headshot of Godelieve QUISTHOUDT-ROWOHL


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 1994/07/19 - 1999/07/19
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 1989/07/25 - 1994/07/18


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1989/07/25 - 1994/07/18
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1994/07/19 - 1994/11/28
  • icon: PPE PPE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1994/11/29 - 1997/02/18
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1997/02/19 - 1999/07/19
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 1999/07/20 - 1999/10/11
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 1999/10/12 - 2002/03/07
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2002/03/08 - 2004/07/19
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01

EP staff

Show earlier staff roles...
  • Quaestor of European Parliament 1999/07/21 - 2002/01/14
  • Quaestor of Parliament's Bureau 1999/07/21 - 2002/01/14
  • Member of Quaestors 1999/07/21 - 2002/01/14
  • Quaestor of European Parliament 2002/01/16 - 2004/07/19
  • Quaestor of Parliament's Bureau 2002/01/16 - 2004/07/19
  • Member of Quaestors 2002/01/16 - 2004/07/19
  • Quaestor of European Parliament 2004/07/21 - 2007/01/15
  • Quaestor of Parliament's Bureau 2004/07/21 - 2007/01/15
  • Member of Quaestors 2004/07/21 - 2007/01/15


Show earlier committees...
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1989/07/26 1990/10/11
Member of Committee on Energy, Research and Technology 1989/07/26 1992/01/14
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 1990/10/12 1992/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1992/01/15 1994/07/18
Vice-Chair of Committee on Energy, Research and Technology 1992/01/15 1994/07/18
Member of Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy 1994/07/21 1994/07/21
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Vice-Chair of Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy 1994/07/22 1997/01/15
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Vice-Chair of Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Member of Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Member of Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Member of Committee on International Trade 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Development 2004/07/22 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Development 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on International Trade 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on International Trade 2007/01/31 2007/01/31
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Vice-Chair of Committee on International Trade 2007/02/01 2009/07/13
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Member of Committee on International Trade 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Substitute of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2012/01/19 2012/02/08
Substitute of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2012/01/19 2012/04/24
Member of Committee on International Trade 2012/01/19 2014/06/30
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2012/02/09 2014/06/30
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Member of Committee on International Trade 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Member of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Committee on International Trade 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2017/01/19 2019/07/01


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Canada 1989/07/26 1992/01/14
Member of Delegation for relations with Canada 1992/01/15 1993/02/10
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea 1992/02/25 1993/02/10
Member of Delegation for relations with Canada 1993/02/11 1994/01/31
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea 1993/02/11 1994/01/31
Member of Delegation for relations with Canada 1994/02/01 1994/07/18
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea 1994/02/01 1994/07/18
Member of Delegation for relations with Japan 1994/11/17 1995/07/11
Member of Delegation for relations with Japan 1995/07/12 1997/01/15
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Japan 1997/01/16 1997/10/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Japan 1997/10/14 1999/02/23
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Japan 1999/02/24 1999/07/19
Member of Delegation for relations with the United States 1999/10/06 2002/01/14
Member of Delegation for relations with the United States 2002/02/07 2004/07/19
Member of Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula 2004/09/15 2007/03/13
Substitute of Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly 2004/09/15 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly 2004/09/24 2004/11/16
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the United States 2004/11/17 2007/03/13
Member of Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula 2007/03/14 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the United States 2007/03/14 2009/07/13
Member of Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly 2007/05/23 2009/07/13
Member of Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the United States 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Member of Delegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Member of Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Substitute of Delegation to the Cariforum — EU Parliamentary Committee 2010/06/16 2014/06/30
Member of Delegation for relations with Canada 2014/07/14 2014/10/12
Substitute of Delegation for relations with India 2014/07/14 2019/07/01
Vice-Chair of Delegation for relations with Canada 2014/10/13 2019/07/01
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the United States 2019/02/19 2019/07/01


  • [javascript protected email address]


  • Phone: 0032 2 28 45338
  • Fax: 0032 2 28 49338
  • Office: Bât. Altiero Spinelli 14E158
  • Full Address
    • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
    • Zip: B-1047
    • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


  • Phone: 0033 3 88 1 75338
  • Fax: 0033 3 88 1 79338
  • Office: Bât. Louise Weiss T10005
  • Full Address
    • City: Strasbourg
    • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
    • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


  • European Parliament
  • Rue Wiertz
  • Altiero Spinelli 14E158
  • 1047 Brüssel


Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/2537(RSP) INTA International Trade Opening of negotiations between the EU and the US
Opinion Committee Shadow 2018/2107(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the GSP Regulation No 978/2012
Responsible Committee 2018/0158(COD) INTA International Trade Apportionment of tariff rate quotas included in the WTO schedule of the Union following the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union
Opinion Committee Shadow 2017/2271(INI) INTA International Trade State of EU-US relations
Responsible Committee 2017/2122(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2016 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
Opinion Committee Shadow 2017/2035(INI) INTA International Trade Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the other part
Opinion Committee Shadow 2016/2301(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Impact of international trade and the EU’s trade policies on global value chains
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2226(INI) INTA International Trade Extension of the provisions of the EC/Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement to bilateral trade in textiles
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2219(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter 2015
Committee Opinion 2016/0274(COD) INTA International Trade Guarantee Fund for external actions: asset management
Opinion Committee Shadow 2016/0166(NLE) INTA International Trade EU/Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
Responsible Committee 2016/0067(NLE) INTA International Trade Agreement on the expansion of trade in information technology products (ITA)
Opinion Committee Shadow 2015/2041(INI) INTA International Trade Transparency, accountability and integrity in the EU institutions
Committee Opinion 2015/2038(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the 2010 recommendations of Parliament on social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2232(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Human rights and technology: impact of intrusion and surveillance systems on human rights in third countries
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2228(INI) INTA International Trade Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Opinion Committee Shadow 2014/0005(COD) AFET Foreign Affairs Trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Responsible Committee Shadow 2013/0324(NLE) INTA International Trade EU/USA Revised Memorandum of Understanding: importation of beef from animals not treated with certain growth-promoting hormones and increased duties applied by the USA to certain products of the EU
Responsible Committee Shadow 2013/0225(NLE) INTA International Trade Arms Trade Treaty: ratification by Member States
Responsible Committee Shadow 2012/2320(INI) INTA International Trade First annual report from the Commission to the European Parliament on the activities of Member States' export credit agencies
Responsible Committee Shadow 2012/2149(INI) INTA International Trade Trade and economic relations with the United States
Responsible Committee Shadow 2012/0167(NLE) INTA International Trade EU/USA Agreement: modification of concessions in the schedules of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in the course of their accession to the EU
Committee Opinion 2011/2113(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Trade for change: EU trade and investment strategy for the Southern Mediterranean following the Arab spring revolutions
Opinion Committee Shadow 2011/2011(INI) INTA International Trade Global economic governance
Responsible Committee Shadow 2011/0458(COD) INTA International Trade Macro-financial assistance to Kyrgyzstan
Responsible Committee Shadow 2011/0445(COD) INTA International Trade Tariff quotas for certain meat and cereal products: alignment of Regulation with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
Responsible Committee 2011/0169(COD) INTA International Trade Imports of high-quality beef: autonomous tariff quota
Responsible Committee Shadow 2011/0153(COD) INTA International Trade Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
Responsible Committee 2011/0039(COD) INTA International Trade Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU; procedures for the adoption of certain measures
Former Responsible Committee 2011/0039(COD) INTA International Trade Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU; procedures for the adoption of certain measures
Committee Opinion 2010/2110(INI) INTA International Trade EU agriculture and international trade
Responsible Committee Shadow 2010/0323(NLE) INTA International Trade EC/Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: bilateral trade in textiles. Protocol
Responsible Committee Shadow 2009/2200(INI) INTA International Trade Trade and economic relations with Turkey
Opinion Committee Shadow 2009/2150(INI) INTA International Trade Effects of the global financial and economic crisis on developing countries and on development cooperation
Committee Opinion 2008/2199(INI) INTA International Trade State of transatlantic relations in the aftermath of the US elections
Committee Opinion 2006/2247(INI) INTA International Trade Macro-economic impact of the increase in the price of energy
Responsible Committee 2006/2237(INI) INTA International Trade EU/Russia relations: economic and trade relations
Committee Opinion 2003/2230(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Relations between European Union and Russia
Committee Opinion 2003/2225(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy European Union policy towards the South Caucasus
Former Committee Opinion 2003/0256(COD) INTA International Trade Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH); European Chemicals Agency
Responsible Committee 2003/0220(CNS) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy EC/Israel agreement: scientific and technical cooperation agreement
Responsible Committee 2001/0327(CNS) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy RTD Euratom framework programme 2002-2006: participation of undertakings, research centres and universities
Responsible Committee 2001/0202(COD) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Research RTD, 6th framework programme 2002-2006: results dissemination, participation of undertakings and universities
Responsible Committee 1999/0133(CNS) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy EC/Russia agreement on cooperation in science and technology
Responsible Committee 1998/0241(CNS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy EC/Israel agreement: scientific and technical cooperation agreement for the duration of the 5th framework programme
Responsible Committee 1997/0120(CNS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy RTD 5th framework programme Euratom 1998-2002: research and training activities
Former Responsible Committee 1997/0119(COD) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Resaerch RTD, 5th framework-programme EC 1998-2002: research, technological development and demonstration activities
Former Responsible Committee 1997/0119(COD) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Resaerch RTD, 5th framework-programme EC 1998-2002: research, technological development and demonstration activities
Committee Opinion 1995/2313(COS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Enterprise policy: the future operation of the information and cooperation networks
Responsible Committee 1994/2203(COS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Science and technology: cooperation between the Union and the Central and Eastern Europe and CIS countries



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Daniel CASPARY icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 197
Andrzej GRZYB icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 68
Christofer FJELLNER icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 59
Iuliu WINKLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 44
Albert DESS icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 42
Peter JAHR icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 36
Daniel CASPARY icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Germany Germany 27
Iuliu WINKLER icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Romania Romania 23
Cristian Dan PREDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 22
Franck PROUST icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 22
Tokia SAÏFI icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 22
Artis PABRIKS icon: PPE PPE icon: Latvia Latvia 21
Zbigniew ZALESKI icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Poland Poland 21
María Auxiliadora CORREA ZAMORA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 19
Salvatore CICU icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 19
Pablo ZALBA BIDEGAIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 18
Sven SCHULZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 18
Dennis RADTKE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 18
Barbara MATERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 17
Agnieszka KOZŁOWSKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 17
Britta REIMERS icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Germany Germany 15
Christian EHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 15
Sofia RIBEIRO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 14
Eva KAILI icon: S&D S&D icon: Greece Greece 14
Alojz PETERLE icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 14
Bendt BENDTSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 13
Danuta Maria HÜBNER icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 12
Jeppe KOFOD icon: S&D S&D icon: Denmark Denmark 11
Eva MAYDELL icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 11
Laima Liucija ANDRIKIENĖ icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 11
Therese COMODINI CACHIA icon: PPE PPE icon: Malta Malta 10
Petri SARVAMAA icon: PPE PPE icon: Finland Finland 9
Reinhard BÜTIKOFER icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 8
Philippe JUVIN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 7
Andreas SCHWAB icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 6
Santiago FISAS AYXELÀ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 6
Tokia SAÏFI icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: France France 6
Georgios PAPASTAMKOS icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Greece Greece 6
Daniel VARELA SUANZES-CARPEGNA icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Spain Spain 6
Béla GLATTFELDER icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Hungary Hungary 6
Vasco GRAÇA MOURA icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Portugal Portugal 6
Jean-Pierre AUDY icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: France France 6
Elisabeth JEGGLE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 5
Robert STURDY icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 5
Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 5
Tunne KELAM icon: PPE PPE icon: Estonia Estonia 5
Ramona Nicole MĂNESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 5
László TŐKÉS icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 5
Kinga GÁL icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 5
Jana ŽITŇANSKÁ icon: ECR ECR icon: Slovakia Slovakia 5
Kader ARIF icon: PSE PSE icon: France France 5
Francisco ASSIS icon: PSE PSE icon: Portugal Portugal 5
Carlos CARNERO GONZÁLEZ icon: PSE PSE icon: Spain Spain 5
Françoise CASTEX icon: PSE PSE icon: France France 5
Harlem DÉSIR icon: PSE PSE icon: France France 5
Elisa FERREIRA icon: PSE PSE icon: Portugal Portugal 5
Ignasi GUARDANS CAMBÓ icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Spain Spain 5
Pia Elda LOCATELLI icon: PSE PSE icon: Italy Italy 5
Marusya LYUBCHEVA icon: PSE PSE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 5
Eugenijus MALDEIKIS icon: UEN UEN icon: Lithuania Lithuania 5
Helmuth MARKOV icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Germany Germany 5
Jan Tadeusz MASIEL icon: UEN UEN icon: Poland Poland 5
Cristiana MUSCARDINI icon: UEN UEN icon: Italy Italy 5
Vural ÖGER icon: PSE PSE icon: Germany Germany 5
Gianluca SUSTA icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Italy Italy 5
Georgios PAPASTAMKOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 4
Adina VĂLEAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 4
Janusz WOJCIECHOWSKI icon: ECR ECR icon: Poland Poland 3
Jarosław WAŁĘSA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 3
Silvana KOCH-MEHRIN icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Germany Germany 2
Georgios KOUMOUTSAKOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 2
Constance LE GRIP icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 2
Elisabeth KÖSTINGER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 2
Axel VOSS icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 2
Christophe HANSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 2
Erika MANN icon: PSE PSE icon: Germany Germany 2
Jan Marinus WIERSMA icon: PSE PSE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 2
Paweł ZALEWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 1
Christa KLASS icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 1
Hubert PIRKER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 1
Véronique MATHIEU HOUILLON icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 1
Agustín DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA CONSUEGRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Teresa JIMÉNEZ-BECERRIL BARRIO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 1
Salvador SEDÓ i ALABART icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Hannu TAKKULA icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Finland Finland 1
David MARTIN icon: S&D S&D icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 1
Viviane REDING icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 1

By types

Amendments (766)
Institutional motions (7)
Opinions (7)
Oral questions (3)
Plenary speeches (62)
Reports (16)
Shadow opinions (9)
Shadow reports (18)
Written questions (10)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
572016/2219(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter 2015
562014/2228(INI)Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
512011/0153(COD)Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
512017/0224(COD)Screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union
472016/0295(COD)Control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items
422011/0280(COD)Common agricultural policy (CAP): direct payments to farmers under support schemes 2014-2020
352010/2203(INI)Future European international investment policy
272018/2154(INI)Human rights concerns in private military and security companies’ operations affecting third countries
232011/0117(COD)Scheme of generalised tariff preferences (GSP)
212012/2094(INI)Digital freedom strategy in EU foreign policy
212017/2271(INI)State of EU-US relations
182012/2149(INI)Trade and economic relations with the United States
182014/2232(INI)Human rights and technology: impact of intrusion and surveillance systems on human rights in third countries
182017/2015(INI)Gender equality in EU trade agreements
172012/0163(COD)International agreements: framework for managing financial responsibility linked to investor-to-state dispute settlement tribunals
162010/0197(COD)Bilateral investment agreements between Member States and third countries: transitional arrangements
162009/2200(INI)Trade and economic relations with Turkey
142018/2005(INI)Harnessing globalisation: trade aspects
132010/2301(INI)EU and China: unbalanced trade?
132017/2122(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2016 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
112009/0059(COD)External actions: financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised and other high-income countries and territories
112016/2226(INI)Extension of the provisions of the EC/Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement to bilateral trade in textiles
92008/2104(INI)Relations between the EU and Russia
82012/2320(INI)First annual report from the Commission to the European Parliament on the activities of Member States' export credit agencies
82011/2011(INI)Global economic governance
82016/2301(INI)Impact of international trade and the EU’s trade policies on global value chains
82016/0351(COD)Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU
82015/2041(INI)Transparency, accountability and integrity in the EU institutions
82008/2156(INI)EMU@10: The first 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union and future challenges
72012/2114(INI)Financing EU SMEs' trade and investment: facilitated access to credit in support of internationalisation
72018/2107(INI)Implementation of the GSP Regulation No 978/2012
72014/0005(COD)Trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
62013/0103(COD)Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the European Union
62012/0027(COD)Union Customs Code. Recast
62017/2083(INI)EU-Africa strategy: a boost for development
52011/0176(COD)Macro-financial assistance (MFA) to third countries: general provisions
52011/2008(INI)State of implementation of the EU strategy for Central Asia
52011/2050(INI)Recommendation to the Council and Commission on the new EU-Russia agreement
52010/2110(INI)EU agriculture and international trade
52014/2229(INI)Security challenges in the MENA region and prospects for political stability
52007/0289(CNS)Generalised scheme of tariff preferences (GSP): rules for the application of the GSP scheme for the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011
42012/2042(INI)Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs): competitiveness and business opportunities
42011/2048(INI)Modernisation of public procurement
42018/2098(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2017 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
42017/2035(INI)Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the other part
42011/0039(COD)Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU; procedures for the adoption of certain measures
32011/0167(NLE)EU/Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and United States Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
32011/0260(COD)EU/ACP countries' Economic Partnership Agreements: exclusion of certain countries from trade preferences; Commission delegated powers
32011/2132(INI)Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
32009/2150(INI)Effects of the global financial and economic crisis on developing countries and on development cooperation
32006/2237(INI)EU/Russia relations: economic and trade relations
32011/0169(COD)Imports of high-quality beef: autonomous tariff quota
31997/0119(COD)Resaerch RTD, 5th framework-programme EC 1998-2002: research, technological development and demonstration activities
22011/2083(INI)Modernisation of customs
22013/2188(INI)US NSA surveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various Member States and impact on EU citizens' fundamental rights and on transatlantic cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs
22018/0093M(NLE)EU/Singapore Free Trade Agreement
22018/0091M(NLE)EU/Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
22016/0067(NLE)Agreement on the expansion of trade in information technology products (ITA)
22011/0458(COD)Macro-financial assistance to Kyrgyzstan
22017/2598(RSP)Resolution on EU priorities for the UN Human Rights Council sessions in 2017
22014/2724(RSP)Resolution on the crime of aggression
12011/2111(INI)EU foreign policy towards the BRICs and other emerging powers: objectives and strategies
12017/2274(INI)State of EU-China relations
12017/2070(INI)Implementation of the common commercial policy. Annual report
12008/2199(INI)State of transatlantic relations in the aftermath of the US elections
12007/2000(INI)Towards a common European foreign policy on energy
12006/2653(RSP)Resolution on the European Union's Generalised Systems of Preferences
12006/2615(RSP)Resolution on the suspension of negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda
12013/2558(RSP)Resolution on EU trade and investment negotiations with the United States of America
12011/2870(RSP)Resolution on the EU-US Summit of 28 November 2011
12011/2743(RSP)Resolution on the state of play of the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda
12010/2898(RSP)Resolution on the forthcoming EU-US Summit and the Transatlantic Economic Council
12009/0058(COD)External actions: financing instrument for stability
12018/0403(NLE)EU/Singapore Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
12018/0058(COD)Further macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
12018/2542(RSP)Conflict minerals accompanying measures
12017/2192(INI)Recommendation to the Council on the proposed negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with Australia
12016/0205(NLE)EU/Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
11998/0241(CNS)EC/Israel agreement: scientific and technical cooperation agreement for the duration of the 5th framework programme
11997/0120(CNS)RTD 5th framework programme Euratom 1998-2002: research and training activities
12003/0220(CNS)EC/Israel agreement: scientific and technical cooperation agreement
12001/0327(CNS)RTD Euratom framework programme 2002-2006: participation of undertakings, research centres and universities
12001/0202(COD)Research RTD, 6th framework programme 2002-2006: results dissemination, participation of undertakings and universities
11999/0133(CNS)EC/Russia agreement on cooperation in science and technology
12018/0158(COD)Apportionment of tariff rate quotas included in the WTO schedule of the Union following the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union
12013/0225(NLE)Arms Trade Treaty: ratification by Member States
12013/0324(NLE)EU/USA Revised Memorandum of Understanding: importation of beef from animals not treated with certain growth-promoting hormones and increased duties applied by the USA to certain products of the EU
12012/0167(NLE)EU/USA Agreement: modification of concessions in the schedules of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in the course of their accession to the EU
12011/0445(COD)Tariff quotas for certain meat and cereal products: alignment of Regulation with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
12010/0323(NLE)EC/Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: bilateral trade in textiles. Protocol
12016/0166(NLE)EU/Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
12018/2763(RSP)Resolution on the EU's input to a UN Binding Instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with transnational characteristics with respect to human rights EU's input to a UN binding instrument on transnational corporations with respect to human rights
12017/2525(RSP)Conclusion of the EU-Canada CETA
12016/2667(RSP)Resolution on China’s market economy status

See historical changes of the Bio


1947/06/18 - Etterbeek (Belgien)

Professional career

  • 2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
  • 1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
  • 1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
  • 1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
  • 1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)

Political career

  • 1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
  • 1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
  • 1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
  • 2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
  • 1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
  • 2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
  • 2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
  • 2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
  • 1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
  • 2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
  • 2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
  • 1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
  • 2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
  • 1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
  • 2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
  • 1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
  • 2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
  • 2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
  • 2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
  • 2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
  • 2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
  • 2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations

Other activities

  • Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
  • Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
  • Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

CV/Other activities/0
Członkini-założycielka stowarzyszenia na rzecz budowy katedry w Hildesheim
Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
CV/Other activities/1
Przewodnicząca rady fundacji biskupów Gemeinsam für das Leben (Wspólnie na rzecz życia), Hildesheim
Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
CV/Other activities/2
Patronat nad Europejskim Domem Spotkań dla młodzieży w niekorzystnej sytuacji na trasie pielgrzymki do Santiago de Compostella
Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.
CV/Political career/0
2009-2014 : Rzecznik PPE w Euro-Latynoamerykańskim Zgromadzeniu Parlamentarnym
1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
CV/Political career/1
2000-2003 : Przewodnicząca grupy tematycznej CDU – Bioetyka
1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
CV/Political career/2
2013- ... : Członkini European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
CV/Political career/3
2013- ... : Członkini Transatlantic Policy Network
2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
CV/Political career/4
2013- ... : Wiceprzewodnicząca zarządu CDU w okręgu Hildesheim
1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
CV/Political career/5
1999-2007 : Kwestor i członkini Prezydium
2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
CV/Political career/6
1990-2014 : Zarząd CDU kraju związkowego Dolna Saksonia
2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
CV/Political career/7
1993-2001 : Zarząd PPE
2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
CV/Political career/8
2013- ... : Zarząd PPE
1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
CV/Political career/9
2012-2014 : Przewodnicząca grupy monitorującej stosunki handlowe między Australią a Nową Zelandią
2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
CV/Political career/10
1990-1996 : Zarząd federalny Unii Kobiet
2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
CV/Political career/11
2005-2009 : Przewodnicząca związku CDU miasta Hildesheim
1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
CV/Political career/12
1989- ... : Posłanka do Parlamentu Europejskiego
2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
CV/Political career/13
1990-1998 : Zarząd CDU w okręgu Hildesheim
1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/14
2001- ... : Członkini Rady Gospodarczej CDU, rada krajowa Bruksela, wybrana w wyborach uzupełniających członkini zarządu
2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
CV/Political career/15
2000-2003 : Grupa tematyczna CDU – Badania i innowacje
1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
CV/Political career/16
2010- ... : Sprawozdawczyni PPE ds. negocjacji dotyczących porozumienia w sprawie TTIP
2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
CV/Political career/17
1995-2003 : Przewodnicząca komisji krajowej ds. gospodarki i transportu
2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
CV/Political career/18
1994-2012 : Zarząd federalny CDU
2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
CV/Political career/19
2002- ... : Członkini Fundacji im. Ludwiga Erharda
2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
CV/Political career/20
2000- ... : Stowarzyszenie Atlantik-Brücke, stosunki transatlantyckie
2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
CV/Political career/21
2009- ... : Europejska Sieć Idei, przewodnicząca ds. stosunków transatlantyckich
2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations
CV/Professional career/0
1979-1989 : Uniwersytet w Hildesheim: ostatnio pracownik naukowy
2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
CV/Professional career/1
1972-1973 : Instytut chemii biofizycznej im. Maxa Plancka: Wydział Manfreda Eigena / Leo de Maeyera, Göttingen, stypendystka studiów doktoranckich
1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
CV/Professional career/2
1973 : Tytuł doktora nauk przyrodniczych Uniwersytetu w Leuven (Belgia)
1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
CV/Professional career/3
2002- ... : Uniwersytet w Hildesheim: Wykładowca i profesor honorowy
1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
CV/Professional career/4
1974-1978 : Akademia Medyczna w Hanowerze: Asystent naukowy
1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)
CV/Other activities/0
Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Przewodnicząca rady fundacji biskupów Gemeinsam für das Leben (Wspólnie na rzecz życia), Hildesheim
CV/Other activities/1
Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.
Patronat nad Europejskim Domem Spotkań dla młodzieży w niekorzystnej sytuacji na trasie pielgrzymki do Santiago de Compostella
CV/Other activities/2
Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
Członkini-założycielka stowarzyszenia na rzecz budowy katedry w Hildesheim
CV/Political career/0
2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
1994-2012 : Zarząd federalny CDU
CV/Political career/1
2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
1990-2014 : Zarząd CDU kraju związkowego Dolna Saksonia
CV/Political career/2
1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
1990-1998 : Zarząd CDU w okręgu Hildesheim
CV/Political career/3
1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
2013- ... : Wiceprzewodnicząca zarządu CDU w okręgu Hildesheim
CV/Political career/4
2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
1990-1996 : Zarząd federalny Unii Kobiet
CV/Political career/5
1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
2005-2009 : Przewodnicząca związku CDU miasta Hildesheim
CV/Political career/6
2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
2002- ... : Członkini Fundacji im. Ludwiga Erharda
CV/Political career/7
2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
2001- ... : Członkini Rady Gospodarczej CDU, rada krajowa Bruksela, wybrana w wyborach uzupełniających członkini zarządu
CV/Political career/8
2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
1995-2003 : Przewodnicząca komisji krajowej ds. gospodarki i transportu
CV/Political career/9
1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
2000-2003 : Przewodnicząca grupy tematycznej CDU – Bioetyka
CV/Political career/10
1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
2000-2003 : Grupa tematyczna CDU – Badania i innowacje
CV/Political career/11
2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
1993-2001 : Zarząd PPE
CV/Political career/12
1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
2013- ... : Zarząd PPE
CV/Political career/13
2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
1989- ... : Posłanka do Parlamentu Europejskiego
CV/Political career/14
2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
2010- ... : Sprawozdawczyni PPE ds. negocjacji dotyczących porozumienia w sprawie TTIP
CV/Political career/15
2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
1999-2007 : Kwestor i członkini Prezydium
CV/Political career/16
1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
2009-2014 : Rzecznik PPE w Euro-Latynoamerykańskim Zgromadzeniu Parlamentarnym
CV/Political career/17
2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
2012-2014 : Przewodnicząca grupy monitorującej stosunki handlowe między Australią a Nową Zelandią
CV/Political career/18
1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
2013- ... : Członkini European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
CV/Political career/19
2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations
2009- ... : Europejska Sieć Idei, przewodnicząca ds. stosunków transatlantyckich
CV/Political career/20
2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
2013- ... : Członkini Transatlantic Policy Network
CV/Political career/21
2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
2000- ... : Stowarzyszenie Atlantik-Brücke, stosunki transatlantyckie
CV/Professional career/0
1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
2002- ... : Uniwersytet w Hildesheim: Wykładowca i profesor honorowy
CV/Professional career/1
2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
1979-1989 : Uniwersytet w Hildesheim: ostatnio pracownik naukowy
CV/Professional career/2
1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)
1974-1978 : Akademia Medyczna w Hanowerze: Asystent naukowy
CV/Professional career/3
1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
1972-1973 : Instytut chemii biofizycznej im. Maxa Plancka: Wydział Manfreda Eigena / Leo de Maeyera, Göttingen, stypendystka studiów doktoranckich
CV/Professional career/4
1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
1973 : Tytuł doktora nauk przyrodniczych Uniwersytetu w Leuven (Belgia)
CV/Other activities/0
Voorzitter adviescommissie bisschoppelijke stichting „Gemeinsam für das Leben“, Hildesheim
Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
CV/Other activities/1
Medeoprichter vereniging voor verbouwing Hohe Domkirche Hildesheim
Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
CV/Other activities/2
Beschermvrouwe van het Europees ontmoetingshuis voor randgroepjongeren op de pelgrimsroute naar Santiago de Compostela
Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.
CV/Political career/0
1995-2003 : Voorzitter deelstaatcommissie economische zaken en vervoer
1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
CV/Political career/1
1999-2007 : Quaestor en lid presidium
1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
CV/Political career/2
1989- ... : Lid Europees Parlement
1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
CV/Political career/3
1993-2001 : PPE-bestuur
2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
CV/Political career/4
2000- ... : Lid Atlantik-Brücke, werkgroep trans-Atlantische betrekkingen
1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
CV/Political career/5
1994-2012 : Lid nationaal bestuur CDU
2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
CV/Political career/6
2000-2003 : Voorzitter gespreksgroep "Bio-ethiek" van de CDU
2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
CV/Political career/7
2002- ... : Lid Ludwig-Erhard-Stichting
2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
CV/Political career/8
1990-1996 : Lid nationaal bestuur Frauen-Union
1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
CV/Political career/9
2012-2014 : Voorzitter van de observatiegroep voor de handelsbetrekkingen tussen Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland
2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
CV/Political career/10
2013- ... : Lid European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
CV/Political career/11
2005-2009 : Voorzitter CDU, afd. stad Hildesheim
1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
CV/Political career/12
2013- ... : Plaatsvervangend voorzitter districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
CV/Political career/13
2013- ... : Lid Transatlantic Policy Network
1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/14
1990-1998 : Lid districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
CV/Political career/15
2013- ... : PPE-bestuur
1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
CV/Political career/16
2001- ... : Lid economische raad CDU, afd. Brussel, gecoöpteerd bestuurslid
2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
CV/Political career/17
1990-2014 : Lid deelstaatbestuur CDU Nedersaksen
2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
CV/Political career/18
2009- ... : Europees ideeënnetwerk, voorzitter "Transatlantic Relations"
2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
CV/Political career/19
2010- ... : PPE-rapporteur voor de onderhandelingen over TTIP
2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
CV/Political career/20
2000-2003 : Gespreksgroep "Onderzoek en innovatie" van de CDU
2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
CV/Political career/21
2009-2014 : Woordvoerder PPE voor de Parlementaire Vergadering Europa-Latijns-Amerika
2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations
CV/Professional career/0
1979-1989 : Universiteit Hildesheim: meest recent: universiteitsambtenaar
2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
CV/Professional career/1
1973 : Doctoraat (Dr. phil. nat.), Universiteit Leuven (België)
1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
CV/Professional career/2
1972-1973 : Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie: Afdeling Manfred Eigen / Leo de Maeyer, Göttingen, promovenda
1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
CV/Professional career/3
2002- ... : Universiteit Hildesheim: docent en onbezoldigd hoogleraar
1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
CV/Professional career/4
1974-1978 : Medizinische Hochschule (hogeschool voor geneeskunde) Hannover: wetenschappelijk medewerker
1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)
CV/Other activities/0
Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
Voorzitter adviescommissie bisschoppelijke stichting „Gemeinsam für das Leben“, Hildesheim
CV/Other activities/1
Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.
Beschermvrouwe van het Europees ontmoetingshuis voor randgroepjongeren op de pelgrimsroute naar Santiago de Compostela
CV/Other activities/2
Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Medeoprichter vereniging voor verbouwing Hohe Domkirche Hildesheim
CV/Political career/0
2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
1994-2012 : Lid nationaal bestuur CDU
CV/Political career/1
2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
1990-2014 : Lid deelstaatbestuur CDU Nedersaksen
CV/Political career/2
2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
1990-1998 : Lid districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
CV/Political career/3
2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
2013- ... : Plaatsvervangend voorzitter districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
CV/Political career/4
1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
1990-1996 : Lid nationaal bestuur Frauen-Union
CV/Political career/5
1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
2005-2009 : Voorzitter CDU, afd. stad Hildesheim
CV/Political career/6
2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
2002- ... : Lid Ludwig-Erhard-Stichting
CV/Political career/7
2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
2001- ... : Lid economische raad CDU, afd. Brussel, gecoöpteerd bestuurslid
CV/Political career/8
1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
1995-2003 : Voorzitter deelstaatcommissie economische zaken en vervoer
CV/Political career/9
2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
2000-2003 : Voorzitter gespreksgroep "Bio-ethiek" van de CDU
CV/Political career/10
2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
2000-2003 : Gespreksgroep "Onderzoek en innovatie" van de CDU
CV/Political career/11
2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
1993-2001 : PPE-bestuur
CV/Political career/12
1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
2013- ... : PPE-bestuur
CV/Political career/13
1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
1989- ... : Lid Europees Parlement
CV/Political career/14
2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
2010- ... : PPE-rapporteur voor de onderhandelingen over TTIP
CV/Political career/15
1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
1999-2007 : Quaestor en lid presidium
CV/Political career/16
2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations
2009-2014 : Woordvoerder PPE voor de Parlementaire Vergadering Europa-Latijns-Amerika
CV/Political career/17
2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
2012-2014 : Voorzitter van de observatiegroep voor de handelsbetrekkingen tussen Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland
CV/Political career/18
2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
2013- ... : Lid European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
CV/Political career/19
2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
2009- ... : Europees ideeënnetwerk, voorzitter "Transatlantic Relations"
CV/Political career/20
1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
2013- ... : Lid Transatlantic Policy Network
CV/Political career/21
1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
2000- ... : Lid Atlantik-Brücke, werkgroep trans-Atlantische betrekkingen
CV/Professional career/0
1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
2002- ... : Universiteit Hildesheim: docent en onbezoldigd hoogleraar
CV/Professional career/1
2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
1979-1989 : Universiteit Hildesheim: meest recent: universiteitsambtenaar
CV/Professional career/2
1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)
1974-1978 : Medizinische Hochschule (hogeschool voor geneeskunde) Hannover: wetenschappelijk medewerker
CV/Professional career/3
1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
1972-1973 : Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie: Afdeling Manfred Eigen / Leo de Maeyer, Göttingen, promovenda
CV/Professional career/4
1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
1973 : Doctoraat (Dr. phil. nat.), Universiteit Leuven (België)
CV/Other activities/0
Voorzitter adviescommissie bisschoppelijke stichting „Gemeinsam für das Leben“, Hildesheim
Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
CV/Other activities/1
Medeoprichter vereniging voor verbouwing Hohe Domkirche Hildesheim
Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
CV/Other activities/2
Beschermvrouwe van het Europees ontmoetingshuis voor randgroepjongeren op de pelgrimsroute naar Santiago de Compostela
Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.
CV/Political career/0
1995-2003 : Voorzitter deelstaatcommissie economische zaken en vervoer
1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
CV/Political career/1
1999-2007 : Quaestor en lid presidium
1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
CV/Political career/2
1989- ... : Lid Europees Parlement
1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
CV/Political career/3
1993-2001 : PPE-bestuur
2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
CV/Political career/4
2000- ... : Lid Atlantik-Brücke, werkgroep trans-Atlantische betrekkingen
1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
CV/Political career/5
1994-2012 : Lid nationaal bestuur CDU
2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
CV/Political career/6
2000-2003 : Voorzitter gespreksgroep "Bio-ethiek" van de CDU
2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
CV/Political career/7
2002- ... : Lid Ludwig-Erhard-Stichting
2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
CV/Political career/8
1990-1996 : Lid nationaal bestuur Frauen-Union
1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
CV/Political career/9
2012-2014 : Voorzitter van de observatiegroep voor de handelsbetrekkingen tussen Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland
2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
CV/Political career/10
2013- ... : Lid European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
CV/Political career/11
2005-2009 : Voorzitter CDU, afd. stad Hildesheim
1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
CV/Political career/12
2013- ... : Plaatsvervangend voorzitter districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
CV/Political career/13
2013- ... : Lid Transatlantic Policy Network
1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/14
1990-1998 : Lid districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
CV/Political career/15
2013- ... : PPE-bestuur
1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
CV/Political career/16
2001- ... : Lid economische raad CDU, afd. Brussel, gecoöpteerd bestuurslid
2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
CV/Political career/17
1990-2014 : Lid deelstaatbestuur CDU Nedersaksen
2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
CV/Political career/18
2009- ... : Europees ideeënnetwerk, voorzitter "Transatlantic Relations"
2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
CV/Political career/19
2010- ... : PPE-rapporteur voor de onderhandelingen over TTIP
2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
CV/Political career/20
2000-2003 : Gespreksgroep "Onderzoek en innovatie" van de CDU
2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
CV/Political career/21
2009-2014 : Woordvoerder PPE voor de Parlementaire Vergadering Europa-Latijns-Amerika
2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations
CV/Professional career/0
1979-1989 : Universiteit Hildesheim: meest recent: universiteitsambtenaar
2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
CV/Professional career/1
1973 : Doctoraat (Dr. phil. nat.), Universiteit Leuven (België)
1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
CV/Professional career/2
1972-1973 : Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie: Afdeling Manfred Eigen / Leo de Maeyer, Göttingen, promovenda
1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
CV/Professional career/3
2002- ... : Universiteit Hildesheim: docent en onbezoldigd hoogleraar
1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
CV/Professional career/4
1974-1978 : Medizinische Hochschule (hogeschool voor geneeskunde) Hannover: wetenschappelijk medewerker
1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)
CV/Other activities/0
Chair, committee of the episcopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim).
Voorzitter adviescommissie bisschoppelijke stichting „Gemeinsam für das Leben“, Hildesheim
CV/Other activities/1
Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee.
Beschermvrouwe van het Europees ontmoetingshuis voor randgroepjongeren op de pelgrimsroute naar Santiago de Compostela
CV/Other activities/2
Patron, European meeting house for disadvantaged young people on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Medeoprichter vereniging voor verbouwing Hohe Domkirche Hildesheim
CV/Political career/0
2005-2009 : Chair of CDU municipal association for Hildesheim
1994-2012 : Lid nationaal bestuur CDU
CV/Political career/1
2012-2014 : Chair of the Monitoring Group on trade relations between Australia and New Zealand
1990-2014 : Lid deelstaatbestuur CDU Nedersaksen
CV/Political career/2
2010- ... : EPP rapporteur on negotiations on the TTIP
1990-1998 : Lid districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
CV/Political career/3
2013- ... : EPP Political Bureau
2013- ... : Plaatsvervangend voorzitter districtsbestuur CDU Hildesheim
CV/Political career/4
1995-2003 : Chair of the Regional Committee on Economy and Transport
1990-1996 : Lid nationaal bestuur Frauen-Union
CV/Political career/5
1993-2001 : EPP Political Bureau
2005-2009 : Voorzitter CDU, afd. stad Hildesheim
CV/Political career/6
2001- ... : Member and co-opted board member of the Economic Council of the CDU National Association, Brussels
2002- ... : Lid Ludwig-Erhard-Stichting
CV/Political career/7
2009-2014 : EPP Spokesperson for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
2001- ... : Lid economische raad CDU, afd. Brussel, gecoöpteerd bestuurslid
CV/Political career/8
1994-2012 : CDU Federal Executive Committee
1995-2003 : Voorzitter deelstaatcommissie economische zaken en vervoer
CV/Political career/9
2002- ... : Member of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
2000-2003 : Voorzitter gespreksgroep "Bio-ethiek" van de CDU
CV/Political career/10
2013- ... : Member of the Transatlantic Policy Network
2000-2003 : Gespreksgroep "Onderzoek en innovatie" van de CDU
CV/Political career/11
2013- ... : Vice-chair of the Hildesheim district executive
1993-2001 : PPE-bestuur
CV/Political career/12
1999-2007 : Quaestor and member of the Bureau
2013- ... : PPE-bestuur
CV/Political career/13
1990-1998 : Member of the Hildesheim district executive
1989- ... : Lid Europees Parlement
CV/Political career/14
2009- ... : Chair on 'transatlantic relations' of the European Ideas Network
2010- ... : PPE-rapporteur voor de onderhandelingen over TTIP
CV/Political career/15
1990-2014 : Member of the Federal Executive Committee for Lower Saxony
1999-2007 : Quaestor en lid presidium
CV/Political career/16
2000- ... : Atlantic Bridge, working group on transatlantic relations
2009-2014 : Woordvoerder PPE voor de Parlementaire Vergadering Europa-Latijns-Amerika
CV/Political career/17
2000-2003 : Chair of the CDU bioethics discussion group
2012-2014 : Voorzitter van de observatiegroep voor de handelsbetrekkingen tussen Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland
CV/Political career/18
2000-2003 : Member of the CDU research and innovation discussion group
2013- ... : Lid European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
CV/Political career/19
2013- ... : Member of the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
2009- ... : Europees ideeënnetwerk, voorzitter "Transatlantic Relations"
CV/Political career/20
1989- ... : Member of the European Parliament
2013- ... : Lid Transatlantic Policy Network
CV/Political career/21
1990-1996 : Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union
2000- ... : Lid Atlantik-Brücke, werkgroep trans-Atlantische betrekkingen
CV/Professional career/0
1972-1973 : Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry: Manfred Eigen/Leo de Maeyer unit, Göttingen, doctoral scholarship student
2002- ... : Universiteit Hildesheim: docent en onbezoldigd hoogleraar
CV/Professional career/1
2002- ... : University of Hildesheim: lecturer and honorary professor
1979-1989 : Universiteit Hildesheim: meest recent: universiteitsambtenaar
CV/Professional career/2
1973 : Awarded PhD. at the University of Leuven (Belgium)
1974-1978 : Medizinische Hochschule (hogeschool voor geneeskunde) Hannover: wetenschappelijk medewerker
CV/Professional career/3
1974-1978 : University of Medicine, Hanover: scientific assistant
1972-1973 : Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie: Afdeling Manfred Eigen / Leo de Maeyer, Göttingen, promovenda
CV/Professional career/4
1979-1989 : University of Hildesheim: (most recently) academic advisor
1973 : Doctoraat (Dr. phil. nat.), Universiteit Leuven (België)
Political career
Professional career
Other activities
Dr. phil. nat. (physical chemistry, Catholic University of Louvain) (1973). Scientific assistant at the University of Medicine, Hanover (1973-1978). Lecturer at the University of Hildesheim (1979-1989). Honorary professor at the University of Hildesheim (2009).
Member of the CDU Federal Executive Committee (since 1994); member of the Lower Saxony CDU Executive Committee (since 1990); member of the Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union (1990-1996); member of the Hildesheim district executive (1990-1998); chair of Hildesheim Town Association (since 2005).
Chair, committee of the epsicopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim). Patron, European Meeting House for Disadvantaged Young People in Foncebadon (Spain). Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee. Honorary lecturer at the University of Hildesheim (since 2002).
Federal Cross of Merit with ribbon.
  • Dr. phil. nat. (physical chemistry, Catholic University of Louvain) (1973). Scientific assistant at the University of Medicine, Hanover (1973-1978). Lecturer at the University of Hildesheim (1979-1989). Honorary professor at the University of Hildesheim (2009).
  • Member of the CDU Federal Executive Committee (since 1994); member of the Lower Saxony CDU Executive Committee (since 1990); member of the Federal Executive Committee of the Women's Union (1990-1996); member of the Hildesheim district executive (1990-1998); chair of Hildesheim Town Association (since 2005).
  • Chair, committee of the epsicopal foundation 'Gemeinsam für das Leben' (Hildesheim). Patron, European Meeting House for Disadvantaged Young People in Foncebadon (Spain). Founder member, Hildesheim Cathedral Fabric Committee. Honorary lecturer at the University of Hildesheim (since 2002).
  • Federal Cross of Merit with ribbon.