and enhance delivery of multiple ecosystem services forests provide such as biodiversity, clean air, water, healthy soils, wood and non-wood raw-materials; highlights that voluntary tools and legislations in place, such as the EU Birds and Habitats directives, affect land management decisions and must be respected and implemented appropriately;
Amendment 203 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Notes that farmers and forest owners are key actors in rural areas; welcomes the recognition of the role of forestry, agro-forestry and forest-based industries in the Rural Development Programme of the 2014-2020 CAP, and the improvements introduced through the Omnibus Regulation; encourages to safeguard this recognition in the CAP 2021-2027 and in the implementation of the European Green Deal;
Amendment 204 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Stresses that the yield of wood energy is very poor and that using it as a substitute for fossil fuels increases CO2 emissions; considers, therefore, that it is not an appropriate answer for combating global warming effectively; calls for an end to incentives and subsidies for wood energy production, which is manifestly not a sustainable practice;
Amendment 205 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Highlights the suitability and viability of the two-step approach to verify sustainability of forest biomass, as agreed in the recast of Renewable Energy Directive; notes that this should be achieved by continuing the halted development of non-end use specific sustainability criteria by the Standing Forestry Committee and the Commission;
Amendment 206 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Expresses deep concerns that in parts of the union lacking implementation of existing EU-legislation and suspicion of corruption has resulted in illegal logging and unsustainable forestry activities; calls on the Commission and Member States to combat corruption and to fully implement existing legislation;
Amendment 207 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Deplores the fact that it has not been possible to do anything to prevent forest damage or about extensive damage by insects; considers that comprehensive pest management should be promoted and facilitated as we enter a warmer phase of the climate cycle;
Amendment 208 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Stresses that the participation of farmers and hunters in the good management of wooded areas, in particular as regards maintaining the balance of animal and plant biodiversity, is critical;
Amendment 209 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 b (new) 9b. Recognises the role of forests as regards provision of recreational values and forest-related activities such as harvesting of non-wood forest products e.g. mushrooms and soft fruits; takes note on the opportunities in enhancing biomass removals as forest fire prevention via grazing but also notes that wildlife grazing have a negative impact on seedlings and therefore notes on the needs for sustainable management of grazing fauna;
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the EU’s internal and international commitments to, for example,
Amendment 210 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 b (new) 9b. Calls on the Member States to give the necessary provisions for breeders of autochthonous breeds of animals, which are dependent on access to forests, to get such smoothly so that jobs can be preserved in rural areas, which also preserves traditional knowledge and biodiversity, while at the same time providing quality products to the EU consumer;
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 b (new) 9b. Observes that nearly 25% of the total area of forest in the EU belongs to the Natura 2000 network;
Amendment 212 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 c (new) 9c. Encourages the Member States to intensify their respective forestry stakeholders to reach to a broader segment of the population through educational tools and programmes both for pupils, but also for people of the other age groups, stressing the importance of forests both for human-led activities, but also for preserving biodiversity and various ecosystems;
Amendment 213 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 3 The future –
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 3 The future – the crucial role played by the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy and the
Amendment 215 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 3 The future – the crucial role played by the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy and the European Green Deal in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Amendment 216 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 3 The future – the crucial role played by the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy and the European Green Deal in meeting the biodiversity-related and goals of the Paris Agreement
Amendment 217 #
Amendment 218 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Welcomes the recent publication of the Commission’s European Green Deal and looks forward to the upcoming post- 2020 EU Forest Strategy; also expects the Green Deal to highlight stepping up the bioeconomy as an essential approach to achieving a low-carbon society;
Amendment 219 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Welcomes the recent publication of the Commission’s European Green Deal and looks forward to the upcoming post- 2020 EU Forest Strategy, which should be aligned with the European Green Deal and an ambitious EU Biodiversity Strategy;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the EU’s internal and international commitments to, for example, the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and the creation of a zero-emission society, will be impossible to achieve without the climate benefits and other ecosystem services provided by forests
Amendment 220 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10.
Amendment 221 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Welcomes the recent publication of the Commission’s European Green Deal and looks forward to the upcoming post- 2020 EU Forest Strategy, under the umbrella of the Biodiversity Strategy;
Amendment 222 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10.
Amendment 223 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Considers that the Union's forest strategy should concentrate on supporting and promoting the competitiveness of forestry - the EU's forest industry, bioeconomy and bioenergy; considers that the forest strategy should particularly aim to achieve self-sufficiency in wood for the EU, as a result of which forest cover and the associated problems such as illegal felling, land grabbing and damage to environmental benefits and biodiversity in third countries would also be reduced;
Amendment 224 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to create economic and political instruments that will allow more forest to grow to their ecological potential and absorb carbon dioxide;
Amendment 225 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 b (new) 10b. Considers that forests' role in climate policy should be viewed primarily through the bioeconomy, as increasing the use of renewable fuels and materials, rather than setting targets for the size of forest sinks or protected forest areas; considers that, until the full potential of the bioeconomy has been exploited, there will be no need for additional legislation on forests;
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 c (new) 10c. Observes that the development of the EU's bioeconomy depends, inter alia, on the development of technology and markets, on the European and international political framework and on the sustainability of the use made of the EU's forests; notes that some of these factors are easier to influence than others; expresses itself therefore in favour of eliminating unnecessary legislative obstacles, promoting intersectoral cooperation and promoting investment in research and development in order to facilitate change in this industry;
Amendment 227 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be considered as the only type of CO2 sink as that would give other sectors less of an incentive to minimise their emissions; stresses the need to promote the use of wood as a sustainable construction material or as an energy resource if it enables us to move towards a more sustainable economy; highlights, in addition, the importance of transitioning from a fossil-based society;
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be
Amendment 229 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be considered as the only type of CO2 sink as that would give other sectors less of an incentive to minimise their emissions; highlights, in addition, the need to promote adaptation of forest to climate change and the importance of transitioning from a fossil-based society;
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the EU’s internal and international commitments to, for example, the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and the creation of a zero-emission society, will be impossible to achieve without the climate benefits and other ecosystem services provided by forests
Amendment 230 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be considered as the only type of CO2 sink as that would give other sectors less of an incentive to minimise their emissions; highlights, in addition, the need to promote adaptation of forest to climate change and the importance of transitioning from a fossil-based society;
Amendment 231 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be considered as the only type of natural CO2 sink as that would give other sectors less of an incentive to minimise their emissions; highlights, in addition, the importance of transitioning
Amendment 232 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be considered as the only type of C
Amendment 233 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Welcomes the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme and especially the acknowledgment of the new EU Forest Strategy’s contribution to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; stresses, in this regard, that in future, forests should not be considered solely as CO2 sinks or as the only type of CO2 sink as that would give other sectors less of an incentive to minimise their emissions; highlights, in addition, the importance of transitioning from a fossil-based society;
Amendment 234 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Observes in addition that the ambitious targets set in the EU's energy policy for increasing the share of renewable energy should be taken into account in supporting the use of biomass produced by forests;
Amendment 235 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Reiterates the call of the European Parliament10a for an EU-wide legally binding target to restore degraded habitats by 2030, including natural forests; _________________ 10aEuropean Parliament resolution of 16 January 2020 on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2019/2824(RSP))
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 b (new) 11b. Reiterates the call of the European Parliament11a for consistent forest-related policies, which combat biodiversity loss and climate-change impacts, and which lead to an increase of the EU’s natural sinks while protecting, conserving and enhancing biodiversity; _________________ 11aEuropean Parliament resolution of 16 January 2020 on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2019/2824(RSP))
Amendment 237 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, agroforests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests and viable industries;
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests applying a long-term perspective and viable industries; encourages, in addition, actions to increase forest cover; encourages the Commission to explore different options both within current measures or new ones in order to encourage incentivising forest owners to apply, within the concept of SFM, management methods ensuring long term climate benefits;
Amendment 239 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy,
Amendment 240 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests and viable industries; encourages
Amendment 241 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests and viable industries; encourages, in addition, actions to increase forest cover in those Member States where forest cover is low, and in other Member States the preservation of forest cover in areas with accentuated ecological functions;
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without effectively protected forests and multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests and viable industries; encourages, in addition, actions to
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s goals for environment
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and
Amendment 245 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests and viable industries; encourages, in addition, actions to increase forest cover, along with measures to finance such actions;
Amendment 246 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that
Amendment 247 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of forests, the forest-based sector and the bioeconomy in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal; stresses that achieving the EU’s environmental and climate goals will never be possible without national, multifunctional, healthy and sustainably managed forests and viable industries; encourages, in addition, actions to maintain or increase forest cover;
Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Emphasises the crucial role of
Amendment 249 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Stresses that under some circumstances there are trade-offs between protecting the climate and protecting biodiversity in the bio-economy sector and particularly in forestry, which plays a central role in the transition towards a climate-neutral economy; expresses its concern that this trade-off has not been sufficiently addressed in recent policy discussions; calls on all stakeholders to develop a coherent approach to bring together biodiversity protection and climate protection in a thriving forest-based sector and bio- economy;
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy, and responsibility for forests lies with the Member States, but whereas the EU has a long history of contributing, through its policies, to sustainable forest management (SFM) and the Member States’ decisions on forests, thereby laying the foundations for better coordination of national policies;
Amendment 250 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Observes that the Paris Climate Agreement treats forest fires as a natural phenomenon; notes that forest fires can be prevented by ensuring forest growth, reducing the quantity of dead wood and ensuring that there is a comprehensive network of forest roads; considers that the Paris Agreement should recognise that good, planned management of commercial forests can combat forest fires; takes the view that countries that have succeeded in preventing forest fires should be rewarded in carbon calculations;
Amendment 251 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Stresses that maximising sustainable self-sufficiency in wood as a raw material is in the interest of Europe's timber industry; points out that promoting short-rotation plantations might constitute a building-block of the energy transition as a way of reducing the pressure on forests;
Amendment 252 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Stresses that forest restoration cannot compensate for deforestation, since the recovery of lost habitats and ecosystems can take decades or even centuries; notes that it is therefore essential for restoration to be used as a supplementary measure and not as an alternative in combating deforestation;
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Emphasises that forest policies must be consistent, must combat biodiversity loss and climate-change impacts equally, and must increase the EU’s natural sinks while protecting, conserving and enhancing biodiversity; Stresses the need to create synergies and coherence between EU policy agendas;
Amendment 254 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Insists, also, on the importance of informing society about the sustainable management of our forests in order for all citizens to be aware of the richness of this heritage and of the need to manage, maintain and exploit our resources to avoid any conflicts in society;
Amendment 255 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Notes that safeguarding and sustainably managing our forests is a core part of our general well-being, as they are a home for public-interest activities in the field of leisure and health as well as education;
Amendment 256 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 b (new) 12b. Recalls that about 60% of EU forests are privately owned and that about two-thirds of private forest owners own less than 3 ha of forest; stresses that all measures must duly take this into account and hence must be designed in a way that are accessible to and can be practically implemented by small-scale forest owners; recalls that the Commission has identified administrative burden and forest ownership structure as limiting factors for the uptake of certain measures1a; _________________ 1a COM(2018) 811 final, p.3
Amendment 257 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 b (new) 12b. Calls for enhanced protection for Europe's last primary forests; considers that the use of these forests by state forestry enterprises, administrations and agencies, forestry enterprises and citizens could be restricted or totally prohibited if such use is incompatible with the objective of conserving the forests; urges Poland to cease logging in the Białowieża Forest;
Amendment 258 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 b (new) 12b. Expresses its deep concern over the additional stresses on forest and their biodiversity caused by climate change as laid out in the IPCC special report on land of 8 August 2019; considers that additional measures should be in place to drastically minimise the risks of increased heat waves, forest fires, droughts, and floods in particular in southern Europe;
Amendment 259 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 c (new) 12c. Reminds that the risk of fires is expected to increase due to climate change and considers crucial to strengthening prevention and preparedness efforts like disaster risk assessments where a joint European approach is more effective; reminds the important role of awareness raising campaigns, which should promote the development as from the school age of a common understanding of aspects related to nature conservation, fire prevention and extinction, while promoting a deeper understanding of local communities on the specificities of regional and national forests in different Member states;
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy, and responsibility for forests lies with the Member States, but whereas the EU has a long history of contributing, through its policies, some of which already have implications on the Member States' forestry policies, to sustainable forest management (SFM) and the Member States’ decisions on forests;
Amendment 260 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 c (new) 12c. Stresses that acknowledging and safeguarding property rights is key to achieve a long-term commitment to sustainable forest management;
Amendment 261 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 d (new) 12d. Reiterates the importance of providing adequate financing to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism to coordinate pan-European assistance with the European Commission's Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) in case of cross border forest fires;
Amendment 262 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 e (new) 12e. Believes that European disaster resilience and early warning tools should be reinforced. Welcomes the monitoring work delivered by the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and calls for greater collaboration with National and regional authorities of EU Member States for forest fire prevention, preparedness and response activities;
Amendment 263 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that an ambitious, independent and self-standing EU Forest Strategy is needed for the post-2020 period which is not subordinate to any other sectoral strategy; calls for a new EU Forest Strategy that builds on the holistic approach to SFM, taking into account all of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the forest-based value chain, and ensuring the continuity of the multifunctional and multidimensional role played by forests; stresses that a coordinated, balanced and coherent approach to forests, the forest-based sector and the multiple services they provide needs to be developed, given the growing number of national and EU policies directly or indirectly affecting forests and their management in the EU;
Amendment 264 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that an ambitious
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses the need to give full and real political support to the forestry sector and stresses, in this regard, that an ambitious, independent and self-standing EU Forest Strategy is needed for the post- 2020 period which is not subordinate to any other sectoral strategy; calls for a new EU Forest Strategy that builds on the holistic approach to SFM, taking into account all of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the forest-based value chain; stresses that a coordinated and coherent approach to forests, the forest- based sector and the multiple services they provide needs to be developed, given the growing number of national and EU policies directly or indirectly affecting forests and their management in the EU;
Amendment 267 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that an ambitious, independent and self-standing EU Forest Strategy is needed for the post-2020 period which is not subordinate to any other sectoral strategy; calls for a new EU Forest Strategy that builds on the holistic approach to SFM, taking into account all of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the forest-based value chain; stresses that a coordinated and coherent approach to forests, the forest-based sector, including the people directly or indirectly work and live in the forest and the forestry sector, and the multiple services they provide needs to be developed, given the growing number of national and EU policies directly or indirectly affecting forests and their management in the EU;
Amendment 268 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that an ambitious, independent and self-standing EU Forest Strategy is needed for the post-2020 period which is not subordinate to any other sectoral strategy; calls for a new EU Forest Strategy that builds on the holistic approach to SFM, taking into account all of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the forest-based value chain and the fact that in some Member States more than half the land area consists of forests; stresses that a coordinated and coherent approach to forests, the forest-based sector and the multiple services they provide needs to be developed, given the growing number of national and EU policies directly or indirectly affecting forests and their management in the EU;
Amendment 269 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that an ambitious
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty
Amendment 270 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that
Amendment 271 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that an ambitious, independent and self-standing EU Forest Strategy is needed for the post-2020 period which is not subordinate to any other
Amendment 272 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Calls on the Commission to make every effort to ensure, in the implementation of the Regional Development Fund, that particularly initiatives aimed at putting a stop to biodiversity loss in forests, promoting mixed- and native-species planting and improving forest management are fostered, and that projects are implemented and funding is targeted;
Amendment 273 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Regrets that such a coordinated and consistent approach is not also applied to the EU's trade policy, which permits the mass import of agricultural products that are directly responsible for deforestation in third countries, particularly protein crops and livestock products;
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Considers that strictly protected areas in non- intervention management regime should be part of the EU Forest Strategy and of local development strategies based on low impact natural tourism and provisioning of non- productive ecosystem services;
Amendment 275 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 b (new) 13b. Calls on the Commission to make every effort to ensure that communication in the Member States between forest owners and users, particularly those in the environmental protection, leisure, tourism and hunting sectors, has priority and is supported and promoted at local level; stresses in this connection the role of local partnership schemes, for example in the context of regional forest forums;
Amendment 276 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should: a
Amendment 277 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives relating to forests, with binding force on Member States, recognising both the need to respect national competence and the need to contribute to wider EU objectives; in this respect, one must highlight the role to be played by an efficient tool for coordinating the new strategy within the framework of the EU's various forest- related policies, hence establishing cohesion and synergies with the other sectors that intersect with the forestry sector; stresses that local and regional authorities have a key role to play in strengthening the sustainable use of forests and, in particular, the rural economy, and urges that local and regional authorities be involved both in designing forestry sector measures and in their implementation;
Amendment 278 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives relating to forests, recognising both the need to respect national competence and the need to contribute to wider EU objectives; calls to strengthen the role of the Standing Forestry Committee (SFC) in order to ensure the coordination among relevant stakeholders and policies at the EU level;
Amendment 279 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives relating to forests, recognising both the need to respect national competence and the need to contribute to wider EU objectives; calls to strengthen the role of the Standing Forestry Committee (SFC) in order to ensure the coordination among relevant stakeholders and policies at the EU level.
Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy, and responsibility for forests lies with the Member States, but whereas the EU has a long history of contributing, through its policies and guidelines, to sustainable forest management (SFM) and the Member States’ decisions on forests;
Amendment 280 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives relating to forests, recognising both the need to respect national competence
Amendment 281 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest and agroforest policies and EU objectives relating to forests and agroforests, recognising both the need to respect national competence and the need to contribute to wider EU objectives, while coherently addressing the specificities of both private forests and publicly owned ones;
Amendment 282 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives relating to forests, recognising both the need to respect national competences which can be shared, in the networking of sectors with a direct or indirect connection to forestry, and the need to contribute to wider EU objectives;
Amendment 283 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives relating to forests, recognising
Amendment 284 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge solely between national forest policies
Amendment 285 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Takes the view that the EU Forest Strategy should act as a bridge between national forest policies and EU objectives and competences relating to forest
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Considers that the state agencies, enterprises, organisations and administrations in charge of planning, organising and managing the forest-based economy and the use of forest resources should be required to ensure: a. improvements in the natural properties of forests (protection of water, protection of soil from erosion, conservation of biodiversity, climate regulation), in the interest of protecting public health and the environment and developing local economies; b. continued, sustainable and rational use of forests with a view to methodically meeting the needs of national economies and local communities for wood products by using processes and methods which do not harm workers or the environment; c. expanded reproduction and a better diversity of forest species and quality; d. good forest conservation and protection against fire, parasites and diseases using processes and methods which do not harm workers or the environment; e. adaptation, acclimatisation and assisted migration of forest peoples in response to climate change.
Amendment 287 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Calls on the European Commission to analyse how to improve the coordination of Member States and their exchange of information with the view to enhance the contribution of forests in reaching the carbon neutrality objective, while taking also into consideration their economic and social dimension;
Amendment 288 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Calls on the Member States to improve national legislation to put in place, or strengthen where necessary, protection against illegal logging and loss of biodiversity;
Amendment 289 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 b (new) 14b. Calls on the European Commission to encourage the commercialization of felled wood and trimmed wood/roundwood, instead of living trees from publicly-owned forests, as a method to prevent illegal logging and overexploitation, which would give state authorities more control over the volume of cut and commercialized wood, thereby discouraging illegal practices by privately contracted firms;
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy, and responsibility for forests lies with the Member States, but whereas the EU has a long history of contributing, through its policies, mainly the Rural Development Policy, to sustainable forest management (SFM) and the Member States’ decisions on forests;
Amendment 290 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 b (new) 14b. Insists that state forestry agencies should help owners plan and organise the management of the forest-based economy and, where necessary, should organise, on the basis of agreements with owners, the performance by the forestry enterprises of state forestry agencies of work relating to the forest-based economy and the cultivation and protection of forests;
Amendment 291 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 c (new) 14c. Calls on the Member States to increase the human and financial resources of state forestry agencies; stresses the importance of maintaining public expertise and denounces the privatisation of these national organisations which are on the front line of SFM;
Amendment 292 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 Amendment 293 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain;
Amendment 294 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain; calls for all forest-related aspects of European Green Deal measures to be consistent with the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy, particularly with a view to ensuring that SFM has a positive impact on society, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals; highlights that any possible EU guidelines related to sustainable forest management should be developed in the framework of the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy;
Amendment 295 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain; calls for
Amendment 296 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to
Amendment 297 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain; calls for all forest-related aspects of European Green Deal measures, including the Biodiversity Strategy, to be consistent with the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy, particularly with a view to ensuring that SFM has a positive impact on society
Amendment 298 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain; calls for all forest-related aspects of European Green Deal measures to be consistent with the post-2020 EU Forest Strategy, particularly with a view to ensuring that SFM has a positive impact on society, including ensuring long term and stable benefit for the climate and the environment;
Amendment 299 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain; calls for all forest-related aspects
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new) — having regard to the European Parliament resolution of the 15 January 2020 on the European Green Deal,
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy, and
Amendment 300 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making with regard to EU policies relating to forests, the forest-based sector and its value-chain; calls for
Amendment 301 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Stresses that intensive management of forests is incompatible with European environmental targets, particularly those associated with the climate emergency and carbon neutrality; calls, therefore, for strict limits on clear- cutting on parcels of more than 0.5 hectares; stresses the disastrous effects of clear-cutting on biodiversity and soil compaction, as well as on the attractiveness of the areas concerned for residential use and tourism; calls for a move towards forestry based on reforestation and the natural regeneration of stands with a degree of 'rational mechanisation' of harvesting methods;
Amendment 302 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Calls on the European Commission to invest supplementary funds - additional to the budget already allocated to the CAP scheme - in an EU- wide action on reforestation, afforestation and to implement specific subsidies for forestry management and environmental protection, to contribute to the Green Deal 2050 climate change mitigation efforts;
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union makes no reference to a common EU forest policy, and responsibility for forests lies with the Member States
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas the Commission's attempts to influence forest policy, which is a sole competence of the Member States, inter alia on the pretext of promoting biodiversity, possibly in the form of new, area-based, protection targets, which could even adversely affect climate and the environment in Member States that are managing their forests well, are cause for concern;
Amendment 33 #
Ba. whereas the European Union should introduce a better coordinated strategy to address the increased risks to which forests and their ecosystem services will inevitably be exposed in the coming years, and to improve the resilience of forest to climate change;
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas approximately 40% of EU's forests are publicly owned, Member States are obliged to set an example for sustainable forest management in their publicly owned forests for the public good;
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas only 26 % of forest species and 15 % of the forest habitats are in favourable conservation status;
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new) Bb. whereas European forests absorb and store approximately 10% of EU carbon emissions, contributing thus to climate change mitigation efforts;
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new) Bb. whereas illegal logging is ongoing also in the EU3a _________________ 3aexamples Romania, Sweden, Poland df/Briefing%20note%20May- June%202019_Final.pdf and df/Briefing_Note_April_- _May_2018_Public_version.pdf
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B c (new) Bc. whereas forests are circular ecosystem founded on full recycling of matter and nutrients within, whereas any form of active management is based on exploitation of resources from this ecosystem, which inevitably and negatively affects its functioning, structure and biodiversity;
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B d (new) Bd. whereas in order to preserve the full scale of forest biodiversity and functionality, together with the need for mitigation of climate change, a proportion of forest areas to be set aside any form of active human intervention is crucially needed;
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new) — having regard to the New York Declaration on Forests, ratified on 23 June 2014 by the European Union,
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas forests and the entire forest-based value chain are fundamental to the further development of the circular
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas forests and the entire forest-based value chain are fundamental to the further development of the circular bioeconomy as they provide jobs, ensure economic welfare in rural and urban areas, deliver climate change mitigation and adaptation services, offer health-related benefits, and protect the biodiversity and prospects of mountainous and rural areas and combat desertification;
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas forests and the entire forest-based value chain are fundamental to the further development of the circular bioeconomy as they provide jobs, ensure economic welfare in rural and urban areas, deliver climate change mitigation and adaptation services, offer health-related benefits, and protect the biodiversity and prospects of mountainous, islands and rural areas;
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas forests and the entire forest-based value chain are fundamental to the further development of the circular
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas riverside forests have a very important role to play being natural protection against increase of water level during floods, but also in terms of preserving humidity in a situation of rising global temperature; whereas they play a key role in preserving biodiversity, but also tend to absorb among others agricultural mineral residues through the groundwater, thus limiting the expose of rivers to polluting factors; whereas in some member states there have been some regional projects of replanting riverside forests at least several meters from the river shore;
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas properly funded high- quality research, innovation, collection of information, maintenance and development of databases, best practise and knowledge sharing are of utmost importance for the future of EU´s multifunctional forests and for the entire forest-based value-chain, in light of the increasing demands being placed upon them and the needs to meet the multiple opportunities and challenges facing the society;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas the scale of climate change will bring about a significant migration of European tree species, increased tree mortality – thereby endangering the totality of biotic interactions – and changes in the composition of the microbial flora of soil, thereby lowering the soil fertility and generating a proliferation of tree pests;
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 3 a (new) — having regard to its resolutions of 15 January 2020 on the European Green Deal and of 16 January 2020 on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas the continuing decline in biodiversity has had negative consequences for the delivery of many ecosystem services over the last decades, whereas these declines have occurred in part because of the intensive agriculture and forestry practices, whereas the continuing decline in regulating services can have detrimental consequences for quality of life4a _________________ 4aIPBES(2018): Summary for policymakers of the regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. M. Fischer, M. Rounsevell, A. Torre-Marin Rando, A. Mader, A. Church,M. Elbakidze, V. Elias, T. Hahn. P.A. Harrison, J. Hauck, B. Martín- López, I.Ring, C. Sandström, I. Sousa Pinto, P. Visconti, N.E. Zimmermann and M.Christie (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. available at: _15_add.4_eca_english.pdf
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas climate scientists agree that simultaneously reducing combustion emission and decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxyde through forest growth is central to achieve the goals of reducing global carbon dioxyde emissions by 45% 2010 levels by 2030, as advised by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its special report “Global warming of 1,5°C” from 2018;
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas forests are part of our natural heritage, which we must preserve and maintain, and whereas in order for this heritage to prosper and to be a source of biodiversity and an economic, tourism and social resource it is essential that it be well managed;
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas the Rural Development Fund, in the framework of the CAP, has provided tools and resources to support the forestry sector and should continue to do in the post-2020 CAP, through a strong focus on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM);
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas there are 16 million private forest owners in the EU, who own about 60 % of EU forests; whereas the average size of privately-owned forests is 13 ha, while about two-thirds of private forest owners own less than 3 ha of forest;
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas sustainably managed forests are enormously important in guaranteeing jobs in rural areas, representing a benefit for human health, while at the same time making a vital contribution to the environment and biodiversity;
Amendment 56 #
Ca. whereas climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in forests are interlinked where aspects must be balanced and synergies between them encouraged especially within Member States Adaptation Strategies and Plans;
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas European forests and their situations differ and therefore need to be handled differently, but always with a view to improving their economic, social and environmental functions.
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas national policies on forests and forest management currently reflect a framework that is fragmented, incohesive and at present insufficiently coordinated at EU level;
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas outermost regions contain very rich reservoirs of biodiversity and that it is fundamental to preserve them;
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) — having regard to Regulation No 1143/2014 of the EP and the Council on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species and the consecutive Implementing regulations with updates of the List of invasive species, among which also tree species,
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas biodiversity loss in forest have significant environmental, economic and social consequences;
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas access to natural forest terrains and/or forest products comprise a crucial element for some breeds of domesticated or semi domesticated autochthonous and local breeds of animals, which have a high socio- economic and cultural value, such as the East Balkan swine or the Black Iberian pig; whereas the quality of the products from these animals depend highly on the presence of acorns and other forest products, which is why it is crucial to allow the breeders have access to the necessary conditions for the respective animal breeding;
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas soil quality plays a crucial role in the provision of ecosystem services such as water filtration and storage and hence flood and drought protection, CO2- sequestration, biodiversity and the growth of biomass; whereas the improvement of soil quality, for instance in some regions by converting coniferous forest to permanent deciduous forest, is an economically challenging process that takes decades;
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas growing existing forests to their biological carbon sequestration potential optimizes carbon dioxyde removal while limiting climate change and protecting biodiversity, soil, air, land, and water; Whereas forests store more carbon dioxyde per acre per year the older they get, especially after maturity at 50 years; whereas forest store about 2.5 times more carbon in soils than in tree biomass1a; _________________ 1aBruno De Vos et al., Benchmark values for forest soil carbon stocks in Europe: Results from a large scale forest soil survey, Geoderma, Volumes 251–252, August 2015, Pages 33-46
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas the increase in the forested area of Europe must be accompanied by the necessary forest management and maintenance; whereas Europe's forests are rich in diversity and whereas the forests to be managed via the Forest Strategy can differ markedly depending on the Member State, the tree species and the size or operating methods of forest holdings;
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas the crucial role of sustainable forest management should be promoted to European society, which is increasingly disconnected from forests and forestry, underlining the multiple benefits forests provide under the economic, social and environmental, as well as cultural and historical point of view;
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas, in addition to carbon sequestration, forests have a beneficial impact on the climate, the atmosphere, the preservation of biodiversity and river and waterway management, protect soil from erosion by water and wind and possess other useful natural properties;
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas almost 23% of European forests are to be found in Natura 2000 sites, with the share in some Member States exceeding 50%, and almost half of the natural habitats in Natura 2000 areas are forests;
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Cb. whereas active management imposes adverse effect on important attributes of forest ecosystems, mainly quantity and quality of deadwood, and early and late seral stages of forest;
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C c (new) Cc. whereas primary forests are unique reservoirs of biodiversity and have a greater carbon sequestration capacity than secondary forests; whereas the Białowieża Forest is an irreplaceable region for biodiversity conservation, particularly owing to its size, protection status and its essentially undisturbed nature; whereas the Białowieża Forest is inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List, and is recognised by Unesco as a biosphere reserve;
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 6 a (new) — having regard to the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services report of 31 May 2019,
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C c (new) Cc. whereas High Conservation Value Forests (HCV Forests) have a crucial role to play in preserving vulnerable habitats, but also in enhancing science; whereas some EU member states have adopted targeted policies towards HCVF, which is commendable; whereas the added value from these forests cannot be compared or measured in economic terms, which makes it difficult at times to be understood by forest owners, which is why some sort of compensatory mechanism could be further designed, if and where applicable;
Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C c (new) Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C c (new) Cc. whereas managed plantations that are harvested periodically store far less carbon because trees are maintained at a young age and size2a; whereas plantations are often monocultures, and sequester less carbon more slowly than intact forests with greater tree species diversity, mostly composed of European endemic species, and higher rates of biological carbon sequestration2b; _________________ 2a Harmon et al (1990): Effects on carbon storage of conversion of old-growth forests to young forests, Science. 1990 Feb 9;247(4943):699-702. John Sterman et al. (2018): Does replacing coal with wood lower CO2 emissions? Dynamic lifecycle analysis of wood bioenergy, Environmental Research Letters, 748-9326/ aaa512/meta 2bLiu, Y., M. Kumar, G.G. Katul, and A. Porporato (2018): Reduced resilience as a potential early warning signal of forest mortality. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C c (new) Cc. whereas according to the latest estimations, only 26% of forest species and 15% of the forest habitats were found to be in favourable conservation status1a; _________________ 1a rsity/forests/forest-dynamics-in-europe- and
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C d (new) Cd. whereas currently underway coal- to-biomass projects in the EU would release 67 MT of CO2 per year and require approximately 2,700km2 of forest to be cut down every year while producing only 64 TWh of electricity, which is less than 2% of the EU’s electricity production;
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C d (new) Cd. whereas forests can be sources of both primary forest products such as wood, they provide for valuable secondary products such as mushrooms, truffles, herbs, honey and berries, which are very important for the economic activities in some regions of the Union;
Amendment 76 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C d (new) Cd. whereas European forests play an important role in improving the environment, developing the economy, meeting the Member States' needs for wood products and enhancing the well- being of the population;
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C d (new) Cd. whereas it is clear that old growth forests, mixed stand forests and agroforestry offer climate, biodiversity and resilience benefits that exceed those of plantation forestry;
Amendment 78 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C d (new) Cd. whereas the demand of authentic wild nature globally is growing, and public support for strict protection of forest ecosystems has increased significantly;
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C e (new) Ce. whereas use of wood as biomass for energy production creates higher emissions of CO2 per unit of energy than coal, because of a lower energy density, bigger emissions originating from the supply chain and less efficient conversion of combustion heat to electricity; whereas wood biomass is more efficiently used to produce heat than energy;
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 6 b (new) Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C e (new) Ce. whereas agroforestry, defined as land use systems in which trees are grown in combination with agriculture on the same land unit, is a suite of land management systems, which boost overall productivity, generate more biomass, maintain and restore soils and provide a number of valuable ecosystem services;
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C e (new) Ce. whereas the multifunctional role of forests, the considerable time they take to become established and the importance of ensuring a good diversity of species make sustainable use and the preservation and multiplication of forest resources an important European task;
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C e (new) Ce. whereas socially and environmentally responsible hunting plays an important role also in forests and semi-forest regions through control of game or spread of disses on it, such as African swine fever;
Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C e (new) Ce. whereas new climate change adaptation and mitigation options arise, among them proforestation5a _________________ 5aproforestation - growing existing forests intact to their ecological potential, as in William R. Moomaw, 2019: Intact Forests in the United States: Proforestation Mitigates Climate Change and Serves the Greatest Good. In Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C f (new) Cf. whereas the average life cycles recognised for wood products are 50 years for construction, 8 years for wood panels, and a year for energy, heat or paper; whereas it takes on average 40 years for a new tree to sequester the equivalent of carbon dioxyde released in the atmosphere by the wood products issue from a harvested tree; Whereas climate scientists estimate it is necessary to curb climate change in the next 12 years in order to remain under 2°C of global warming;
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C f (new) Cf. whereas Europe's agricultural soils could store more than 1 500 million tonnes of carbon1 a by moving towards agroforestry, hedge planting, no-tillage and green cover; whereas agroforestry represents 90 % of this potential; whereas agroforestry has a positive impact on soil protection, water quality preservation and biodiversity; _________________ 1a › agroforesterie- et-PAC-fevrier-2013
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C f (new) Cf. whereas the provisions of the LULUCF Regulation6a accept that carbon pool of deadwood in the forest is analogous to the long-lived harvested wood products as its carbon does not undergo instantaneous oxidisation, whereas deadwood constitutes crucial microhabitats on which number of species, including protected species, are dependent; _________________ 6a Regulation (EU) 2018/841 OF THE EUROPEANPARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 30 May2018
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C f (new) Cf. whereas forests play a crucial role in the fight against soil erosion, but also desertification of land masses; whereas studies show that trees in parks and city- environment have positive effect on keeping lower temperatures as compared to treeless areas;
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C g (new) Cg. whereas logging and the wood industry are among the most dangerous industrial sectors and have high levels of accidents at work, occupational disease and early retirement; whereas exposure to wood dust is a major health risk for the millions of workers in the wood industry, as it causes respiratory and skin diseases and is the second biggest cause of work- related cancer;
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C g (new) Cg. whereas in its Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services from 2019, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services concludes that 25% of species, both animal and vegetal are threatened and that one million species face extinction;
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 6 c (new) — having regard to the European Parliament resolution on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Amendment 90 #
Cg. whereas in the current programming period (2014-2020) there are measures in the CAP targeted at helping economic actors in building capacities with regard to forestry management;
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C g (new) Cg. whereas the proposed climate law considers increased ambition without improving and correcting rules guiding the EU energy union and climate action;
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C h (new) Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C h (new) Ch. whereas the short-term effect of logged forest on climate is negative13a, whereas potential future re-growth of logged site is of no immediate and short- term use in the critical time we have left to act and as such should be disregarded as an argument in the climate and forest policy up to 2050; _________________ 13aG. Englund,; S.-O. Holm;B.-G. Jonsson, D. van der Spoel, 2019: The climate benefit of reduced forest harvesting is enormous
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C h (new) Ch. whereas large trees and intact, older forests provide essential habitat that is missing from younger, managed forests; whereas in 2017, only 26 % of forest species and 15 % of the forest habitats were found to be in favourable conservation status, and were not showing any trend towards bettering;
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C h (new) Ch. whereas working conditions in the logging sector have improved with mechanisation, but whereas at the same time forestry machinery damages the surrounding vegetation and contributes to soil degradation;
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C h (new) Ch. whereas the carbon molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere do not differ based on their origin;
Amendment 97 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C i (new) Ci. whereas climate change is altering the growth capacity of forests, and increasing the frequency and seriousness of drought, floods and fires and fosters the development of new pests and disease which affect EU forests; whereas intact ecosystems have greater capability to overcome environmental stressors, including changes to climate, than degraded ones as they have inherent properties that enable them to maximize their adaptive capacity3a; _________________ 3aJames E. Watson et al (2018): The exceptional value of intact forest ecosystems. In Nature Ecology & Evolution
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C i (new) Ci. whereas increasing use is being made of posted workers on forest worksites; whereas the conditions in which posted workers operate on forest sites are harsh and dangerous, particularly in the case of felling; where significant social fraud is being made possible by the use of posted workers in the forestry industry;
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C i (new) Ci. whereas global voluntary certification schemes for responsible forest practices certification such as the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) are currently in place; where as of today 11 EU member states have introduced the FSC certification system together with 45 other states or other territories;
source: 650.371
108 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that the
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Welcomes the initiative from the Commission to put forward a new European Forest Strategy for the post 2020-period; emphasises, however, that a new strategy must fully respect the principle of subsidiarity and, accordingly, adopt a bottom-up approach and build on national and industrial expertise, as well as local procedural knowledge;
Amendment 100 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Notes that the European Green Deal as a new growth strategy for EU requires investments to fully support clean and circular economy. The forest and wood industry have huge potential to invest and contribute to clean and circular economy and create jobs in Europe. The availability of the sustainably sourced raw materials should be ensured and fostered by supportive and coherent policy framework for the all sectors involved.
Amendment 101 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls on the European Union to create a monitoring network for European forests to collect information at local level (reforestation, temperatures, parasitic diseases, natural disasters) linked to Copernicus earth observation programmes, which can produce reliable forecasts in real time so as to improve sustainable forest management.
Amendment 102 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Acknowledges that sustainable and active forest management is mainly driven and sustained by SMEs; furthermore, sustainable and active forest management is the most effective way to prevent forest damages, deforestation and to preserve biodiversity.
Amendment 103 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Stresses that wood is one of the substitutes for plastic in industrial production and can also be used in construction. As such it allows for decreased use of plastic, where this use should be minimised.
Amendment 104 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Highlights that forests do have very different characteristics within the Union and therefore needs different policy and management approaches.
Amendment 105 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 b (new) 8b. Is concerned that the forest strategy is set to be proposed in relation with the bio diversity strategy, which risks to ignore the specific role of SMEs in sustainable forest management and therefore disregards the most effective way to prevent forest damages, deforestation and preservation of biodiversity.
Amendment 106 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 b (new) 8b. Stresses the importance of forests, resulting from their capacity as carbon storage natural mechanisms, which can help achieve the European Green Deal goals.
Amendment 107 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 c (new) Amendment 108 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 d (new) 8d. Invites the European Commission to propose a mechanism encouraging transformation of abandoned lands, fallow lands and post-industrial lands into forests, thus contributing to the decarbonisation policy and tackling the climate change.
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Points out that, according to the industry, the extended value chains of forest-based industries, from forestry to the paper industry, have helped create nearly 4 million jobs, providing some 8% of overall EU added value from the manufacturing industry;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Welcomes the decision from the Commission to introduce a new forest strategy, however, stresses the need for the forest strategy to fully observe the principle of subsidiarity;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 b (new) 1b. Emphasises the need for a holistic and consistent forest strategy that enhances and utilizes the multifunctional role of forests and the forest-based sector in the EU;
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 c (new) 1c. Stresses the need of the new forest strategy to be based on the three pillars of sustainability, environmental, economic and social sustainability;
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries can help decarbonise Europe by replacing CO2-intensive raw materials and fossil energy with forest-based alternatives such as sustainably produced biogas and biofuel, and therefore help in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal; recognises, however, the challenges resulting from the increasing demand for wood including the degradation of critical wildlife habitat and carbon stored in forests and calls on the Commission to address these adequately in the future strategy while facilitating reaching climate neutrality by 2050;
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries may help
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries help decarbonise Europe by replacing CO2-intensive raw materials and fossil energy with forest-based alternatives such as biogas and biofuel, and therefore help in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal; points out, nonetheless, that such forest- based alternatives are not environmentally neutral and have an impact on air quality and on citizens' health;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries help decarbonise Europe by replacing CO2-intensive raw materials
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that there is no specific legal basis for a common EU forest policy as forest policy is primarily a competence of the Member States; points out, however, that many EU policies have an impact on forests and the forest-
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries help decarbonise Europe by replacing CO2-intensive raw materials, products and fossil energy with forest- based renewable alternatives such as textiles, chemicals, construction and packaging materials as well as biogas and biofuel, and therefore help in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal;
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that the European forest- based industries help decarbonise Europe by
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that European forest-based industries help decarbonise Europe by replacing CO2-intensive raw materials and fossil energy with sustainable forest-based alternatives such as bio-based products, biogas and biofuel, and therefore help in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal;
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Highlights the essential role of sustainable active forest management in achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and in the EU´s circular bio-economy; in particular, notes the great capacity of managed forests to capture carbon dioxide, as well as the potential of forest- based products to substitute fossil fuels; in this context, believes that the strategy should support innovation in the entire value chain, including by means of facilitating sharing of best practice and by providing a competitive regulatory environment;
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Stresses that the yield of wood energy is very poor and that substituting it for fossil fuels increases CO2 emissions; considers, therefore, that it is not the appropriate way in which to combat global warming effectively; observes that only the strict processing of waste into pellets can form part of a policy designed to have a favourable impact, in line with the circular economy;
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Stresses that no substitution effect of forest-based products can compensate for the loss of old-growth and primary forests, which are recognised as irreplaceable and should be protected through legal and incentivising instruments;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Highlights that sustainable and active forest management contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation, improves energy security, create jobs throughout the forest-based value chain and promote economic growth;
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. Expresses concern regarding illegal logging in the EU; recognises that almost all primary old growth forest has been lost; recognises that not only are forests at threat, but that there has been violence towards forest rangers in connection with illegal logging; urges the Commission and the Member States to take urgent action on these issues through close monitoring and through the enforcement of existing EU laws and introduction of new measures to prevent illegal logging, to hold those responsible to account, and to end the oppression of rangers;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that there is no specific legal basis for a common EU forest policy; points out, however, that
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. Calls on the European Union to recognise forests as a shared resource, to step up forestry services and to improve the working conditions of forest workers and wood cutters;
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 c (new) 2c. Stresses the vital importance of sustainable forestry practices for carbon sequestration and in order to preserve diversity; further stresses the benefits for air and water quality and water supply, as well as for reducing the risk of soil erosion and flooding (and thus of natural disasters), thereby benefiting local communities and farmers;
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 d (new) 2d. Stresses that forest-based industry must be invited to play a part in the protection of its primary resource; stresses that 10% of the EU’s surface area would be suitable for replanting of woodland and could thus make it possible to increase the capacity of carbon sinks, provided that species adapted to local ecosystems are planted; reiterates its call on the Commission to adopt legally binding targets for the Union and its Member States in order to place at least 30% of land and seas under protection and restore at least 30% of degraded ecosystems by 20301 a; _________________ 1aParagraph 10 of the European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2020 on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2019/2824(RSP)).
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 e (new) 2e. Stresses that intensive management of forests is incompatible with European targets, particularly those associated with the climate emergency, biodiversity and carbon neutrality; calls, therefore, for strict limits on clear-cutting on plots of more than 0.5 hectares; stresses the disastrous effects of clear- cutting on biodiversity and soil compaction, as well as on the attractiveness of the areas concerned for residential use and tourism; calls for a move towards forestry based on the natural regeneration of stands with a degree of 'rational mechanisation' of harvesting methods;
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 f (new) 2f. Stresses that overcutting of forests is responsible for the disappearance of many species; draws attention to the European collaborative project FunDivEUROPE, which involves 29 research teams drawing on data from more than 200 plots in the forests of six European countries, and other similar studies; stresses that these studies demonstrate that a trend towards biotic homogeneity damages the capacity of forests to deliver multiple ecosystem benefits; stresses that they recommend preventing the invasion of exotic species and increasing the diversity of trees in plantation forests in order to promote the multifunctionality of forests, thus making it possible to cater for three types of desiderata: environmental, economic and social;
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that forest-based industry is a key driving force behind the circular bioeconomy; encourages the Member States to support recyclable, upcycled1 a and bio-based products through public procurement and investment support; calls on the European Union to ensure that materials of biological origin, including all wood waste, returns to the value chain by encouraging eco-design, increasing recycling targets and promoting the use of secondary raw materials comprising wood for products before their potential incineration at the end of life; _________________ 1a process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality and environmental value
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes th
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3.
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that forest-based industry is a key driving force behind the circular bioeconomy; encourages the Member States to support recyclable and bio-based products through public procurement and investment support; highlights that first and foremost the sector needs stable and long term regulatory conditions to develop rather than short term support measures;
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3.
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3.
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that forest-based industry is a key driving force behind the circular bioeconomy; encourages the Member States to support recyclable and bio-based European products through public procurement and investment support;
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that forest-based industry is a key driving force behind the circular bioeconomy; encourages the Member States to support recyclable
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that forest-based industry is a key driving force behind the circular bioeconomy;
Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Notes that between 1990-2015, forest coverage in the EU increased by an area the size of Greece, as a result of both natural growth and afforestation; further notes that the forest industry employs more than 3 million people and that approximately half of the renewable energy consumed in the Union comes from wood; in this context, recognises the positive economic, societal and environmental contributions of the forest industry and believes that the forest strategy should stimulate further investments in innovation and technological advancement;
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Notes that where managed forests are in question, forests which are managed with biodiversity protection and species diversity in mind are more resilient to climate impacts such as fires, droughts, and unseasonal weather events, and as such are an important investment for the future, not only for communities and nature, but also for forest economies;
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Recognises that forests and the forest-based sector contribute significantly to the development of circular bio-economies in the EU and sustainably managed forests have a crucial role to play in the fight against climate change and for reaching climate neutrality by 2050;
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 b (new) 3b. Notes that the EU's ability to harness the potential of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these resources and waste streams into value added products, such as feed, bio- based products and bioenergy, food, pulp and paper production, as well as parts of chemical, biotechnological and energy industries’ will be the difference in achieving a climate neutral EU by 2050;
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Encourages the use of wood as an environmentally friendly raw material; underlines that long-lived wood-based products and wood construction provide an effective way of increasing carbon storage; calls on the Member States to assess environmental and energy performance by category of building in order to identify the most climate-friendly solutions for building and renovation; proposes that a target of 50% should be set for wood or other organic matter (hemp, straw) by 2022 for public buildings and that the use of wood in the construction industry should be more widely supported; calls on the Commission to include recommendations to this end in its renovation plan to be launched at the end of the year;
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4.
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that the
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4.
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4.
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Encourages the sustainable use of wood as an environmentally friendly raw material; underlines that wood-based products and wood construction can provide an effective way of increasing carbon storage;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Acknowledges the occurrence of illegal logging and recognises that almost all primary old growth forest has been lost; urges the Commission to act on both accounts and protect the remaining old growth forest; regrets the decline in forest biodiversity as stated in the State of Nature 2020 for Europe; calls on Commission and Member States to act and enforce the Birds and Habitats Directives to reverse this trend;
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Emphasises that sustainable forest management provides three main climate benefits, CO2 sequestration and carbon storage in resilient, growing forests; carbon storage of harvested wood products; and a renewable and climate- friendly raw material that replaces energy-intensive materials and fossil fuels;
Amendment 55 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Notes with interest that less intensive harvesting methods and stronger forest protection could improve the health and resilience of forests without reducing current harvest levels and forest economies, while at the same time increasing the carbon stored in forests1a; _________________ 1aSee the new report 'FRANCE’S FOREST STRATEGY: FIGHTING TO END THE CLIMATE CRISIS OR TO INCREASE LOGGING?' which shows that, in the case of France, it would be possible to improve the health and resilience of forests without reducing current harvest levels. This could be achieved through less intensive harvesting methods and stronger forest protection. It would increase the carbon stored in French forests from around 55 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2017 to almost 80 million tonnes in 2050. resources/frances-forest-strategy-fighting- to-end-the-climate-crisis-or-to-increase- logging-2082/
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Acknowledges that in order to achieve the ambitious targets of the European Green Deal, it is crucial to enhance wood availability to attract forest-based investments in the EU;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Calls on the Member States to ensure the timely and adequate implementation of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)1 ; insists however that harvesting forest for energy cannot be done at the expense of the forests, climate change or other environmental issues and must not compete with other uses of wood for the local economic development, in particular in rural areas; calls on the Member States to refrain from importing wood and wood- based products for energy purposes; asks the Commission to modify the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), so that burning forest wood would not be eligible for meeting EU Member States renewable energy targets, and so that burning forest wood is no longer eligible for subsidies; _________________ 1Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 82.
Amendment 59 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Calls on the Member States to ensure the timely and adequate implementation of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)1; stresses that European legislation requires only 36%1 a of all trees burned to produce energy, which means, because of the low threshold set for electrical efficiency, that 64 out of every 100 trees cut and burned are wasted1 b; calls for an end to incentives and subsidies for wood energy production, which is manifestly not a sustainable practice; _________________ 1Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that there is no specific legal basis for a common EU forest policy; points out, however, that many EU policies have an impact on forests and the forest- based sector
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Calls on the Member States to ensure the timely and adequate implementation of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)1 ; encourages implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive for increasing innovation and investments in forest-based industries; stresses the importance of stable regulatory framework and discourages a second revision of the Renewable Energy Directive; _________________ 1Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ
Amendment 61 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Calls on the Member States to ensure the timely and adequate implementation of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)1; considers that a more efficient use of timber should be prioritised, in accordance with the 'cascading principle', starting from higher value-added uses and discouraging the production of products with a short life; _________________ 1Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 82.
Amendment 62 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Calls on the
Amendment 63 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Calls on the Member States to ensure the timely and adequate implementation of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)1 which was adopted in December 2018 and stipulates strong sustainability criteria for renewable energy sources; _________________ 1Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 82.
Amendment 64 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Expresses concern about the state of health and resilience of forests in many parts of Europe because of climate change and pest and disease hotbeds in forests; stresses the need to strengthen and make full use of EU mechanisms to monitor, provide information and tackle the pressures exerted on forest resources by the spread of invasive alien species, pests and diseases;
Amendment 65 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Notes that the contribution of biofuels and biomass to energy generation and heating in the EU is important and will further increase, as result of the renewable energy targets in REDII and that modern bio-based economy implies challenges such as the sustainability of biomass raw material, efficiency in biomass use and economy of scales in biomass mobilization; recognises that sustainable forest management can solve many of these issues;
Amendment 66 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Recalls that the revised Renewable Energy Directive sets out that a risk-based approach should be taken by operators in order to minimise the risk of using unsustainable forest biomass for the production of bioenergy;
Amendment 67 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Notes that in order to ensure the sustainable production of biomass, the Renewable Energy Directive has set out sustainability criteria which must be met in order to comply with the Union target for Renewable Energy, and to benefit from support schemes; stresses that the harmonised, Union-wide, criteria that have recently been agreed are essential for the smooth functioning of the internal energy market and to avoid the distortion of competition;
Amendment 68 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses that there is a continued need for sustained support for forest- related research and innovation throughout the forest-based value chain, including wood-
Amendment 69 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses that there is a continued need for sustained support for forest- related research and innovation throughout the forest value chain, including safe wood-
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that there is no specific legal basis for a common EU forest policy; stresses that forestry policy is primarily a national competence, points out, however, that many EU policies have an impact on forests and the forest-
Amendment 70 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses that there is a continued need for sustained support for forest- related research and innovation throughout the forest value chain, including wood- based products to be used as plastic substitute packaging materials, smart and clothing fibres and medicines; stresses that single-use plastic must be replaced with sustainable, long-lived products;
Amendment 71 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses that there is a continued need for sustained support for forest- related research and innovation throughout the forest value chain, including wood- based products to be used as plastic substitute packaging materials, smart and clothing fibres and medicines, in order to reduce the dependence of European production chains on imports from non- EU countries in the event of a crisis;
Amendment 72 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Stresses that according to scientific research, sustainably managed forests have a higher CO2 absorption capacity than unmanaged forests; urges therefore that the new forest strategy promotes sustainable forest management including by SMEs;
Amendment 73 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Stresses that wood-based materials must play a crucial role in substituting fossil-based alternatives in industries such as the construction industry, the textile industry, the chemical industry and the packaging industry;
Amendment 74 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening of links between research, industry and society through specific instruments such as European Partnerships; reiterates its position adopted at first reading whereby the Programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises and European statistics should include the sustainability of enterprises among its objectives, in particular that of micro- enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises;
Amendment 75 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening of links between research, industry and society through specific instruments such as European Partnerships; believes that research in forestry and forest restoration has potential to deliver positive results in terms of climate change mitigation, growth of sustainable businesses, employment, maintaining long-term forest health and biodiversity protection;
Amendment 76 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening of links between research, industry and society through specific instruments such as European Partnerships; underlines the essential role of high-level research and innovation in fostering contribution of the forest and forest-based sector in meeting the challenges of our time;
Amendment 77 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening of links between research, industry, agroforestry and society through specific instruments such as European Partnerships; these programs should integrate mechanisms to respect objectives and the legislation on environmental protection and biodiversity preservation, while ensuring climate change mitigation;
Amendment 78 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening of links between research, industry and society through specific instruments such as European Partnerships; stresses the importance of encouraging further research in the forest-based industry, noting especially the role of SMEs in contributing to sustainable forest-based research and innovation;
Amendment 79 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Underlines that
Amendment 80 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for adequate funding for Horizon Europe and for the strengthening of links between research, industry and society through specific instruments such as European Partnerships and the reinforcement of networks of vocational colleges;
Amendment 81 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Calls for
Amendment 82 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Regrets that the majority of products stemming from the forest sector are short lived, and not achieving long lasting product function or carbon storage, making any substitution effect negligible; calls on the Commission and the Member States to improve the accuracy of forest data, including the reporting of how the harvested wood is used, calls for the harmonisation of this data, making information comparable between Member States;
Amendment 83 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Notes that research and technology have come a long way since the forest strategy was introduced in 2013; stresses therefore the importance of encouraging further research in the forestry and bio-based industry and believes that partnerships under the Horizon Europe program should be further directed towards this in order to strengthen the links between research, industry and society;
Amendment 84 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Notes work under the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth1a including EU taxonomy for sustainable activities, in the area of forestry and other economic activities related to forests; _________________ 1a Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth (COM/2018/097 final)
Amendment 85 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Underlines the importance of data harmonisation and data sharing across the EU on forestry resources;
Amendment 86 #