48 Written questions of Svetoslav Hristov MALINOV

Bulgaria's failure to comply with its obligations under Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM PDF (45 KB) DOC (20 KB)
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(20 KB)
Suspected violation of Article 17 of the Habitats Directive in Bulgaria PDF (42 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Commission fine on the Bulgarian Energy Holding Group PDF (50 KB) DOC (19 KB)
Documents: PDF(50 KB) DOC(19 KB)
Production of a guide on implementation of the Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora PDF (41 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Damage to protected habitats and species following construction of stretches of the 'Struma' motorway PDF (47 KB) DOC (19 KB)
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(19 KB)
The decision not to include Russia on the list of high-risk third countries with strategic deficiencies in their anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorism-financing regimes PDF (51 KB) DOC (20 KB)
Documents: PDF(51 KB) DOC(20 KB)
Recovery of unlawful state aid by Bulgaria PDF (40 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Infringements of EU law in the enforcement of claims in Bulgaria PDF (41 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Force-feeding in foie gras production PDF (100 KB) DOC (19 KB)
Documents: PDF(100 KB) DOC(19 KB)
An alert for an abusive practice of dominant position and practices incompatible with the internal market in the fuel market in Bulgaria PDF (104 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Bulgarian law regulating business activities connected with petroleum-derived products PDF (6 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(6 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Potential infringement of EU law concerning the construction of Struma motorway in Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria PDF (103 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Nuclear safety in the EU PDF (5 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(18 KB)
The new project for building a nuclear power plant in Belene, Bulgaria PDF (5 KB) DOC (19 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(19 KB)
Protection of the Rila Important Bird Area (Bulgaria) PDF (104 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Breaches of EU environmental law at Coral Beach in the municipality of Tsarevo PDF (104 KB) DOC (19 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(19 KB)
Foie gras production and the external evaluation of EU marketing standards PDF (5 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Foie gras production PDF (104 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(18 KB)
VP/HR - Syrian security official in Italy despite EU sanctions PDF (196 KB) DOC (17 KB)
Documents: PDF(196 KB) DOC(17 KB)
VP/HR - Implementation of sanctions against Russia PDF (197 KB) DOC (19 KB)
Documents: PDF(197 KB) DOC(19 KB)
Protection of priority species in the Rila Mountains PDF (6 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(6 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Environmental assessment of the Pirin National Park management plan PDF (6 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(6 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Designation of Special Areas of Conservation in Bulgaria PDF (5 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Prospects for the Western Balkan countries' accession to the EU PDF (103 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Outcome of the Commission investigation into apparent violations of Bulgarian citizens' rights PDF (103 KB) DOC (17 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(17 KB)
Potential infringement of EU law in connection with the management plan of Pirin National Park PDF (102 KB) DOC (18 KB)
Documents: PDF(102 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Potential infringement of EU law in connection with the construction and operation of hydroelectric power stations in Bulgaria PDF (105 KB) DOC (20 KB)
Documents: PDF(105 KB) DOC(20 KB)
Apparent violation of EU law in Bulgaria, and the EU Pilot procedure PDF (104 KB) DOC (16 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(16 KB)
Delay in the official publication of the results of the 'fitness check' on the Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) and the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) PDF (101 KB) DOC (16 KB)
Documents: PDF(101 KB) DOC(16 KB)
EU funding for the European Union Youth Orchestra PDF (191 KB) DOC (15 KB)
Documents: PDF(191 KB) DOC(15 KB)
Serious difficulties in the international road transport sector PDF (103 KB) DOC (15 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(15 KB)
Compliance with EU state aid rules and regulation of Bulgarian irrigation associations PDF (102 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(102 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Access to TTIP consolidated negotiating texts PDF (102 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(102 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Reports of worsening air pollution in the city of Ruse, Bulgaria PDF (104 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Attempts by Bulgarian teams to apply for funding under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development and Horizon 2020 PDF (100 KB) DOC (25 KB)
Documents: PDF(100 KB) DOC(25 KB)
Progress made in the implementation of the Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships PDF (198 KB) DOC (30 KB)
Documents: PDF(198 KB) DOC(30 KB)
Protecting vultures in Europe PDF (101 KB) DOC (23 KB)
Documents: PDF(101 KB) DOC(23 KB)
Conservation of the brown bear in Bulgaria PDF (100 KB) DOC (23 KB)
Documents: PDF(100 KB) DOC(23 KB)
Progress in the ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty PDF (197 KB) DOC (28 KB)
Documents: PDF(197 KB) DOC(28 KB)
Negotiations with the USA on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the easing of visa rules PDF (5 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Safety guarantees for European consumers under the TTIP agreement PDF (102 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(102 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Protection of consumers' rights in arbitration proceedings in the EU PDF (103 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Position under EU law with regard to the possible establishment of a professional organisation of medical auxiliaries in Bulgaria PDF (103 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Unregulated state aid through the swap of farmlands in Bulgaria PDF (6 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(6 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Recovery of incompatible state aid in Bulgaria PDF (103 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(24 KB)
VP/HR - Appointing an EU Special Representative for Ukraine PDF (190 KB) DOC (26 KB)
Documents: PDF(190 KB) DOC(26 KB)
Follow-up to notifications in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 as amended by Regulation (EU) No 1289/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council PDF (102 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(102 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Road transport measures with a potentially protectionist effect in breach of EU legislation PDF (103 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(24 KB)