Subjects (443)

1 European citizenship
1.10 Fundamental rights in the EU, Charter
1.20 Citizen's rights
1.20.01 Political rights, right to vote and to stand in elections
1.20.02 Social and economic rights
1.20.03 Right of petition
1.20.04 European Ombudsman
1.20.05 Public access to information and documents, administrative practice
1.20.09 Protection of privacy and data protection
1.20.20 Diplomatic and consular protection
2 Internal market, single market
2.10 Free movement of goods
2.10.01 Customs union, tax and duty-free, Community transit
2.10.02 Public procurement
2.10.03 Standardisation, EC/EU standards and trade mark, certification, compliance
2.20 Free movement of persons
2.20.01 Freedom of movement, right of residence, identity checks
2.30 Free movement of workers
2.40 Free movement of services, freedom to provide
2.40.01 Right of establishment
2.40.02 Public services, of general interest, universal service
2.50 Free movement of capital
2.50.02 Savings
2.50.03 Securities and financial markets, stock exchange, CIUTS, investments
2.50.04 Banks and credit Electronic money and payments, cross-border credit transfers
2.50.05 Insurance, pension funds
2.50.08 Financial services, financial reporting and auditing
2.50.10 Financial supervision
2.60 Competition
2.60.01 Trade restrictions, concerted practices, dominant positions
2.60.02 Dumping, monopolies
2.60.03 State aids and interventions
2.60.04 Economic concentration, mergers, takeover bids, holding companies
2.70 Taxation
2.70.01 Direct taxation
2.70.02 Indirect taxation, VAT, excise duties
2.80 Cooperation between administrations
3 Community policies
3.10 Agricultural policy and economies
3.10.01 Agricultural structures and holdings, farmers Rural development, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Less-favoured agricultural areas
3.10.02 Processed products, agri-foodstuffs
3.10.03 Marketing and trade of agricultural products and livestock
3.10.04 Livestock farming Animal protection
3.10.05 Livestock products, in general Meat Milk and dairy products Eggs and poultry
3.10.06 Crop products in general, floriculture Fruit, citrus fruits Vegetables Cereals, rice Fodder plants Textile plants, cotton Oleaginous plants Sugar Wine, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages Industrial plants, tobacco, hops Tropical plants
3.10.07 Animal and vegetable fats, oils
3.10.08 Animal health requirements, veterinary legislation and pharmacy Feedingstuffs, animal nutrition Animal diseases
3.10.09 Plant health legislation, organic farming, agro-genetics in general Plant health legislation Organic farming Agro-genetics, GMOs
3.10.10 Foodstuffs, foodstuffs legislation
3.10.11 Forestry policy
3.10.12 Agrimonetary policy, compensatory amounts
3.10.13 European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, EAGGF and EAGF
3.10.14 Support for producers and premiums Set-aside and conversion of land
3.10.15 Agricultural production, farm surpluses, shortages and quotas, non-marketing premiums
3.10.30 Agricultural statistics
3.15 Fisheries policy
3.15.01 Fish stocks, conservation of fishery resources
3.15.02 Aquaculture
3.15.03 Fishing fleets, safety of fishing vessels
3.15.04 Management of fisheries, fisheries, fishing grounds
3.15.05 Fish catches, import tariff quotas
3.15.06 Fishing industry and statistics, fishery products
3.15.07 Fisheries inspectorate, surveillance of fishing vessels and areas
3.15.08 Fishing enterprises, fishermen, working conditions on board
3.15.15 Fisheries agreements and cooperation Fisheries agreements with African countries Fisheries agreements with Indian Ocean countries Fisheries agreements with Maghreb and Mediterranean countries Fisheries agreements with Pacific countries Fisheries agreements with Northern and Baltic countries
3.15.16 Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG), European Fisheries Fund (EFF)
3.15.17 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
3.20 Transport policy in general
3.20.01 Air transport and air freight Air safety
3.20.02 Rail transport: passengers and freight Railway safety
3.20.03 Maritime transport: passengers and freight Maritime safety
3.20.04 Inland waterway transport
3.20.05 Road transport: passengers and freight
3.20.06 Transport regulations, road safety, roadworthiness tests, driving licence
3.20.07 Combined transport, multimodal transport
3.20.08 Urban transport
3.20.09 Ports policy
3.20.10 Transport undertakings, transport industry employees
3.20.11 Trans-European transport networks
3.20.15 Transport agreements and cooperation Air transport agreements and cooperation Road transport agreements and cooperation Maritime or inland transport agreements and cooperation Rail transport agreements and cooperation
3.20.20 Transport statistics
3.30 Information and communications in general
3.30.01 Audiovisual industry and services Programmes and actions in audiovisual sector
3.30.02 Television, cable, digital, mobile
3.30.03 Telecommunications, data transmission, telephone Telecommunication networks Communications by satellite
3.30.04 Radiocommunications, broadcasting
3.30.05 Electronic and mobile communications, personal communications
3.30.06 Information and communication technologies, digital technologies
3.30.07 Cybersecurity, cyberspace policy
3.30.08 Press, media freedom and pluralism
3.30.09 Postal services, parcel delivery services
3.30.15 Telematics
3.30.16 Ethical information policy
3.30.20 Trans-European communications networks
3.30.25 International information networks and society, internet Information programmes and action plans
3.30.30 Information and audiovisual statistics
3.40 Industrial policy
3.40.01 Chemical industry, fertilizers, plastics
3.40.02 Iron and steel industry, metallurgical industry
3.40.03 Motor industry, cycle and motorcycle, commercial and agricultural vehicles
3.40.04 Shipbuilding, nautical industry
3.40.05 Aeronautical industry, aerospace industry
3.40.06 Electronics, electrotechnical industries, ICT, robotics
3.40.07 Building industry
3.40.08 Mechanical engineering, machine-tool industry
3.40.09 Defence and arms industry
3.40.10 Textile and clothing industry, leathers
3.40.11 Precision engineering, optics, photography, medical
3.40.12 Luxury products industry, cosmetics
3.40.13 Food industry
3.40.14 Industrial competitiveness
3.40.16 Raw materials
3.40.17 Manufactured goods
3.40.18 Services sector
3.45 Enterprise policy, inter-company cooperation
3.45.01 Company law
3.45.02 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), craft industries
3.45.03 Financial management of undertakings, business loans, accounting
3.45.04 Company taxation
3.45.05 Business policy, e-commerce, after-sales service, commercial distribution
3.45.06 Entrepreneurship, liberal professions
3.45.07 Social economy, mutual societies, cooperatives, associations
3.45.08 Business environment, reduction of the administrative burdens
3.45.20 Business statistics
3.50 Research and technological development and space
3.50.01 European research area and policy Research specific areas
3.50.02 Framework programme and research programmes EC, EU framework programme Euratom framework programme, research and training programmes Framework programme and research programme for Coal and Steel
3.50.03 European space policy
3.50.04 Innovation
3.50.06 Research staff, researchers
3.50.08 New technologies; biotechnology
3.50.15 Intellectual property, copyright
3.50.16 Industrial property, European patent, Community patent, design and pattern
3.50.20 Scientific and technological cooperation and agreements
3.60 Energy policy
3.60.01 Solid fuels, coal mining, mining industry
3.60.02 Oil industry, motor fuels
3.60.03 Gas, electricity, natural gas, biogas
3.60.04 Nuclear energy, industry and safety
3.60.05 Alternative and renewable energies
3.60.06 Trans-European energy networks
3.60.08 Energy efficiency
3.60.10 Security of energy supply
3.60.12 Energy statistics
3.60.15 Cooperation and agreements for energy
3.70 Environmental policy
3.70.01 Protection of natural resources: fauna, flora, nature, wildlife, countryside; biodiversity
3.70.02 Atmospheric pollution, motor vehicle pollution
3.70.03 Climate policy, climate change, ozone layer
3.70.04 Water control and management, pollution of waterways, water pollution
3.70.05 Marine and coastal pollution, pollution from ships, oil pollution
3.70.06 Soil pollution, deterioration
3.70.07 Noise pollution
3.70.08 Radioactive pollution
3.70.09 Transfrontier pollution
3.70.10 Man-made disasters, industrial pollution and accidents
3.70.11 Natural disasters, Solidarity Fund
3.70.12 Waste management, domestic waste, packaging, light industrial waste
3.70.13 Dangerous substances, toxic and radioactive wastes (storage, transport)
3.70.15 Environmental taxation
3.70.16 Law and environment, liability
3.70.17 European ecolabel and ecolabelling, ecodesign
3.70.18 International and regional environment protection measures and agreements
3.70.20 Sustainable development
4 Economic, social and territorial cohesion
4.10 Social policy, social charter and protocol
4.10.02 Family policy, family law, parental leave
4.10.03 Child protection, children's rights
4.10.04 Gender equality Programmes and actions for gender equality
4.10.05 Social inclusion, poverty, minimum income
4.10.06 People with disabilities
4.10.07 The elderly
4.10.08 Equal treatment of persons, non-discrimination
4.10.09 Women condition and rights
4.10.10 Social protection, social security
4.10.11 Retirement, pensions
4.10.12 Housing policy
4.10.13 Sport
4.10.14 Demography
4.10.15 European Social Fund (ESF), Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)
4.10.16 Social and community life, associations, foundations
4.10.25 Social problems: delinquency, violence, crime
4.15 Employment policy, action to combat unemployment
4.15.02 Employment: guidelines, actions, Funds
4.15.03 Arrangement of working time, work schedules
4.15.04 Workforce, occupational mobility, job conversion, working conditions
4.15.05 Industrial restructuring, job losses, redundancies, relocations, Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)
4.15.06 Professional qualifications, recognition of qualifications
4.15.08 Work, employment, wages and salaries: equal opportunities women and men, and for all
4.15.10 Worker information, participation, trade unions, works councils
4.15.12 Workers protection and rights, labour law
4.15.14 Social dialogue, social partners
4.15.15 Health and safety at work, occupational medicine
4.20 Public health
4.20.01 Medicine, diseases
4.20.02 Medical research Genetics and bioethics Clinical practice and experiments
4.20.03 Drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking
4.20.04 Pharmaceutical products and industry Safety of blood and transfusion
4.20.05 Health legislation and policy
4.20.06 Health services, medical institutions
4.20.07 Medical and para-medical professions
4.30 Civil protection
4.40 Education, vocational training and youth
4.40.01 European area for education, training and lifelong learning
4.40.03 Primary and secondary school, European Schools, early childhood
4.40.04 Universities, higher education
4.40.06 Teachers, trainers, pupils, students
4.40.07 Recognition of diplomas, equivalence of studies and training
4.40.08 Language learning, regional and local languages
4.40.10 Youth
4.40.15 Vocational education and training
4.40.20 Cooperation and agreements in the fields of education, training and youth
4.45 Common cultural area, cultural diversity
4.45.02 Cultural programmes and actions, assistance
4.45.06 Heritage and culture protection, movement of works of art
4.45.08 Cultural and artistic activities, books and reading, arts
4.45.10 Literary and artistic property
4.50 Tourism
4.60 Consumers' protection in general
4.60.02 Consumer information, advertising, labelling
4.60.04 Consumer health Consumer security Food safety
4.60.06 Consumers' economic and legal interests
4.60.08 Safety of products and services, product liability
4.70 Regional policy
4.70.01 Structural funds, investment funds in general, programmes
4.70.02 Cohesion policy, Cohesion Fund (CF)
4.70.03 Community initiatives, Community support frameworks
4.70.04 Urban policy, cities, town and country planning
4.70.05 Regional cooperation, cross-border cooperation
4.70.06 Outlying and outermost regions, overseas countries and territories
4.70.07 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
5 Economic and monetary system
5.03 Global economy and globalisation
5.05 Economic growth
5.10 Economic union
5.10.01 Convergence of economic policies, public deficit, interest rates
5.10.02 Price policy, price stabilisation
5.20 Monetary union
5.20.01 Coordination of monetary policies, European Monetary Institute (EMI), Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
5.20.02 Single currency, euro, euro area
5.20.03 European Central Bank (ECB), ESCB
6 External relations of the Union
6.10 Common foreign and security policy (CFSP)
6.10.01 Foreign and common diplomatic policy
6.10.02 Common security and defence policy (CSDP); WEU, NATO
6.10.03 Armaments control, non-proliferation nuclear weapons
6.10.04 Third-country political situation, local and regional conflicts
6.10.05 Peace preservation, humanitarian and rescue tasks, crisis management
6.10.08 Fundamental freedoms, human rights, democracy in general
6.10.09 Human rights situation in the world
6.20 Common commercial policy in general
6.20.01 Agreements and relations in the context of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
6.20.02 Export/import control, trade defence, trade barriers
6.20.03 Bilateral economic and trade agreements and relations
6.20.04 Union Customs Code, tariffs, preferential arrangements, rules of origin
6.20.05 Multilateral and plurilateral economic and trade agreements and relations
6.20.06 Foreign direct investment (FDI)
6.20.07 Macro-financial assistance to third countries
6.30 Development cooperation
6.30.01 Generalised scheme of tariff preferences (GSP), rules of origin
6.30.02 Financial and technical cooperation and assistance
6.30.03 European Development Fund (EDF)
6.30.04 Loans to third-countries, Guarantee Fund
6.40 Relations with third countries
6.40.01 Relations with EEA/EFTA countries
6.40.02 Relations with central and eastern Europe Relations with northern Europe and the Baltic States
6.40.03 Relations with South-East Europe and the Balkans
6.40.04 Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Relations with Russian Federation Relations with Caucasus countries Relations with central Asian countries
6.40.05 Relations with the Mediterranean and southern European countries Relations with Southern European countries Relations with the countries of the Great Maghreb and Maghreb Relations with the countries of the Mashreq Relations with the countries of the Middle East Relations with Turkey
6.40.06 Relations with ACP countries, conventions and generalities
6.40.07 Relations with African countries
6.40.08 Relations with Asian countries
6.40.09 Relations with Oceanian countries
6.40.10 Relations with Latin America, Central America, Caribbean islands
6.40.11 Relations with industrialised countries
6.40.12 Relations with developing countries in general
6.40.13 Relations with/in the context of international organisations: UN, OSCE, OECD, Council of Europe, EBRD
6.40.14 Relations with non-governmental organisations, NGOs
6.40.15 European neighbourhood policy
6.40.16 Relations with/in the context of international financial organisations: World Bank, IBRD, IMF
6.40.17 Relations with BRIC countries
6.50 Emergency, food, humanitarian aid, aid to refugees, Emergency Aid Reserve
7 Area of freedom, security and justice
7.10 Free movement and integration of third-country nationals
7.10.02 Schengen area, Schengen acquis
7.10.04 External borders crossing and controls, visas
7.10.06 Asylum, refugees, displaced persons; Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
7.10.08 Migration policy
7.30 Police, judicial and customs cooperation in general
7.30.02 Customs cooperation
7.30.05 Police cooperation Europol, CEPOL
7.30.08 Action to combat racism and xenophobia
7.30.09 Public security
7.30.12 Control of personal weapons and ammunitions
7.30.20 Action to combat terrorism
7.30.30 Action to combat crime Action to combat violence, trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling Action to combat drugs and drug-trafficking Action to combat economic fraud and corruption Capital outflow, money laundering Action against counterfeiting
7.40 Judicial cooperation
7.40.02 Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters
7.40.04 Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
7.90 Justice and home affairs
8 State and evolution of the Union
8.10 Revision of the Treaties, intergovernmental conferences
8.20 Enlargement of the Union
8.20.01 Candidate countries
8.20.02 Enlargement 2004: new Member States
8.20.03 Enlargement 2007: Bulgaria and Romania
8.20.04 Pre-accession and partnership
8.20.06 Institutional reform and enlargement
8.20.08 Enlargement's economic and monetary point of view
8.20.12 Enlargement's agricultural point of view
8.20.13 Enlargement's fisheries point of view
8.20.16 Enlargement's transport point of view
8.20.17 Industry, research, energy and enlargement
8.20.18 Enlargement's environment point of view
8.20.19 Enlargement's consumer point of view
8.20.20 Enlargement's employment and social point of view
8.20.24 Tourism, culture and enlargement
8.20.26 Enlargement's regional point of view
8.20.28 Structural funds and instruments
8.20.32 Justice JHA and enlargement
8.20.40 Enlargement's financial point of view
8.30 Treaties in general
8.30.10 Principles common to the Member States, EU values
8.40 Institutions of the Union
8.40.01 European Parliament Elections, direct universal suffrage President, members, mandates, political groups Members' immunity Committees, interparliamentary delegations Business of Parliament, procedure, sittings, rules of procedure
8.40.02 Council of the Union
8.40.03 European Commission
8.40.04 Court of Justice, Court of First Instance
8.40.05 Court of Auditors
8.40.06 Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions
8.40.07 European Investment Bank (EIB)
8.40.08 Agencies and bodies of the EU
8.40.09 European officials, EU servants, staff regulations
8.40.10 Interinstitutional relations, subsidiarity, proportionality, comitology
8.40.11 Relations with Member State governments and national parliaments
8.40.13 ACP-EU bodies
8.40.14 European Council
8.40.16 Relations with interest representatives
8.50 EU law
8.50.01 Implementation of EU law
8.50.02 Legislative simplification, coordination, codification
8.60 European statistical legislation
8.70 Budget of the Union
8.70.01 Financing of the budget, own resources
8.70.02 Financial regulations
8.70.03 Budgetary control and discharge, implementation of the budget Basic texts on discharge 2017 discharge 2013 discharge 2014 discharge 2015 discharge 2016 discharge Previous discharges 2018 discharge 2019 discharge 2020 discharge 2021 discharge 2022 discharge 2023 discharge
8.70.04 Protecting financial interests of the EU against fraud
8.70.40 Basic budgetary texts
8.70.49 2025 budget
8.70.50 2020 budget
8.70.51 2021 budget
8.70.52 2022 budget
8.70.53 2023 budget
8.70.54 2024 budget
8.70.55 2015 budget
8.70.56 2016 budget
8.70.57 2017 budget
8.70.58 2018 budget
8.70.59 2019 budget
8.70.60 Previous annual budgets
8.70.70 Flexibility instrument