Subject "3.70.16 Law and environment, liability"
subscribeDossiers (42)
Findings adopted by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee in case ACCC/C/2015/128 as regards state aid: analysing the implications of the findings and assessing the options available. Stakeholder consultation - Synopsis report. Accompanying document
Protection of the environment through criminal law. Evaluation. Executive summary
Protection of the environment through criminal law. Evaluation
EU implementation of the Aarhus Convention in the area of access to justice in environmental matters. Report
Authorising the European Commission to participate in negotiations on a Council of Europe Convention superseding and replacing the 1998 Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law (ETS No. 172), as well as a draft Explanatory Report thereto. Recommendation for a Council decision
Findings adopted by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee in case ACCC/C/2015/128 as regards state aid: analysing the implications of the findings and assessing the options available
Stepping up the fight against environmental crime
Aarhus Convention: compliance cases ACCC/C/2008/32 and ACCC/C/2015/128. EU position
Ship-source pollution and introduction of penalties
Protection of the environment through criminal law
Liability of companies for environmental damage
Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, application of the Arhus Convention
Application of Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage ('ELD')
Liability, compensation and financial security for offshore and gas operations
Implementation of the Mining Waste Directive (2006/21/EC)
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea with regard to aspects related to judicial cooperation in civil matters; Protocol of 2010: ratification and accession by Member States
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea with the exception of aspects related to judicial cooperation in civil matters; Protocol of 2010: ratification and accession by Member States
Recognising ecological damage in EU and international law
Insurance of natural and man-made disasters
Improving the delivery of benefits from EU environment measures: building confidence through better knowledge and responsiveness
Biosafety: liability and redress. Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol to the Cartagena Protocol
Application of the EIA Directive in Austria
Safety of offshore oil and gas operations
Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution resulting from exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf and the seabed and its subsoil. Accession to the Offshore Protocol of the Barcelona Convention
Resolution on the EU strategy for the third Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Resoloution on the New Flame shipwreck and its consequences in Algeciras Bay
Ship-source pollution and introduction of penalties, including criminal penalties, for pollution offences
Protection of the environment through criminal law
Resolution on the follow-up to Parliament's opinion on environmental protection: combating crime, criminal offences and penalties
Deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms: implementing powers conferred on the Commission
Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, amendment to the conclusion of the Arhus Convention
Resolution on the European Union strategy for the Almaty Conference on the Aarhus Convention
Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, conclusion of the Arhus Convention
Environment: public's right of access to information, participation in decision-making and to justice, Aarhus Convention
Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, application of the Arhus Convention
Management of waste from extractive industries. Mining Waste Directive
Ship-source pollution: judicial cooperation to repress offences, criminal-law framework. Framework Decision
Ship-source pollution and introduction of penalties for infringements
Environment: liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage
Environmental protection: combating crime, criminal offences and penalties
Environmental protection: combating serious crime. Framework Decision. Initiative Denmark
Protection of environment against serious crimes