Subject "6.40.02 Relations with central and eastern Europe"

Dossiers (72)

Resolution on the challenges facing the Republic of Moldova
Resolution on the preparation of the EU-Ukraine Summit
Institutional Framework Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Recommendation
Cooperation agreement between Eurojust and Ukraine
EU/Ukraine Association Agreement
EU/Moldova Visa Facilitation Agreement: amendments and additions
EU/Ukraine Visa Facilitation Agreement: amendments and additions
Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
Negotiations of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS
EU strategy for the Black Sea
EU/Ukraine Framework Agreement: participation of Ukraine in Union programmes. Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership EC/Ukraine
EC/Moldova Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: framework agreement on the general principles for the participation of Moldova in Union programmes. Protocol
Financial and economic situation in Moldovia
Eastern Partnership
Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
Black Sea regional policy approach
EC/Moldova agreement: agreement on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation
EC/Moldova agreement: facilitation of the issuance of visas
EC/Moldova agreement: partnership and cooperation agreement, protocol after the 2007 enlargement
EC/Bulgaria agreement: association agreement, additional protocol after the 2004 enlargement
EC/Romania agreement: association agreement, additional protocol after the 2004 enlargement
EC/Moldova agreement: partnership and cooperation agreement, protocol after the 2004 enlargement
Resolution on the OSCE Advisory and monitoring Group mission in Belarus
Support for pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development in the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the pre-accession period
EC/Romania Europe agreement: public aid for restructuring the steel products sector, additional protocol
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement: public aid to restructuring the steel products sector, additional protocol
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement: public aid for restructuring the steel products sector, additional protocol
Health and social policy: participation of the Czech Republic in the Community programmes
2004 enlargement: accession strategies for environment with the candidate countries CEECs
Nuclear sector, safety: actions for the CEECs and the New independent States NIS
Health and social policy: participation of Bulgaria in the Community programmes
Culture Community programmes: participation of the Slovak Republic in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of Poland in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of Hungary in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of the Czech republic in Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of Bulgaria in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
EC/Romania Europe agreement: implementation art. 64 and 9, Protocol 2, ECSC products
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of the Slovak Republic in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of Poland in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of Hungary in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of the Czech Republic in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of Bulgaria in Community programme
EC/Slovak Republic Europe agreement: five-year extension for State aid
PHARE programme: decentralized system 1990-1995. Special report 3/97 Court of Auditors
CCEEs applicant for membership : assistance in the framework of the pre-accession strategy
Community audiovisual policy: participation of Hungary in the MEDIA II programme
EC/Romania Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Bulgaria Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Poland Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Slovakia Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Czech Republic Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Hungaria Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
Cross-border cooperation between Community and Central and Eastern European countries CEECs: 1994 Report
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement: state aids and ECSC products
PHARE. Annual reports 1994 et 1995
Central and Eastern countries CEECs: industrial cooperation
EC/Poland Europe agreement: implementation for competition rules
EC/Hungary Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Slovak Republic Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Slovakia Europe agreement: additional Protocol
EC/Czech republic Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Romania Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Poland Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Hungary Europe agreement: additional Protocol
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Slovak Republic Europe agreement
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement
EC/Romania Europe agreement
EC/Czechoslovakia agreement