Vasile DÎNCU
- Partidul Social Democrat Romania 2024/07/16 -
Show earlier Constituencies...
- Partidul Social Democrat Romania 2007/01/01 - 2007/12/09
- Partidul Social Democrat Romania 2005/09/26 - 2006/12/31
- S&D Member Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 2024/07/16 -
Role | Committee | Start | End |
Member of | Committee on Constitutional Affairs | 2024/07/19 | |
Substitute of | Committee on Foreign Affairs | 2024/07/19 |
Show earlier committees...
Role | Committee | Start | End |
Observer of | Committee on Regional Development | 2005/09/29 | 2006/12/31 |
Member of | Committee on Regional Development | 2007/01/15 | 2007/01/30 |
Substitute of | Committee on Employment and Social Affairs | 2007/01/31 | 2007/12/09 |
Member of | Committee on Regional Development | 2007/01/31 | 2007/12/09 |
Substitute of | Subcommittee on Security and Defence | 2024/09/25 | 2024/10/06 |
Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Member of | Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly | 2024/09/19 | |
Substitute of | Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee | 2024/09/19 |
Show earlier delegations...
Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Member of | Delegation for relations with Israel | 2007/03/15 | 2007/12/09 |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries | 2007/03/15 | 2007/12/09 |
- [javascript protected email address]
- Phone: 003222845461
- Fax:
- Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 13G165
- Full Address
- City: Bruxelles/Brussel
- Zip: B-1047
- Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
- Phone: 0033388175461
- Fax:
- Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T05040
- Full Address
- City: Strasbourg
- Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
- Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
Amendment Co-authors
Name | Group | Country | Ams |
By types
Institutional motions (3)Plenary speeches (4)
By dossiers
Count | Dossier Reference | Title |
1 | 2024/2821(RSP) |
See historical changes of the Bio
1961/11/25 - NăsăudEducation (qualifications and diplomas)
- 1985-1989 : Babeș Bolyai University - Faculty of History and Philosophy - Specialisation in Sociology
- 1994-1998 : PhD - Babeș Bolyai University
Professional career
- 2005- ... : PhD, Bucharest University, IOSUD
- 2002- ... : University professor, Bucharest University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
- 2022- ... : Visiting associate professor, Carol I National Defence University, Bucharest
- 2012-2016 : Member of the Romanian National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU)
- 1999-2000 : Vice-dean, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș Bolyai University
- 1991-2000 : University lecturer, senior lecturer and professor), Babeș Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy/ Faculty of Sociology and Social Work/ Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
- 1988-1991 : Teacher at Petroșani industrial sciences secondary school and Petroșani computer sciences secondary school
- 01/2017-01/2021 : Director of the Research and Development Department of the company Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy – IRES Srl
- 2013-2014 : Member of the academic working party of the Advisory Committee on Regionalisation
- 10/2009-11/2015 : President of the company Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy – IRES Srl
- 1994-2000 : Director-general of Metro Media Transylvania Institute for Social Studies, Marketing and Advertising
Political career
- 08/2024- ... : Vice-President for European Affairs of the Romanian Social Democratic party
- 08/2020-08/2024 : President of the National Council of the Romanian Social Democratic party
- 2019- ... : Member of the Romanian Social Democratic party
- 2005-2008 : Vice-President of the Romanian Social Democratic party
- 2000-2007 : Member of the Romanian Social Democratic party
- 22/12/2020-25/06/2024 : Senator – Chair of the Committee on European Affairs; Chair of the Romanian Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Chair of the Sub-committee on Resilience and Civilian Security of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
- 12/2004-12/2007 : Senator
- 25/11/2021-25/10/2022 : Minister for National Defence
- 11/2015-01/2017 : Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Regional Development and Public Administration
- 2003-2004 : President of the Agency for Governmental Strategy of the Romanian Government
- 2000-2003 : Minister for Public Information
- 07/2024- ... : Member of the European Parliament
- 01/2007-12/2007 : Member of the European Parliament
- 09/2005-12/2006 : Observer at the European Parliament
- 2023-2024 : Chair of the Sub-committee on Resilience and Civilian Security (CDSRCS) of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Other activities
- 2009- ... : Member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research
- 2009- ... : Member of the Scientific Council of the Romanian Sociologists Society
- 2009- ... : Member of the Advisory Board of Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, ISSN (print): 1224-8703, ISSN (online): 2066-0464, ISSN-L: 1224-8703
- 2009- ... : Member of the International Sociological Association
- 2009- ... : Member of the Romanian Sociologists Association
- 2009- ... : Member of the ‘Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Information Technology’ section of the Romanian Sociologists Society
- 2014- ... : Member of the Cluj branch of the Writers’ Union of Romania
- Honorary Doctorate from Petroșani University
- Order of ‘Prince Yaroslav the Wise’, lllrd grade, from the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy
- Honterus medal from the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
- Honorary Professorship from Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck
- Gold Badge from the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, their highest award
- Order of the Romanian Star, Knight Rank, from the President of Romania
Vasile DÎNCU on
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
2024-10-09Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/6/end |
2024-10-06T00:00:00 |
2024-10-04Show (85) Changes | Timetravel
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0 |
1985-1989 : Babeș Bolyai University - Faculty of History and Philosophy - Specialisation in Sociology
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0 |
1985-1989 : Universitatea Babeș Bolyai - Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie - specializarea sociologie
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/1 |
1994-1998 : PhD - Babeș Bolyai University
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/1 |
1994-1998 : doctorat - Universitatea Babeș Bolyai
CV/Honours/0 |
Honorary Doctorate from Petroșani University
CV/Honours/0 |
Doctor Honoris Causa al Universității din Petroșani
CV/Honours/1 |
Order of ‘Prince Yaroslav the Wise’, lllrd grade, from the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy
CV/Honours/1 |
Ordinul „Prințul Iaroslav cel Înțelept”, gradul al lll-lea, din partea președintelui Ucrainei, Volodîmîr Zelenskîi
CV/Honours/2 |
Honterus medal from the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
CV/Honours/2 |
Medalia Honterus din partea Forumului Democrat al Germanilor din România
CV/Honours/3 |
Honorary Professorship from Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
CV/Honours/3 |
Profesor Honoris Causa al Universității Babeș Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca
CV/Honours/4 |
Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck
CV/Honours/4 |
Crucea de Merit în rang de cavaler al Ordinului de Merit al Republicii Federale Germania din partea președintelui Republicii Federale Germania, Joachim Gauck
CV/Honours/5 |
Gold Badge from the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, their highest award
CV/Honours/5 |
Insigna de Aur – cea mai înaltă distincție a Forumului Democrat al Germanilor din România
CV/Honours/6 |
Order of the Romanian Star, Knight Rank, from the President of Romania
CV/Honours/6 |
Ordinul Steaua României în grad de Cavaler acordat de Președinția României
CV/Other activities/0 |
2009- ... : Member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research
CV/Other activities/0 |
2009- ... : membru al „European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research”
CV/Other activities/1 |
2009- ... : Member of the Scientific Council of the Romanian Sociologists Society
CV/Other activities/1 |
2009- ... : membru al Consiliului Științific, Societatea Sociologilor din România
CV/Other activities/2 |
2009- ... : Member of the Advisory Board of Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, ISSN (print): 1224-8703, ISSN (online): 2066-0464, ISSN-L: 1224-8703
CV/Other activities/2 |
2009- ... : membru al Consiliului consultativ al Studia Universitatis, Studia Sociologia, ISSN (print): 1224-8703, ISSN (online): 2066-0464, ISSN-L: 1224-8703
CV/Other activities/3 |
2009- ... : Member of the International Sociological Association
CV/Other activities/3 |
2009- ... : membru, International Sociological Association
CV/Other activities/4 |
2009- ... : Member of the Romanian Sociologists Association
CV/Other activities/4 |
2009- ... : membru al Asociației Sociologilor din România
CV/Other activities/5 |
2009- ... : Member of the ‘Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Information Technology’ section of the Romanian Sociologists Society
CV/Other activities/5 |
2009- ... : membru al Societății Sociologilor din România, secția „Sociologia Comunicării, Cunoașterii și Tehnologia Informației”
CV/Other activities/6 |
2014- ... : Member of the Cluj branch of the Writers’ Union of Romania
CV/Other activities/6 |
2014- ... : membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din România, filiala Cluj
CV/Political career/0 |
08/2024- ... : Vice-President for European Affairs of the Romanian Social Democratic party
CV/Political career/0 |
08/2024- ... : vicepreședinte pentru afaceri europene, Partidul Social Democrat
CV/Political career/1 |
08/2020-08/2024 : President of the National Council of the Romanian Social Democratic party
CV/Political career/1 |
08/2020-08/2024 : președinte, Consiliul Național al Partidului Social Democrat
CV/Political career/2 |
2019- ... : Member of the Romanian Social Democratic party
CV/Political career/2 |
2019- ... : membru, Partidul Social Democrat
CV/Political career/3 |
2005-2008 : Vice-President of the Romanian Social Democratic party
CV/Political career/3 |
2005-2008 : vicepreședinte, Partidul Social Democrat
CV/Political career/4 |
2000-2007 : Member of the Romanian Social Democratic party
CV/Political career/4 |
2000-2007 : membru, Partidul Social Democrat
CV/Political career/5 |
22/12/2020-25/06/2024 : Senator – Chair of the Committee on European Affairs; Chair of the Romanian Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Chair of the Sub-committee on Resilience and Civilian Security of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
CV/Political career/5 |
22/12/2020-25/06/2024 : senator - președintele Comisiei pentru afaceri europene; președintele Delegației Parlamentului României la Adunarea Parlamentară NATO; președintele Subcomisiei pentru reziliență și securitate civilă din cadrul Adunării Parlamentare NATO
CV/Political career/6 |
12/2004-12/2007 : Senator
CV/Political career/6 |
12/2004-12/2007 : senator
CV/Political career/7 |
25/11/2021-25/10/2022 : Minister for National Defence
CV/Political career/7 |
25/11/2021-25/10/2022 : ministru, Ministerul Apărării Naționale
CV/Political career/8 |
11/2015-01/2017 : Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Regional Development and Public Administration
CV/Political career/8 |
11/2015-01/2017 : viceprim-ministru; ministru, Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice
CV/Political career/9 |
2003-2004 : President of the Agency for Governmental Strategy of the Romanian Government
CV/Political career/9 |
2003-2004 : președinte, Agenția pentru Strategii Guvernamentale, Guvernul României
CV/Political career/10 |
2000-2003 : Minister for Public Information
CV/Political career/10 |
2000-2003 : ministru, Ministerul Informațiilor Publice
CV/Political career/11 |
07/2024- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/11 |
07/2024- ... : deputat în Parlamentul European
CV/Political career/12 |
01/2007-12/2007 : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/12 |
01/2007-12/2007 : deputat în Parlamentul European
CV/Political career/13 |
09/2005-12/2006 : Observer at the European Parliament
CV/Political career/13 |
09/2005-12/2006 : observator, Parlamentul European
CV/Political career/14 |
2023-2024 : Chair of the Sub-committee on Resilience and Civilian Security (CDSRCS) of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
CV/Political career/14 |
2023-2024 : președinte, Subcomisia pentru reziliență și securitate civilă (CDSRCS) din Adunarea Parlamentară NATO
CV/Professional career/0 |
2005- ... : PhD, Bucharest University, IOSUD
CV/Professional career/0 |
2005- ... : conducător doctorat, Universitatea București, IOSUD
CV/Professional career/1 |
2002- ... : University professor, Bucharest University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
CV/Professional career/1 |
2002- ... : profesor universitar, Universitatea București, Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială
CV/Professional career/2 |
2022- ... : Visiting associate professor, Carol I National Defence University, Bucharest
CV/Professional career/2 |
2022- ... : profesor asociat invitat, Universitatea Națională de Apărare Carol I, București
CV/Professional career/3 |
2012-2016 : Member of the Romanian National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU)
CV/Professional career/3 |
2012-2016 : membru al Comisiei de Sociologie, Științe Politice și Administrative, CNATDCU (Consiliul Național de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor și Certificatelor Universitare)
CV/Professional career/4 |
1999-2000 : Vice-dean, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș Bolyai University
CV/Professional career/4 |
1999-2000 : prodecan, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie
CV/Professional career/5 |
1991-2000 : University lecturer, senior lecturer and professor), Babeș Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy/ Faculty of Sociology and Social Work/ Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
CV/Professional career/5 |
1991-2000 : cadru didactic universitar (lector, conferențiar, profesor universitar), Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie/ Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială/ Facultatea Științe Politice Administrative și ale Comunicării
CV/Professional career/6 |
1988-1991 : Teacher at Petroșani industrial sciences secondary school and Petroșani computer sciences secondary school
CV/Professional career/6 |
1988-1991 : cadru didactic la Liceul industrial Petroșani și Liceul de Informatică Petroșani
CV/Professional career/7 |
01/2017-01/2021 : Director of the Research and Development Department of the company Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy – IRES Srl
CV/Professional career/7 |
01/2017-01/2021 : director, Departamentul Cercetare – Dezvoltare, SC Institutul Român pentru Evaluare și Strategie – IRES SRL
CV/Professional career/8 |
2013-2014 : Member of the academic working party of the Advisory Committee on Regionalisation
CV/Professional career/8 |
2013-2014 : membru al Grupului de lucru academic, Consiliul Consultativ pentru Regionalizare
CV/Professional career/9 |
10/2009-11/2015 : President of the company Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy – IRES Srl
CV/Professional career/9 |
10/2009-11/2015 : președinte, SC Institutul Român pentru Evaluare și Strategie – IRES SRL
CV/Professional career/10 |
1994-2000 : Director-general of Metro Media Transylvania Institute for Social Studies, Marketing and Advertising
CV/Professional career/10 |
1994-2000 : director general, Institutul de Studii Sociale, Marketing și Publicitate Metro Media Transilvania
CV/updated |
2024-10-03T00:00:00 |
2024-09-28Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/6 |
2024-09-20Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Delegations/2 |
Delegations/3 |
2024-09-19Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
2024-09-18Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local/0 |
Elian Marian MOMEA
assistants/local/1 |
Cristiana Luiza NEAGU
2024-09-15Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local |
2024-09-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/1 |
2024-08-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents |
2024-07-22Show (11) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Committees/4 |
Committees/5 |
Constituencies/2 |
Declaration of private interests |
Declaration on appropriate behaviour |
Groups/2 |
active |
True |
assistants |
2019-07-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Photo |
Old |
2019-04-17Show (17) Changes | Timetravel
Name/aliases/0 |
Name/aliases/1 |
DINCU Vasile
Name/aliases/2 |
Name/aliases/5 |
Name/aliases/6 |
Vasile DINCU
Name/aliases/8 |
Name/aliases/9 |
Name/aliases/10 |
Name/aliases/11 |
dincu vasile
Name/aliases/12 |
Name/aliases/13 |
Name/aliases/14 |
dîncu vasile
Name/aliases/15 |
Name/aliases/16 |
vasile dincu
Name/aliases/17 |
vasile dîncu
Name/aliases/18 |
Name/aliases/19 |
2019-03-21Show (17) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
Committees/0 |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/3 |
Committees/3 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/1 |
Constituencies/1 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/1 |
Groups/1 |
2019-03-18Show (18) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/committee_id |
Committees/0/term |
Committees/1/committee_id |
Committees/1/term |
Committees/2/committee_id |
Committees/2/term |
Committees/3 |
Constituencies/0/term |
Constituencies/1 |
Delegations/0/abbr |
Delegations/0/term |
Delegations/1/abbr |
Delegations/1/term |
Financial Declarations |
Groups/0/country |
Groups/1/country |
Groups/1/role |
Observer |
Name/familylc |
2014-09-07Show (9) Changes | Timetravel
CV/0 |
Degree in philosophy and history, Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj, 1989). Doctorate in sociology, Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj, 1998).
CV/1 |
Teacher of social sciences, Secondary School No 1 (Petroşani, 1989-1990). Journalist (Petroşani - Hunedoara county, 1990-1991). Researcher in sociology - Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj, 1992-1994). Lecturer in sociology - Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj, 1994-2001). Professor, University of Bucharest (2001-2006). Minister of Public Information in the Romanian government (2000-2003). President of the Governmental Strategic Agency (2003-2004). Senator (from 2004). Observer in the European Parliament (2005-2006).
CV/2 |
Executive Secretary, National Council of the Partidul Social Democrat (PSD) (2001-2005). Vice-President of the PSD (since 2006).
CV/3 |
Deputy leader of the PSD group in the Romanian Parliament.
CV/4 |
Minister of Public Information in the Romanian government (2000-2003). President of the Governmental Strategic Agency (2003-2004).
CV/5 |
Member ('Cavaler') of the 'Ordinul "Steaua României"' (Order of the Star of Romania) (2003).
Financial Declarations |
Groups/0/country |
Groups/1/country |
2013-07-21Show (11) Changes
Birth |
CV |
Committees |
Constituencies |
Delegations |
Gender |
Groups |
Name |
Photo |
UserID |
active |