Subject "3.40.14 Industrial competitiveness"

Dossiers (63)

Report on competition policy 2018. Accompanying document
Progress on competitiveness of clean energy technologies. Report
Towards a more resilient, competitive and sustainable Europe
Long-term competitiveness of the EU: looking beyond 2030
Report on competition policy 2018
The future of the European competitiveness
Need to complete new trade agreements for sustainable growth, competitiveness and the EU’s strategic autonomy
Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Single Market Programme
Resolution on an EU strategy to boost industrial competitiveness, trade and quality jobs
Increasing innovation, industrial and technological competitiveness through a favourable environment for start-ups and scale-ups
Reflection Paper - Sustainable Europe 2030
Programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, and European statistics 2021–2027
Perspectives and review of the EU 2020 strategy
Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry
Hearing on summer time changes in Europe
Implementation of the thematic objective "enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs" (Article 9(3)) of the Common Provisions Regulation
Green growth opportunities for SMEs
European business centres in Asia
Recovery of European industry in the light of current difficulties
Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable steel industry in Europe
How can the European Union contribute to creating a hospitable environment for enterprises, businesses and start-ups to create jobs?
2030 framework for climate and energy policies
CARS 2020: towards a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry
Reindustrialising Europe to promote competitiveness and sustainability
Making the internal energy market work
Resolution on a new sustainable and competitive steel industry, based on a petition received
Measures to protect the EU market from abnormally low priced imports of Chinese origin, especially photovoltaic panels
EU's external aviation policy - Addressing future challenges
Current challenges and opportunities for renewable energy on the European internal energy market
Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs): competitiveness and business opportunities
Securing Europe's supply of rare earth elements
Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation 2014-2020
Programme for the competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs, COSME 2014-2020
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): strategic innovation agenda 2014-2020
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 2014-2020
Financing of infrastructure projects: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) and trans-European transport and energy networks
Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument: Lifelong Learning Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, Palestine
Innovation Union: transforming Europe for a post-crisis world
Free trade agreement with South Korea: impact on European industry
Achieving real territorial, social and economic cohesion within the EU - a sine qua non condition for global competitiveness?
Derogations to Internal Market rules for defence procurement
Mid-term review of industrial policy: a contribution to the EU's growth and jobs strategy
Common principles on flexicurity
EU's strategy to deliver market access for European companies
CARS 21: a competitive automotive regulatory framework
Putting knowledge into practice: A broad-based innovation strategy for Europe
Defence procurement. Green Paper
Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) 2007-2013
Film heritage: collection and preservation, competitiveness of related industrial activities
Internal market: strategy, priorities 2003-2006
Forest-based and related industries: state of competitiveness
Resolution on the competitiveness of the textile and clothing industry
Research, development RTD, innovation: reinforcing economic cohesion and industrial competitiveness
Enterprises and SMEs: entrepreneurship for job creation, innovation and competitiveness
Construction industry: competitiveness
Competitiveness of the European textile and clothing industry, plan of action
Benchmarking, instrument to economic actors and public authorities
The competitiveness of the European information and communication technologies industries ICT
Competitiveness of the European industry
Competitiveness of European industry, benchmarking
Services of general interest in Europe
Industry and international industrial competitiveness: Community action programme
An industrial competitiveness policy for the European Union